Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1755: Warlock Xu Fu

Guagua immediately said the situation briefly. After Ye Shaoyang listened and looked at Xu Wenchang, he said something very uncomfortable: "Xu Gong’s idea is playing well. I have to go through this road and finally come into this crystal door. You are old. I am coming right away, and you never said that you came to help me in advance."

Xu Wenchang shook a happy fan and smiled and said: "No matter what the sun is, this is a constant rule. I can help you before the last battle. It is the biggest limit. I hope that Xiaotian will not be surprised. ""

Of course, Ye Shaoyang did not dare to blame him. He asked: "What did Xu Gong say about the last battle, how can I not understand?"

Xu Wenchang went to the coffin and looked at the body wearing the gold armor. He said in a moment: "Do you know who this is?"

“White?” Ye Shaoyang asked.

Xu Wen said: "Exactly."

Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures glanced at each other and took a deep breath. Although he was suspected to have been for a long time, he really confirmed that this feeling is totally different.

Wu Anjun of Qin State, killing God on the earth... Looking at the white body, Ye Shaoyang’s mind involuntarily appeared a general in gold armor. The picture of the horse galloping behind him was like a tidal soldier. Under the leadership of the generals, madly rushing toward the enemy camp...

This is a heavy figure in the history of China!

Lin Sansheng asked: "How does Xu Gong know that he is white, Xu Gong has been here?"

"I have never been here, I don't know if he is buried here."

Xu Wenchang was silent for a moment, then said: "The Yin Shi only knows that Bai Qi is still in the world. He knows that he is buried in the northwest. He does not know the exact location of this tomb. It is still separated by yin and yang. It is not convenient to come to investigate... and even find it here. We can't do anything to him, we must have you there, and we can do something."

"I?" Ye Shaoyang pointed at himself.

Xu Wenchang slightly decapitated.

"Hey, when did I have such a big name?" Ye Shaoyang said with helplessness, "Xu Gong, what is going on, I hope you will say it, and make it clear that we will not be late."

For Xu Wenchang, Ye Shaoyang did not have any doubts, but Xu Wenchang has been flashing his words, so that Ye Shaoyang feels that the matter is very deep. He does not want to be unscrupulously being shot by people. Even if he is doing things for the Yins, he always knows why.

Xu Gong looked at the white body and sighed and said: "Small Heaven Master, you know who is using the big circle to seal the white body?"

"What person?" Ye Shaoyang certainly does not know.

Xu Gong slowly spit out four words: "Fang Shi Xu Fu."

"Xu Fu?" Ye Shaoyang called, and Sibao and others were shocked.

Alchemist Xu Fu is a legendary figure in the magical world. There are very few records on Xu Fu in the official history. He only said that he was a famous alchemist at that time. He was entrusted by Qin Shihuang to go overseas to find prescriptions for immortality, and he would never return. However, there are folk legends. Xu Fu came back halfway and lied to Qin Shihuang that he found Penglai Xiandao. Qin Shihuang gave 3,000 boys and girls and left by boat. Xu Fuyi did not go back. The folks have said that Xu Fu went to Ryukyu, and with three thousand boys and girls lived and reproduced, they became the later Toyo people. Xu Fu is also the ancestor of Toyo...

This legend is of course nonsense. In fact, Xu Fu is the national teacher of the Qin Dynasty and is very respected by Qin Shihuang. Otherwise, it is not impossible to appoint a heavy responsibility for longevity. Xu Fuyi never went back. He did not go to any overseas Xianshan, nor did he go to be an ancestor of the ancestors. He said that he is a flying fairyland in the classics of the magical world...

Ye Shaoyang never believed in flying up the fairy world. Later, he learned the truth about the Qing Dynasty. He guessed that the alchemist Xu Fu was probably going to the Qing Dynasty.

In addition to the legendary characters in the battle of the gods, Xu Fu was the first true master of Taoism before the formation of Taoism. It was also the first group of masters. At that time, there was another one more famous than him, Gui Guzi, also known as Wang Zen. The ancestor is the originator of the future generation of the Mai god.

Guiguzi focuses on Feng Shui and Xiangshu. Xu Fu focuses on spells. It is said that he is invincible and almost became synonymous with Alchemist. These are the basics of the spell world. However, Ye Shaoyang and others still heard the resentment between Xu Fu and Bai Qi for the first time, and could not help but be shocked.

Lin Sansheng wondered: "Baiqi is a person of the Qin Zhaowang period. Xu Fu was a man of the First Emperor period. When Bai Bai died, Xu Fu should have not been born yet. These two people should not know each other."

Xu Gong said: "They certainly didn't know each other before they were alive. When Wu Anjunbai smashed and killed 400,000 Zhao Jun, he was sinned by the heavens. The yin was extremely angry. He wanted to catch the white and go to hell. At that time, Yang Shou was not finished, and the yin could not be against him. Hands-on, Cui Tianzi did not hesitate to modify the book of life and death... This was the death of Qin Zhaowang. After the death of Bai, the black and white impermanence led two hundred ghosts, and personally came to the world to take the soul, but failed. ......"

This secret, heard in Ye Shaoyang and other people's ears, the sound is shocking, like thunder.

Cui Tianzi actually ignored the laws of heaven and earth and changed the book of life and death. It was hard to imagine, but what surprised them most was Xu Gong’s last sentence. Ye Shaoyang couldn’t help but ask: “Why didn’t you return?”

"White is a comet, and there is no such thing as killing people before life. It is extremely heavy, far from imagination. After death, it becomes a evil spirit. It is free to come and go in the world. Black and white impermanence simply cannot find him, and the Yin Shi is inconvenient to be in the world. The knife soldiers, after a few decades of secret visits, are also missing.

Until later, the alchemist Xu Fu was born, found a white hiding place, a big battle, defeated the white, but can not kill the Soul, can only break up its soul, use the large circle to seal the body, so that the soul can not Attachment... is what we are in front of us. ”

Xu Wenchang said here, stopped, and the scene was silent.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the white body and looked up at the strong soul that floated on the dome. The corner of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch and muttered: "I thought it was dead here. The souls of thousands of believers converge, and I didn’t expect that... it’s the soul of a person.”

How can one's soul power be powerful to this point!

Lin Sansheng listened more seriously than he did. He said: "Xu Gong didn't say that he hadn't been here before. Didn't he inform the sinister after Xu Fugong?"

"You don't have to be notified. At that time, there was a man with a sinister war with him. Otherwise, do you think that Xu Fu is even stronger, and that one can fight the white gods that have become evil spirits?"


Xu Gongdao: "I said that I have never been here, only because the battlefield at that time was not here. Xu Fu used to separate the white body and the soul force from the mixed-ups. It was also a matter of expediency. After success, let the blue... let that person The ghosts of the common battle went to the Yinsi to report, and they left waiting. However, when the Yinshi sent troops to the battlefield, the white body had disappeared, and Xu Fu disappeared. From then on, the human ghost field could no longer find this person. ""

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