Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1743: High priest 2

Feng Xiao glanced at him gratefully and said: "Unfortunately, I was still fooled. After all the work was completed, the high priest not only returned the ghost of Cui Lang to me, but killed me to make the blood float, hundreds of years. Come, I am in the blood-slaughter, I can't move, this kind of suffering... I can't wait to be able to fly away..."

After listening to Ye Shaoyang, he also said that he said: "In fact, from the very beginning, you should know that the high priest will not fulfill his promise. If you put your soul back, it will be like leaving behind. After all, you are familiar with all the institutions here. In order to retaliate, I will not bring people to destroy it."

After listening to the complete incident, Ye Shaoyang also had a new view on the high priest that year: at the beginning, he thought that the high priest was the head of a small religion, playing the sign of the emperor, and the fools gave He built the tomb and experienced all the things that went after the tomb, making him realize that this high priest is definitely not that simple.

"The high priest, is a very powerful mage?" Ye Shaoyang asked questions that he always wanted to ask.

Feng Yan’s eyes showed a complex look and said: “I don’t know what to say, he may...not human, at least not the average human.”

This sentence makes Ye Shaoyang more confused.

"I mean, he owns the human body, but he controls a terrible mysterious force that is not part of human spells and witchcraft..."

"What do you mean?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"His body can be changed, like a goblin. For example, he has an attack method, that is, something like a tail of a scorpion under the robes is used to tie people. But he has three souls and seven souls, and some people. The breath, this is not wrong, I saw him in the open sky, I can't see why."

Ye Shaoyang and Zi Kundao people frowned. The demon is a demon, the person is a person, and the person has more powerful algorithm and more means, but the essence is that it will not change. Simply put, people can never fly in the air, although some witchcraft can be used to simulate a similar effect. There is no difference in the eyes of ordinary people.

This is why folks have always had legends. Some Taoist priests can rush to the wind and call the rain. In fact, they are all illusions or the effects created by using sorcerers. Since Feng Yu was a well-prepared Taoist priest before his death, these spells could not blind her eyes. There is nothing to be doubtful about this.

On the other hand, if the high priest is a demon, then even if you can temporarily simulate the shape of the person, in the eyes of a martial artist like Feng Xiao, it will not be hidden for too long, let alone she opened the eyes and did not see the problem. Where.

The people of Zi Kundao were also deeply puzzled and muttered: "There are three souls and seven scorpions, and there are popular people, but they also have the means of attack of the goblins... I have never seen such creatures."

Ye Shaoyang was also confused. When he heard him say this, he suddenly saw a flash of light and said, "I have seen similar creatures."

For a time, all the amazing eyes fell on Ye Shaoyang's face.

Ye Shaoyang said slowly: "I have saved a person. He is like a human being. He has no three souls and seven scorpions, and he has no popularity. But there is a similar place with the high priests that Feng Xiao’s predecessors said, that is, with my mana, Can't see what it is."

The people of Zijingdao were shocked: "Is it a magical technique with some obstacles?"

When I spoke, I immediately felt a loss of words and immediately smiled. "I didn't say it right. With the mana of Yezhang, there are some obstacles that can win you. But I want to know, you later figured out, no, that is What is the creature?"

Ye Shaoyang said slowly: "The corpse is queen."

Zi Kundao people on the spot petrochemical. Feng Yu was also shocked and speechless. The rest, such as Cao Yu and others, did not understand these at all, and looked at him with wide eyes, and the eyes were confused.

The phoenix trembles: "Is there really a post-clear in the world?"

"Not only have Houqing, but also a son-in-law." Ye Shaoyang said with a smile, he can fully understand the feelings of Feng Qi, when he first learned the truth, the shock is not less than them.

Hearing the name of the son-in-law, the purple-kundao people and the phoenix phoenix are a glimpse, and they stayed for a long while, and Zi Kundao said: "Yezhang teaches, how did you see this... the legendary corpse king? What happened later? ?"

"When sent, the son-in-law wants to kill me, and he is brought back to the Qing Dynasty by Hou Qing. I have a good grace for Hou Qing." Ye Shaoyang was lightly loaded with a force.

"There is grace for Houqing...I don't think so!" The eyes of Zi Kundao people showed their admiration.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "What is there? The clothes worn by Houqing are still bought by my girlfriend."

In this case, this sentence is intended to be a forced force. It turns out that several people are looking at themselves with strange eyes. This is why it is easy to make a bad association, and cough twice, and say: "Well, the farther I say, the more I say the right thing. I take Houqing as an example. I just think that he is very similar to the shape of the high priest described by the phoenix."

Feng Yu said: "Yejia teach, don't have to be so polite, just call my name."

"Oh, then you are a phoenix girl. Um... I just said something, if it is true, then there is only one explanation: this high priest is not a person, nor a demon, not a different form. The evil thing."

The two fell silent. Feng Wei tried to say: "Yezhang teaches that he is a born soul?"

"Yes. Congenital spirits, this life is not in the three realms, naturally cannot be measured by the form of ordinary living spirits."

Just like Houqing and the son-in-law, although it is a corpse king, it has appeared in ancient times. It is not a viviparous, egg-born, wet and metaplastic. As for how it was first born, no one knows. Only such a creature can jump out of three sessions. The human-like monitoring spells are aimed at the creatures in the three sessions. It is normal for them to be used in congenital spirits.

In addition to the son-in-law and the post-clear, the snake that she had dealt with earlier was also born with the same spirit. When I thought of the snake, Ye Shaoyang thought about it in the past. This guy was originally collected by the Shanhe Society and was driven away by the blood Bodhi and Xiaojiu. He lost his whereabouts and did not know where to go. However, Ye Shaoyang has a feeling in it: between them, they will meet each other sooner or later.

Zi Kundao said: "I have heard that there are twelve ancestors and sorrowful beasts in the congenital spirit... No matter what, it is not manpower to deal with. Is this high priest really one of them, Fengqi girl, not me Depreciate you and the commander. You said that the high priest was designed to take you. This shows that you have similar strengths before. If it is a natural innate spirit, why bother to deal with you?"

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