Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1677: Encountered siege 2

Cao Yu's answer is also reasonable. The four treasures are also not doubtful. However, when Cao Yu spoke, Ye Shaoyang noticed that his eyes flashed a escaping look. It seemed to be a little flustered, but he didn't think much.

Four treasures took out a dark yellow compass from his backpack. When he didn't wait, Professor Sun first came over and looked at it for a while. He asked if he could give himself a look. The four treasures were handed over to him.

Cao Yu took a moment to look at the hand and said: "Yang Gongpan?"

The four treasures were a little surprised and asked: "Professor is really good eyesight, but how do you know that you are not convinced of Feng Shui?"

Professor Sun said: "I don't believe in feng shui, but I have a little research on antiques. It is said that Yang Gongpan is passed down from generation to generation by Feng Shui. The most recent production period is also in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Is this Yang Gongpan unknown?

The four treasures smugly touched their own Yang Gongpan and said: "My Yang public plate was uploaded by the ancestors, and I don't know when it was."

Professor Sun said: "The process of seeing this patina is mostly in the late Ming Dynasty."

Ye Shaoyang also took over and looked at it. Yang Gongpan also heard that it is the best kind of compass. It is mainly made of materials. It is the most advanced kind of psychic wood. The magnetic needle in the middle Tianchi disk is also The mysterious stone is built, but I don't know how to be feng shui. I don't know much about it. The Feng Shui compass that I carry with me is comparable to the Yang Gong plate in the hands of the four treasures. It is simply the difference between a shotgun and a cannon.

Gossip for a while, Sibao held Yang Gongpan with his left hand, and his right index finger smeared a bit of saliva on his tongue, and clicked on the compass plate of the compass. A really good compass, because the magnetic needle is magnetic, it is usually sealed, so as not to be inscrutable. After a long time, the perception of the magnetic needle will drop.

According to Feng Shui, after the closure, the magnetic needle will slowly gather aura, just as the practitioners usually meditate and squat, and when they need to use it, they will open again.

Four treasures hold the compass, according to a certain law, it seems to play Taiji, and suddenly left and right to go forward, his eyes have been locking the pointer. In addition to Ye Shaoyang followed, the rest of the people stood in the same place, looking at the nervous, not afraid to speak.

The four treasures suddenly stopped and sighed softly against the magnetic needle, and the magnetic needle immediately trembled. The four treasure brows wrinkled slightly and said: "There is a tomb below!"

Cao Yu and others saw him open and immediately went up. Sibao looked at Cao Yu and said: "You are right, this tomb is really weird, not good."

Cao Yuzhen said: "The master can break this kind of thing through the compass?"

Sibao pointed to the twitching magnetic needle and said: "The magnetic needle has told me."

Ye Shaoyang looked closely and found that the needle could not shake, and rotated, the needle sank, and asked: "What is this needle?"

There are eight needles in the compass, which is the "singular needle eight method" mentioned in the "Roman". It can not only break the house of Yin, but also detect the underground situation.

One is a needle, the pointer swings indefinitely and does not return to the center line. There is a strange rock in this place, and there is a disaster.

The second is the needle, the needle on the protrusion, also known as the floating needle, indicating that there is yin gas intervention, but this is good Yin, not the deceased ancestors, is the blessing of the gods.

The third is a sinking needle and the needle sinks. Explain that there is yin gas intervention, it is bound to be buried with the bone of death, this place is ominous.

The fourth is to turn the needle, the pointer does not stop, there must be evil spirits.

The fifth is the needle, the pointer is half-floating and half-sinking, or the floating is not up to the top, sinking is not up to the bottom, indicating that the underground is hollow, there must be a tomb.

Six is ​​a reverse needle, the needle is not in the middle line, or the needle is flying obliquely. There is no feng shui in this place, and there is no tomb.

Seven is the side needle, the needle is still, but not in the middle line. This place is an ancient temple of the altar, full of aura, suitable for cleaning.

Eight is a positive needle, no abnormality and no deviation, this place is a normal place.

Generally, Mr. Feng Shui chooses the land, unless the deceased is a murder, and he is very resentful. He needs to find a special terrain to suppress it. Otherwise, he will find a place to be buried. As for the position of the side needle, it is simply impossible to meet.

Sibao used the reverse method to find the tomb. See Ye Shaoyang asked, Shen Sheng said: "The needle is half-sinking before the needle is a sign of the cast, indicating that there must be a tomb below, we have not found the wrong place, not enough under the needle now. Shen, this is a sinking needle, but it does not stop, it is a needle and a needle, and there is a fierce bone buried under it, and there must be a evil spirit."

After experiencing the extraordinary events in succession, everyone believed in the saying of ghosts and gods. At this time, listening to him saying this, suddenly nervous, and staring at him one by one.

Sibao sighed: "One needle and three elephants, such a complicated feng shui is rare. The ancient tomb below is very problematic."

Cao Yu took a breath and asked: "Masters think about ways, how do we get to the tomb?"

Sibaodao: "You must know the structure and size of the ancient tomb. Otherwise, you can't use explosives to fry."

Professor Sun also said: "Yes, archaeology, I would rather not go to the tomb, and absolutely do not damage the tomb."

Sibao asked Cao Yu, "You didn't say that there is any information about the tomb. Let's take a look, let's take a look."

"The photos are in the camp. I also took pictures on my mobile phone. Let's see this first." Cao Yu took out his mobile phone, opened the album, and found a few pictures. Ye Shaoyang didn't understand this thing. He only knew antiques, jars, vases, and There are some bronzes...

"These are the cultural relics we have explored in the tomb. They have been handed in. You can only see the pictures. As for the structure of the tomb, tell the truth, we decided to be a tomb after we went to the tomb. In several stages, the excavation is gradually carried out. Because the tomb is very deep, the plan for the first stage is to find out the bottom, first to find out the depth of the tomb.

So we went down to a few hundred meters deep and found the crystal door... The situation behind, Professor Sun did not know, but the two already knew. After two trips to the tomb, the expedition team was almost completely annihilated, and all the data records were buried below. The survivors were only from the body, and they were unclear and soon died. Therefore, in fact, we do not know much about the ancient tomb. ”

After listening to Professor Sun, he hurriedly asked: "What situation do we not know?"

Cao Yu smiled and explained: "It is a spiritual event in the ancient tomb. It is not intentionally concealed. We are looking for two masters to come down as an advance team, clearing all the spirits, and then asking you to go on the investigation, so there is no advance notice. And even if you say it, some people will definitely not believe it, please forgive me."

Professor Sun nodded and said that he understood that he did not understand the spiritual events at all, and he did not ask any more. Instead, he said to the four treasures:

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