Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1764: Millennium scam 2

Xu Wen said: "When Tsing Yi and Fang Shi Xu Fu separated your soul, corpse and Yuanshen, what happened later, why did you disappear with Xu Fu, where did Xu Fu go?"

White smiled and said: "You ask Xu Fu, the psychic seal you want, is also on him."

A bright light rushed up in the stone room. Everyone followed the light, but it was emitted from the forehead of the white body. Ten light spots continued to rotate, and eventually merged into one, disappearing under the skin, leaving only a touch of red. .

The three souls and seven scorpions from the white, restored...

"Up!" Ye Shaoyang gave a command, pulled out the seven-star Longquan sword, took the lead and rushed over.

Since the mission is completed, everyone is free to recover. Ye Shaoyang still wants to follow the ups and downs. No matter what his historical name, merits and deeds, he has to evaluate himself. In the eyes of Ye Shaoyang, he is a evil that disturbs the law and order of the world. Things, evil things, destroy it. With so many people encircling him, I am afraid that he will not succeed?

As it turned out, Bai Qi was also prepared. In the face of the siege of the crowd, he opened his arms without hesitation and made a weird gesture. He shouted: "Kill!"

In the blood pool in front of the coffin, there was a huge wave of waves, almost filling the entire stone room, hitting everyone, and among the huge waves, there were countless water bodies crawling up from the blood pool. There are countless ghosts, and the empty stone room is filled with these figures, and it is like a thousand troops, rushing under the command of Bai Qi.

Ye Shaoyang and others originally wanted to be a group of people. As a result, they have now become targets of group gangs and are caught in stifling.

"Shaoyang, come over!" Xiaojiu showed out the nine-tailed fox, and pulled Ye Shaoyang on his back. He rushed straight to the past and danced nine times. No matter what level of zombie is on the line, basically The child can be beaten into powder.

Shaoyang clung to the neck of Xiaojiu and suddenly thought of a popular saying in the world: Take you to force you to fly. Estimated is this feeling?

Xiaojiu directly smashed a road from the blood sea corpse mountain. In the **** sea, there was a wave of huge waves, and he rushed over.

The space in the stone room is too small to escape. Xiao Jiujiao said: "Hold me!"

Jumping straight and hitting the past.

Ye Shaoyang held her in one hand, and the other hand played a few magical symbols. She rotated in front of her body and formed a whirlwind of fire, protecting her body and blocking the fierce attack of blood waves.

After several rounds of ups and downs in the **** sea, I saw that I would rush over. Suddenly a strange rune composed of red light hit the face. Xiaojiu explored the two claws and shot it directly. The rune was broken and the body of Xiaojiu was also severe. Trembling a bit.

"It's okay, you!" Ye Shaoyang said with concern.

"After all, only 60% of the repairs are..." Xiaojiu sighed. "It’s just that Baiqi has personally shot."

Xiaojiu jumped over the sea of ​​blood, landed on the flat ground, and immediately became adult. Ye Shaoyang rode on her lower back and held tightly. One hand stretched from the neck to the front and caught on a soft bulge. Realize what you are, and let go.

"I didn't mean it. You just showed up the real body, you can't feel where you are!" Ye Shaoyang explained with his hand.

"You go down first..." Xiaoji said softly.

Ye Shaoyang discovered that he was still riding on the waist of the person. This position... hurriedly jumped up, then pulled up Xiaojiu and saw Xiaojiu's face flushed. He said: "Are you injured?"

Xiaojiu shook his head.

"Then your face is so red."

Xiaoji glanced at him and bowed his head and said: "How do people say that they are girls, and you are touched by them, and you are not allowed to blush?"

Oh, it turned out to be a shy blush.

"I said you two, even though you are in love here!" Xu Wenchang also crossed the **** wave and landed on this clean open space.

Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes, and the white body had stood up in the **** sea, floating in the middle, spreading his arms, and the red souls that had been absorbed before, spinning around him, constantly pouring into him.

These soul powers are the ones that were made up in the past.

"The soul and the corpse are one?" Ye Shaoyang said with amazement.

Xu Wen said: "The soul, the flesh, the gods, the three in one, there is something I have not said before, Bai Qi has been smashed a corpse before being suppressed by Xu Fu."

"Zombie?!" Ye Shaoyang stunned.

"Yes, he is a natural comet, killing him. His death is just a murder. At the moment of death, he has already smashed a corpse, or how can he do this?"

Xu Wenchang said quickly, "His gods have been cultivated for thousands of years, and now the souls are united... I am afraid it is difficult to deal with."

White rose in the air, as if I heard Xu Wenchang’s words, opened his eyes and looked at it, his mouth did not move, but there was a sound floating:

"Master Xu, tell you one thing, Xu Fu was not suppressing me, but helping me but the second body... soul, body, god, divided into three, I came from the robbery, naturally I want to Into the road, and now the three return to the Yuan, this is a thousand years of robbery, but the second body... How do you wait for the enemy?"

Xu Wenchang, who has always been the most wise and insulting, heard this and was also petrified on the spot. It turned out... the truth turned out to be like this.

Bai Qi and Xu Fu joined forces to arrange such a thousand-year scam, and even the gods of the yin were deceived.

The cockroach is two corpses, which means that one foot has already entered the threshold of the avenue, the real mana is mysterious...

Xu Wenchang turned to look at Ye Shaoyang and said: "Small Heaven Master, today you and I kill the enemy, killing the white, the power of the world is in sight!"

"Don't give me a chicken soup. When people are alive, they are called meritorious deeds. If they die, they will become martyrs!"

"Ah..." Bai took a deep breath and took the surrounding soul into the inhalation body. After a thousand years of silence, I finally regained my strength and went further than before. This feeling made Bai Bai extremely useful, standing proudly. At the peak of the blood wave, I glanced down at everyone, and my eyes finally fell on Xiaojiu’s face.

"For me, it's all ants, only you... Jiuwei Tianhu, but unfortunately you are not in the heyday, otherwise you can fight."

Although Xiao Ji is looking up at him, the gas field is not falling, and smiles coldly.

At this time on the other side of the blood sea, Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Guagua and the three also each turned out to be the real body, crossed the blood wave, and launched an offensive against the white.

Standing up in white, pointing forward, the blood wave immediately raised three ordinary images, the whole body was covered with blood, holding a giant axe, blocking the front of the three.

"Nine turns to the soul." Xu Wen said, "Although it is an illusion, it is a white avatar, it is difficult to deal with."

Sure enough, after the three were trapped by blood, they were partially high.

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