Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1758: Blood compatibility

Sibao said: "He didn't mean to come in at the time, I thought he came in."

"I thought he came in." Ye Shaoyang said, "This seal is one-way. People who come in will not go out. I don't worry about anything else. I am worried that after the success of the practice, he will suddenly appear."

Zi Kun Dao frowned, and he looked at the four treasures and said, "Who are you talking about?"

Both of them have no time to take care of him.

Xu Wenchang said: "There is not much to do with it. Let's do it first."

Looking around the crowd, he said: "The strong soul power of white, once the seal is opened, will cause a strong impact. Xiao Tianshi alone can not suppress, so please help, who is the strongest of you?"

Everyone looks at Xiaojiu together.

Xu Wenchang Chong Xiaoji smiled and said: "It is forgotten that the demon king is here, that would be fine."

Immediately took a blank jade from the sleeve, and quickly wrote the rune one by one, and then said: "After getting out of trouble, the three souls and seven scorpions will attack the little celestial, or they will want to escape and leave. I drew ten pieces of the soul of the town. One of them is one, and it is held in the hand. After the seal is opened, the three souls and seven scorpions that are white will be attracted by the runes of the charms, and enter the charms one by one. You must use your own self-cultivation to activate the runes, lock the soul, and make it impossible to escape...

At that time, I will cooperate with Xiao Tianshi to send these separate souls into the white body. Therefore, as long as you hold on, there will be no accidents. ”

At the moment, the number of people, Xiaojiu, Guagua, Orange, Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Meihua, here are six people, plus four treasures, Lin Sansheng and Fengqi, just nine people, the three souls of the seven souls Deducting the soul of the soul, you must leave it to Xu Wenchang to do his own work and attract the rest of the soul. Nine people are just right.

"Do I have a share?" Feng Yu asked with some doubts.

"You are not weak, just make a contribution, in exchange for yin." Xu Wenchang can see her general strength at a glance.

Zi Kun Dao people hesitated: "I..."

Xu Wen said: "You have this strength, you can stay while you are staying. If there is any situation, it will help us to stay for a while."

Xu Wenchang himself controlled the soul of the heavens, and the soul of the earth was handed over to the strongest Xiaojiu. As for the soul of the people, there was a divergence within the ghost-caught alliance. No one thought that the other party was better than himself. In the end, he simply found the four treasures as a mage.

Under the arrangement of Xu Wenchang, everyone sat down around the coffin, holding a piece of the soul of the town in their hands. In order to strengthen the role of the soul of the town, Xu Wenchang also gave them a piece of soul stone, pebbles, wrapped in In the middle of the charm.

"Little Heaven Master, you can start."

Ye Shaoyang looked around at everyone. He was basically his closest comrade-in-arms. He said: "No matter what happens, you remember, you can run and run, you must not accident!"

Xu Wenchang listened to him saying this, but he said helplessly: "The teachings of Xiao Tianshi are contrary to the spirit of the Taoist law."

"The spirit of shit, life-saving is the most important thing, life has nothing to talk about."

Sibao smirked and said: "This is the spirit of our ghost-caught alliance. If you hit it, you can play it, but you can't beat it."

Xiao Jiu looked at Ye Shaoyang and said silently: "Shaoyang, be careful!"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "You are also careful."

Xiaobai saw this scene, snorted and said to the orange sitting on the side: "If you don't see it, the boss now sees Xiaojiu with the soul, and you fall out of favor."

The orange pouted.

According to Xu Wenchang's request, Ye Shaoyang cut through the **** and dropped a drop of blood in the middle of the white compass in the white arms. The blood gas immediately turned into the yin and yang, and then put a hand on it, and suddenly felt a wonderful feeling. The power of the hand attracts the palm of his hand, and the blood continually flows out of the wound and joins into the power of the heavenly compass.

The feeling of the head of the heart floated like a similar feeling. Ye Shaoyang looked down and looked at the blood in the sky. It seemed to be divided into two strands, like the yin and yang, which generally hovered in the pan.

One of them is his own blood, the other is... Xu Fu?

Why is your own blood, and the blood of Xu Fu will be merged? And this breath... I feel so familiar.

Ye Shaoyang quietly searched for the source of this feeling... Suddenly there are countless light and shadows appearing in front of the eyes, constantly rotating, forming a variety of images.

Congenital gossip!

Presumably, this is the ban on the big-blooded squad. Nowadays, I am no longer thinking about it, and I am beginning to deduct the image...

Ye Shaoyang and his party are the tombs in the morning. They experienced all kinds of hardships in the tomb and could not feel the change of time. In fact, one day has passed. The darkness of the desert is very early, four or five o'clock, has been thinning, and the night falls.

However, above the tomb, the sky within a radius of a thousand meters is dark, and there are all kinds of strange sounds coming from the middle, screaming, killing, and crying.

Several members of the expedition team responsible for keeping the entrance to the ancient tomb have been far away, looking at the huge "black clouds" in front of them with a near-demented look...

Within the dark clouds, a fierce battle is taking place.

In the soul department, dozens of yin gods are smashing together with a group of different evils. The white impermanence sits behind the town, and the hands are sealed, and they are silent. The body emits countless clear light, covering the camps of both sides. Controlling the atmosphere of the battlefield, all the evil elements of the Taiyin Mountain feel a suffocating pressure, which reduces the attack speed of at least 30%.

Black impermanence rushed to the front, with a woman with a good figure and a charming face, the size of the soul in the hands increased by dozens of times than usual, like a huge sickle, big open, but the woman's body As smooth as a fish, shuttle in the attack of the soul-stricken, two hands holding two blood, constantly counterattack black impermanence.

"Yeah, don't come innocent, your temper is still so bursting!" The woman made a crisp sound like a silver bell.

"A nonsense, how can I recognize you!" Black impermanence is not moving, under a mad attack, I feel that this woman is very deep, and it is difficult to win at a time, and my heart will be anxious.

The woman revealed a sinister smile and said: "The Eight Lords forget things. Five hundred years ago, we have seen one side. In the dry well of Nanhe Town, you personally took me and took me to the Yinsi. You don't remember. ?"

Five hundred years ago, Nanhe Town was dry...

A memory suddenly jumped out, black and fixed eyes fixed on the woman, said: "Hero, it is you!"

The woman smiled softly. "The Eight Lords, nowadays the little girl is the jade face of the Taiyin Mountain."

"Jade-faced Rakshasa..." Black is shocked and stunned. "You are the jade-faced Rakshasa, one of the four Rakshasa under the right hand seat?"

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