Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1746: 殇1 (fourth more)

Ye Shaoyang said this idea to Feng Xiao, and Feng Xiao nodded and said: "This is actually what I thought of, but there is still a point. The organs and evil things on this road are probably to deal with the tomb thief. After all, here is the first A Feng Shui Bureau, if someone accidentally hits in, kills them with organs and evils, lest they be destroyed by the Feng Shui Bureau. But they leave a way for the powerful Master to go to the Crystal Gate. ”

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly and pointed out the most crucial question: "Why should the high priest let the real strongman go to the crystal door?"

This question, Feng Qi naturally can't answer.

Ye Shaoyang said from his own self: "The 80% is definitely a pit."

"Pit?" Feng Qi is puzzled.

"Oh, it means no good things." Ye Shaoyang thought that "Pit" did not have such an image in ancient times, and Feng Yu certainly could not understand.

Feng Xiao nodded. "So, I don't want you to go."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned and stared at her for a moment and said, "Don't you say that the high priest brought the ghost of your husband to the crystal door? You don't want to save him?"

"How can I not want to." Feng Xiaoran said, "Although I know hope, I have to go, just a glimmer of hope, but... Ye Tianshi, you are my savior, even if you are not, I am not. I hope that you will die. After all, this is a life of nine deaths. If you have three long and two shorts to help me, even if you rescued Cui Lang, how can you make me feel at ease?"

It turned out that she was pregnant with this idea... Ye Shaoyang stared at her, and her heart rose and said: "You are a good girl."

Feng Xiao looked at him and smiled.

Ye Shaoyang also smiled and said with a fist:

"I personally like to gossip, especially the supernatural event. You really have to decide on this matter. Your soul is not gone. If it is, I will help you save him!"

Seeing that no one is being bullied is Ye Shaoyang’s character, especially the sister... Whatever the congenital spirit of the man, even if it is the emperor’s release of the deity, the true bar is on, and he dares to take him to open the knife!

Feng Yan looked at his smiling face and smiled a little silly, but it was full of a confident force.

Feng Yan bit his lip and nodded hard: "Ye Tianshi, I believe in you!"

Taking advantage of Cao Yu and others to arrange the ropes, Ye Shaoyang sat on the ground and adjusted his interest. The pride is there, and it is really bloody, but it has to face reality and be prepared. I am now obsessed with the mana, so I went to the Crystal Gate and it was no different from sending death.

Ye Shaoyang meditated on the tempering, Wu Jiawei brothers also entered the hole, and led the believer to the next step to the depths of the cave.

Around the cave as the main road, there are countless caves, like the human vascular network, connected to each other, and there are also dead hutongs. The Wu Jiawei brothers deliberately visited the place yesterday. It is also amazing. It is very difficult for these believers to find this. A wonderful place.

"You are here!"

In a wide cave, the two saw the son of the high priest waiting there, and the brothers called him the little priest.

When I saw the Wu Jiawei brothers, the little priest who was originally sitting on a stone bed immediately got up and greeted each other. She simply said the purpose of finding them: he had already tried to contact the high priest and wanted to take them to see one side and see the big one. What is the priest?

The little priest told them that they did not have this opportunity. The disciples of the cabinets kept the outside of the cave where the high priest lived. Even he did not let in, but today most of the disciples have gone to the ancients with the purple people. At the tomb, there are only two people in charge of guarding. This kind of opportunity is hard to come by, so the little priest is anxious to find them back and find out.

"How do you get those two people?" Wu Jiadao asked. The disciples of the two cabinets are still not in their eyes. They are worried that if they come hard, they will be amazed. Regardless of the results of the investigation, the contradiction between them and the Tianlong Taoist people will be intensified and open to the whole plan.

"Two people, I can handle it, use this." The little priest took out a piece of incense to show them, "This is used to cast our spells, so that they can sleep unconsciously, wake up later, and will not Have any feelings."

With them turning around in the cave, avoiding the eyes and ears of the disciples of the cabinet, came to the mouth of a cave, the little priest extinguished the torch, walked slowly with the two, turned the corner, saw clearly Not far from there is a cave with a light candle on the wall. You can see two priests guarding the outside, and there is a straw curtain in the middle to block the cave.

The little priest hides in the distance and quietly burns incense. It is not like the TV series. It smells people with the smell of incense, but inserts the burning incense into his mouth, chews it, and saliva. Constantly squatting in the hands, while thinking of a certain spell, the ash is completely smashed and stuck to the hand. The little priest was kneeling on the ground, looking at the curse with respect and respect, and blowing it against the palms of both hands. There was no wind, but the ash flew up and flew away and the two men flew away from the cave door.

The ash powder was silent and inhaled by the two without any notice. After two minutes, the two fell directly to the ground and fell asleep.

"Two roads, we will be a little faster after a quarter of an hour!" The little priest finished, took the lead and rushed to the cave, and the two immediately followed.

When passing outside the cave door, the little priest took the candle on the wall and held it in his hand and flew in.

It is a natural cave, and there are many things placed against the root of the wall. The three people can't wait to see it carefully, holding the candlelight to the end. At the end there was a stone bed with a person lying on it and covered with felt cloth. Candlelight illumination is limited and you can't see the look.

As soon as they entered the stone room, they immediately noticed a corpse, and immediately they were shocked. They looked around and looked at nothing. They felt it carefully. The corpse was floating in the direction of the stone bed.

The little priest rushed to the bed and called his father in Uighur. The strange voice in the throat of the bed was like a response.

The little priest took the candlelight and shone on his face. He suddenly stopped, and shouted to the brothers of Wu Jiawei: "Let's see, what's wrong with this!"

The two hurried forward and saw that it was an old man with a candlelight. The beard was very long, and it was a mess, half-squinting, and it looked extremely wilting. There was a black cloud covering the eyebrows.

The source of the corpse is here?

"This is the high priest?" Wu Jiadao asked.

The little priest nodded again and again, nervously asking him what was the black gas in his eyebrows.

(Today's fourth, the update that was owed before was added... rested)

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