Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1739: Fire gun


The blood floater was hit by the Zi Kundao people with a full blow, and the body was slightly shocked. The Zi Kundao people were shocked to fly out and spurted a blood.

Two fire-breathing guns immediately sprayed on the head of the blood-floating scum. The high-temperature flame made the blood-slaughter also somewhat uncomfortable. Most of the attention was placed on this side. Ye Shaoyang took the opportunity to climb up from the back and hold the dark gold charm. According to the past posting on his head, I thought that a blow could be successful. As a result, the blood floated the body and shook his body. The foot of Ye Shaoyang was originally the roots and trees that were intricately rooted.

The blood-bubble-bearing endures the roasting of the fire-breathing gun, and suddenly makes a force. The head suddenly opens like a flower bud from the middle, like a huge mouth, and Zhangkou takes two soldiers to bite.

When the two soldiers wanted to retreat, they were wrapped in the middle of a suffocating suffocation and could not move. Ye Shaoyang is on the other side, and it is too late to save.

The people of Zijingdao are already half-disabled, and several disciples are afraid to go.

On the occasion of a thousand miles, a soldier next to Cao Yu rushed over, holding a barrel and inserting it directly into the mouth of the blood float, pulling the trigger...

He did not take an ordinary gun or a flamethrower in his hand, but a signal gun that fired a flare, and directly hit the flare into the mouth of the blood float.

The flares are launched. If there is not enough space to produce the effect, it will explode like a grenade, and instantly produce thousands of degrees of high temperature. This time, the flares they carry are military-specific, and the illumination is several times that of ordinary flares...

This is like a grenade exploding in a **** mouth.


The blood scum made a scream, the whole head was blasted, flesh and blood flew, and the huge body swayed. The two-legged rattan seemed to be unable to withstand the weight of the body and squatted on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang looked at it and found that it was like the analysis of the former Zi Kundao people: in the head of the blood-flooded blast, there is a human-shaped transparent object, which exudes the soul force and constantly absorbs the yin in the surrounding air, visible to the naked eye. The speed of recovery resumed, and the blood-slaughter struggled and stood up again. The body swayed violently, giving off a violent scent than before.

"Yezhang teaches, and it hasn't recovered yet, fast!" Zi Kundao sat on the ground and shouted.

Ye Shaoyang wields the soul of the soul, hooks the long neck of the blood floater, and goes to the vertical body. The blood floater seems to be aware of the danger. The head turns around, and the mouth that has not been repaired has spit out a suffocating suffocation, and countless rattans are also vacated. Surrounded.

Ye Shaoyang did not expect that the blood-slaughter who was seriously injured actually had such a keen responsiveness. He had a way to avoid the siege, but then the timing of giving him a fatal blow passed, and then he waited for the blood to recover. The opportunity is even more embarrassing.

At the crucial moment, Ye Shaoyang’s factors in the body’s adventures were stimulated. One bite his teeth, regardless of the vines, his left hand scratched his fingertips, and he used a suffocating force to force a **** fog. He immediately made a gap in the suffocating gas and put his hand into the mouth of the blood scum. Put the dark gold charm on the almost transparent soul core.

"Tai Shang San Qing, the Quartet Emperor, the gods are convinced, the earth is burning, the urgency is like the law!"

Ye Shaoyang constantly changed his fingerprints, waited until the last word of the spell was pronounced, his hands crossed, and the two index fingers were put together, pointing out to the front.

A loud bang, the burning of the sky symbol burst into a blue flame, surrounded by the soul core...

However, Ye Shaoyang did not see the next scene. His whole person was also wrapped in vines. Because of the curse, he missed the opportunity to arrange enchantment. The body was wrapped in countless vines. These vines were drilled and sneaked into his mouth and nose. Drilled away.

Ye Shaoyang had to run hernia to avoid getting vines in, but the body was tightly wrapped around the vines, unable to breathe, and the feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger...

Ye Shaoyang couldn't move on the whole inch of the whole body. The feeling of lack of oxygen made him feel hot and painful. He didn't know how long he persisted, and all the senses were blurred.

No, really dying?

This thought passed, and Ye Shaoyang’s consciousness gradually blurred...

The blue flame burned for a few minutes, then crashed to the ground, the vines were scattered, and before the **** scum of the world, it looked like a pile of charred firewood piles, some places still beaten blue The flames.

This kind of strong contrast made the group almost unbelievable, and looked at the scene in front of them.

"Dead?" a soldier asked softly.

"I don't know, 80% is dead." Zi Kundao people struggled to get up from the ground.

"Fast, Mr. Ye is still inside, save him!"

A soldier came back and immediately rushed up, and he couldn’t care for fear. His hands were pulled up in the burnt rattan. Finally, Ye Shaoyang was thrown out in the "wood fire", and all of them were black and gray, and they were still motionless.

"It won't be..." The soldiers slammed on the spot, Cao Yu and others rushed all the way, and saw Ye Shaoyang lying on the ground motionless, and he was scared.

The military doctor’s text came forward and checked the heartbeat. Suddenly, he said: “No heartbeat!”

Everyone was blinded on the spot. Since the tomb went to the present, Ye Shaoyang has been arrogant, means and skill, especially the spirit of courage to desperately, and successfully conquered everyone. At least in this operation, he is the absolute backbone. Ye Shaoyang has such a charm that everyone can think that he will never die.

At this moment, this person who never dies is lying on the ground motionless.

Everyone is incredible.

"I haven't died yet!" Ge text suddenly heard a voice talking on the side, looked up, suddenly fell on the ground, looked at him, and then looked at the person lying in front of him, both Ye Shaoyang.

"I am a ghost, I can't do it, but I still have a sigh of relief. Hurry and give me a rescue." Ye Shaoyang screamed.

Once the human body dies, the soul and the body will be separated immediately. Even if the human ghost is no longer in love with the flesh, it will not be able to return to the flesh under natural circumstances. Although Ye Shaoyang is a celestial division, but after all, it is also a flesh-and-mortem. This is not a detachment. However, Ye Shaoyang has a soul-independent spell. He is just dying now, and he is not really dead. He is afraid that everyone will not be rescued in time. Isolated, urging everyone to save their body.

"Oh, okay!" Ge text immediately gave Ye Shaoyang's body a heart press, and Ye Shaoyang continued to push on the side.

Ge text wiped the sweat on his forehead, he was saving a person, but his soul was urging himself on the side. For an ordinary person, this feeling is really a bit... difficult to express.

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