Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1767: Flying pig

Within the human body, the yin can not be too heavy, otherwise there is danger to life, but there is still yin gas. In any evil object, there is no yang, there is no yang, there is yang to absorb yang, and it needs to be repaired. Conversion, like this sudden burst of yang in the depths of the soul, is like a poisonous thing for evil things.

Not to mention that Ye Shaoyang's integration into the Gutian Dan is his own blood, and the dose of the three kinds of medicines is also more than the average.

It is because of this heavy insurance that Ye Shaoyang is relieved to let "Cao Yu" follow along, but he also knows that it is a dream to just wear three corpse pills, so even when the situation is most critical, he also Hold back is useless.

He is waiting for the best time, this time.

"Let's go up, marry him!"

After the three corpse gods swiped, Ye Shaoyang shouted loudly, running suffocating, screaming at the weakest white, and smashing the seven-star Longquan sword into the white throat...

The rest of the people also worked together, each of them offered a means to attack the white.

Suffering from the whiteness of the hard work, the repair of the body is unsustainable. Xiaojiu seizes the opportunity, and the nine tails suddenly force, twisting the body of the white body.

"You let it go!" Xiaojiu gave a cry, and everyone immediately retired.

Xiaojiu loosened the nine tails wrapped around the white body, and the white body immediately shattered into countless blood clots, falling into the blood under the body.

Everyone looks at each other and they are silent.

That's it... is it over?

Ye Shaoyang feels that it is certainly not that simple. Just then, the orange poked his head out of the blood in the distance, shouting: "Where!"

Everyone turned around and saw a figure, which was plucking in the direction of the crystal door. It was white, and the figure was almost transparent.

In the melee of the genius, he decisively gave up his body and left the soul.

Although he is the same as the Tao, but the two bodies, but the three corpses are just a general statement, the things that are picked up are different, the form is different, the wind smashes the flesh and the soul, and it is broken from nothing. The avenue, so no flesh is needed.

Baiqi was transformed into a high priest by the Yuanshen. He built this ancient tomb hundreds of years ago and arranged it into a large array of water-absorbing spirits to nourish his body, then the gods, souls, and flesh. The ternary is one, but it is from nothing to nothing, so only the Trinity can give the most powerful strength.

The flesh is being cut, and it is a great loss for the white, but in the case of the genius, the body is trapped. If you don’t give up, the cut is not only the flesh.

If the flesh is lost, you can still lose it. Once the soul and the gods are destroyed, nothing will be done.

"Ye Shaoyang, wait for me!" Bai began to scream with hatred, Shi Zhan repair, and the wind went away.

In his heart, the anger reached the extreme. He had two corpses, and he thought he was invincible. He could kill the four sides. He didn’t expect to lose his body in the first battle, but he also believed that with his own degree, those behind him were sure. Can't catch up, start to figure out to go out and find a suitable body, after taking the house, go to the Ghost Domain or the Green Underworld, find a quiet place and rebuild for a while...

Suddenly a **** wave vacated from the front of him and blocked the way.

I didn’t see it when I was white, I knew that it was the water ghosts and demon, and I ran into it directly. I broke a gap in the blood wave. As a result, I didn’t fly far, and it was a **** wave. I couldn't get out and was wrapped in it.

Orange, Meihua, Xiaoqing and Xiaobai work together, and the blood waves swirl, forming a tornado-like swirl, almost squatting on the dome.

The four people manipulated the blood and immediately felt a powerful counter-attack force. They spread in the middle of the swirl. Although they lost their flesh and weakened their strength, the dead camel was bigger than the horse. Once they tried their best, they gave it to four people. Bring great pressure.

"Boss, come over! We can't sleep for how long!" The orange yelled as he tried.

Xiaojiu’s practice moved the sky to the past, and Ye Shaoyang immediately flew forward and looked at the huge water column in front of him. For a while, he did not know what to do.

"Boom..." The center of the water column suddenly blasted, and the blood wave rushed all the oranges in the water. During the process of falling water, it was faintly visible to see a figure rushing toward the exit of the crystal door, watching the chasing Up.

"I have smashed two corpses after all, Ye Shaoyang, do you want to stop me?"

The white spirit smashed into the wind and flew. When you watched it, you would fly out of the crystal door. The face suddenly rushed over with a fat figure, and it was also the soul. It was very fast, and the two just hit it.

A huge breath of volatility, the two of them flew out. This scene was even stunned by Ye Shaoyang and others. Looking at it, the figure that collided with the white tumbling in the air for two laps, landed on the ground, screaming in the mouth.

"Your brother-in-law, this product is very strong, even the little horse brother, this human flesh... No, the ghostly hot wheels are not hitting you, the road is still you coming!"

How familiar the sound.

"Pony!" Ye Shaoyang called out with the four treasures.

The pony flew up and landed in front of the two. One person held down a shoulder, and the three looked at each other, and the most open smile appeared on his face.

"No, even you are so fat, you can fly." Four treasures snarled.

Ye Shaoyang deliberately gave a gift and said: "I have seen the Baiyun City Lord."

Xiaoma laughed and laughed.

"That's okay just now." The pony picked an eyebrow.

"It’s like a flying pig." Four treasures licked their mouths.

Guagua Orange and others also came up to greet the pony, joking each other, without any gaps, as if they had never been together before.

"Do not talk nonsense, first put this goods!" Ye Shaoyang looked at the white and said.

"The road is coming," said the pony.

The white horse was suddenly hit by a pony, and it was tumbling for several laps in the air to stand still. The heart was stunned, and a figure passed through the water curtain behind the crystal door and slowly came.

A blue robes with white edges, the head is **** behind the head, and the robes are unfolding behind the body, the expression is constant forever... No expression, the hand is carrying the emerald green whip, stepping Going empty.

"The most capable person is coming." Ye Shaoyang snorted, and the wind came, it was all over, and the stone that had been hanging in his heart was finally put down.

"The road is big, you are finally here!" Xiaobai saw the wind at a glance, and both eyes immediately popped up the stars, holding both hands on his chest, and even forgotten his own injuries.

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