Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1686: Will count 1

"All dead?" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

Xiao Baidao: "Two of them were killed by Xiaojiu. In addition, they saw that they did not want to escape and committed suicide."

Ye Shaoyang walked over to a corpse, held his eyebrows and released a sigh of gas into the body, but did not find the soul.

Xiaobai said: "The boss didn't look for it. They all flew away, and they didn't know what spells they used. They might be afraid of us, and ask their secrets."

The middle-aged Taoist priest also came over under the supervision of everyone and said: "Yes, these believers are more than poor, and they are caught by the enemy. They will definitely disintegrate their souls so as not to be caught and tortured."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the dead body of a place and sighed secretly. It was not for the death of these people. The investigation team died two people, they are all acting, it is also a bad end, he just has some troubles to take these bodies. do.

After all, this is a legal society. Although it is remote, the dead are after all big things, and they are still dead. It is also a bit of a hassle to deal with. If you think about it, you must be unstoppable, or you will become a murderer. Or come back and see Cao Yu to discuss again.

Lin Sansheng looked at the corpse and said: "These wizards, before the airwork, the mana is not awkward, how to get up close, so weak?"

Ye Shaoyang hasn’t made a sound yet, and the middle-aged Taoist said: “These sects are the best at the air, but the melee strength is not strong.”

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said, "You don't want to talk, it seems to have become our own people. You just said that they are believers, what believers?"

Although the middle-aged Taoist priest was robbed of white, he felt that his life should be saved, his look relaxed, and he sat down on the spot. He said: "Don't talk about these believers, first introduce the poor roads themselves, the poor roads. It is a fifty-seventh generation disciple of the cabinet, and the number is Zi Kun."

Seeing Ye Shaoyang's suspicion, Zi Kundao explained: "The group of the cabinets lost the mountain gates in ancient times and removed the names for the gates. It is said that some of the predecessors flew up to the fairyland, and they did not know whether it was true or not..."

Ye Shaoyang heard this and thought of the cabinet in the Qing Dynasty. It was estimated that he was a predecessor in his mouth, but this did not need to tell him, he did not say, continue to listen.

"But the cabinet has not lost its inheritance. There is still one in the southwest, but it has never been in contact with the magical world. It is unknown."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said: "Why is this?"

The purple-kundao people said with a low eyebrow: "Nature is related to my martial art practice, not accepted by the magical world. This has nothing to do with what we want to say. Needless to say."

Not accepted by the spell community?

Ye Shaoyang vaguely thought of something.

What the people of Zi Kundao still want to say, Ye Shaoyang saw a figure coming from a distance, it was the four treasures, reaching out to stop the words of the people of Zi Kundao, and got up and waved to the four treasures.

Since the four treasures are coming, then I will wait until he arrives to listen to them, and the province’s return will have to be repeated.

The four treasures came to the front, and they swept away. They saw Xiaoqing Xiaobai. They were all surprised. They were surprised and fell on Ye Shaoyang’s face. "I listened to them roughly, how could this happen, I still There is a hole in it, but I don’t know it at all."

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the purple Kundao people in front of him, "ask him!"

The people of Zijingdao immediately got up and saluted. "The poor people in the cabinet sent a disciple, Zi Kun, I don't know where the master is out?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You don't talk nonsense, say you, who are the wizards, you are the disciples of the cabinet, how can they be with them?"

The people of Zi Kundao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "These believers believe in a primitive religion. They seem to be a kind of Buddhism. But they practice witchcraft and are very ancient witchcraft. They are very exclusive, even if they are After working with us, the secrets about them have still not been revealed to us. Of course, we are not too interested to know that we are here only to find the treasures belonging to our cabinet."

Ye Shaoyang heard this, even more curious, could not help but ask: "What baby?"

The purple Kundao people pointed at the sword he hung at the waist and said: "Since you are the master of Maoshan, the sword on your body is the Qixing Longquan sword. You know, the origin of this seven-star Longquan sword?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't know before. The last time he gambled with Huang Guan, the Huang Guan, who was an ancient man, said his origins. He nodded impatiently at the moment. "Don't pull East Laxi, what do you say!"

Zi Kundao humanity: "Since the leaf palm teaches the origin of Longquan sword, you can know that there is a sword with its name, the name of the squid?"

"Fish intestines sword? Who doesn't know this." Four treasures said, "The full name is called Suigang fish sausage. It is said that it was the sword of Wu Wangxi. It was quite God's. As for whether it is true or not, I no longer know."

The people of Zi Kundao said: "Of course, the fish sausage and the Longquan sword are all cast by Ouyezi. Ouyezi has also cast a lot of swords. However, after the wars and disputes, most of them lost their lives. This fish sword and Longquan sword are the gates. First, it is sharp, and the second is to kill too many people. It is very suitable for refining the craft. Therefore, several great masters sacrificed the sword together. At that time, there was no branch of the martial art. While refining the dragon spring.

Later, the two swords were refining into the strongest instruments and passed on to later generations. When the Daomen were separated, the Longquan sword was obtained from Maoshan, and the fish sausage was obtained from my cabinet..."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "How have I not heard of this kind of thing?"

Zi Kundao people smiled bitterly: "After a long time, in addition to my disciples, who remembers these old secrets. Ye Jia teaches you, if it is not the sword, how can the disciples of the cabinet be willing to let Maoshan Do you own the dragon sword?"

Ye Shaoyang thought it also makes sense, but he can't understand why he has pulled the subject so far.

The Purple Kundao people continued: "There is still a secret, it is said that in the Five Dynasties and Ten States, I sent a ancestor to the cabinet. Because of the terrible evils, I was killed under a tomb. The result was buried together with the fish sausage on the body, and there was no further drop.

Yes, this tomb is the one you are going to visit. My cabinet sent this time to find the treasure that the Zongmen lost: the steel sword! ”

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao and others looked at each other and felt a little unbelievable.

Lin Sansheng said: "This is a mistake. How many years have passed since the Five Dynasties? If you know that the fish sausage is buried there, why not take it early, wait until today?"

The people of Zi Kundao smiled bitterly. "If you know it early, of course, you have already come. In fact, the ancestors of the cabinet sent me to hear that the sacred sword was buried in the tomb, but I don't know which tomb.

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