Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1716: 髭 尸 1

The eyes suddenly bright, I saw this is a strangely shaped room: it seems to be an octagonal shape, there are no zombies inside, there are no other evil things, but in the middle of each adjacent two walls, there is a human figure standing vaguely, no When everyone sees it, the flares are extinguished.

"Sculpture?" Ye Shaoyang asked casually, flashed his flashlight and went straight to the opposite corner. Sibao and Zi Kundao people keep up, stay one left and right, and be vigilant.

"The trough!"

Hearing the exhalation of Ye Shaoyang, the four treasures turned around and looked at the flashlight in the gap between the two walls. It can be seen that the human form seen before is not a sculpture, but a real person! To be exact, it is a skinny body, completely weathered, with some cloth hanging on it, and even men and women can not tell. The location is exactly a recessed recess, and the body is embedded in the groove.

Looking down, the legs of the body were stepped on a large jar with a knee that high.

"What is this ghost thing?" Zi Kundao was shocked.

What Ye Shaoyang thought of, stepped to another corner, and flashed it in the middle with the flashlight. It was also the same groove, with the body inlaid in the middle. Look at the two corners on the side, and that's all. In other words, in this room like the octagonal pavilion, each corner is inlaid with a body!

Such a weird place made the three people feel awkward.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the body in front of him and said: "The clothes on the body are broken into slag. It is estimated that it has been at least for a hundred years."

Sibaodao: "Since the walls are grooved and they are inlaid, it is natural to build the tomb. Shaoyang, do you know what these bodies are doing?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned and shook his head.

Sibao sighed: "What did you say before? ‘lively juice’, knowing is the biggest torture. I told you that the death of these bodies is definitely more cruel than the live juice.”

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved and said: “You mean, these are... corpses?”

Seeing the four treasures nodding, Ye Shaoyang took a breath of cold air. In Master’s book, he also mentioned this kind of torture. It’s a bit similar to the scenes before. I have doubts before, and I’m listening to Sibao’s. Confirmed, shaking his head and sighing: "I didn't expect anyone in the world to do this..."

The people of Zi Kundao were confused and curious. They were busy asking them what was a corpse.

Ye Shaoyang pointed at the people in the wall and said: "It is very simple to say that the punishment is very simple. You see this wall, the middle is curved, just to let a person stand inside... I mean, people are alive. In the inside, it’s completely out of reach, and in the end it can only be killed alive."

Stopped and said: "The pain is extremely painful, but the process is not long, the corpse is not the same, it is stuck inside, it can not move, but it takes a long time to die, that kind of suffocation, but want to die The feeling of not being able to die, this is the most painful."

After listening to the purple Kundao people, they looked at the zombies in the wall and were shocked to say nothing. After a long while, frowning: "Yezhang teaches, but I see this body, it seems that the card is not very strict..."

Four treasures said in the past: "You are not nonsense, now this is the skinny bones. At that time, there was a living person with flesh and blood. It was hard to put in, and there would be no space left."

The people of Zi Kun Road were stunned, and they simulated the horrible heart. They immediately shook their heads and said, "Why do you want to do this?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "My Master said in the book that the corpse is in the process of manufacturing, until it dies, it will continue to produce grievances. With sorcerery to extract grievances, it can be used to sacrifice certain instruments or raise evils... The book is not clearly written. Maybe my master has not seen it before, and it has also been moved from ancient books."

Sibao nodded and said: "I heard this too, but this corpse seems to be a bit different..." said the photo of the scorpion's foot under the stern of the scorpion. "I don't understand, this is what I use." Is it to trap people's legs and let them not go out?"

Ye Shaoyang slowly shook his head: "It should be unnecessary. It is said that the groove on the wall is fixed. The body of the person who is looking for a zombie will be roughly the same. After the card is inserted, it will definitely not come out. You don't need to trap your legs. To tie your legs, use ropes, just why use a strange thing like a jar?"

The three people were puzzled and walked around the room. They observed the zombies one by one. Before Ye Shaoyang saw only two or three, they did not see them one by one. When they saw the sixth one, the three suddenly stood still: the flashlight In the groove, it is empty.

In other words, there is a zombie left...

Sibao Shen Sheng: "The previous crying..."

The three of them turned suddenly, and the flashlights circulated in the room. At a glance, there was no place to hide. The previous observation was also the result. The three men therefore had the energy to observe the zombies.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something, hurriedly raised his flashlight, and looked up at it. A figure, like a gecko, squatted on the roof, his head twisted into a corner that the living person could not do at all. He was holding three of them, his eyes were on his eyes. The flashlight flashed cold.

If ordinary people see this scene, Bacheng has long been scared. Fortunately, the three are not ordinary people. Ye Shaoyang is the quickest response. When he saw this thing, he immediately swept the soul and swept the past.

The humanoid monster crawled down the wall, and the speed was extremely fast. The soul-sucking rope was actually slowed down by half a beat. It hit the masonry on the roof and shook down some dust and dust, which happened to fall in the eyes of Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang immediately bent over and blinked.

Sibao took the flashlight and chased the humanoid monster. He touched a bodhi in one hand and hit it against it.

The four treasures of this hand Bodhi were also practiced, and three of them were hit on the humanoid monster. Without hitting it, the monster’s body trembled, and a black smoke emerged, and three were hard. Four treasures saw this guy to fight, so he rubbed his fingers with the rough surface of Bodhi, wiped a little blood on it, secretly luck, saw the trajectory of the monster crawling, and forced out.

In the middle of the monster's neck, a slamming smashed the neck bones, the humanoid monster couldn't grasp the wall anymore, and fell down. It is estimated that he couldn't run away. After climbing up, he simply rushed over to the four treasures.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang had already handled the dust in his eyes, and the hooks quickly swung out. The hooks in the front section accurately hooked the arms of the humanoid monsters, pulling them hard and pulling them over the ground.

"Ah!" The humanoid monster made a short and fierce scream, trying to get up. Ye Shaoyang flew in front of his body and fell down with his head. The intention was to step on the ground. The result was because the guy’s neck was covered by four treasures. The Bodhi discount, Ye Shaoyang stepped on the foot and stepped off his head.

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