Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1773: Forever member 3

Several people did not know what to expect, but shook their heads.

"They lied." A voice said behind him. Ye Shaoyang looked back and saw that he was a 17-year-old priest who looked at himself calmly. This reminds me that when the brothers and brothers are all fleeing, only he did not leave.

Sibao immediately said: "Shaoyang, he is called Zhong Zewen. Unlike these guys, he has not come and told you that he has helped me a lot below. He is a cabinet that was forced to join."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You just said they lie?"

"Yes, the cabinet sent murderers to take souls and sorcerers, refining witches, they all killed people." Zhong Zewen walked over and pointed to one of the Taoist priests. "This, at least five people, all seven or eight years old. "Children." Going to the second and saying, "This is not bad, killing at least three people."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You haven't killed anyone?"

Zhong Zewen shook his head.

"Then why are you with them?"

"When I was a child, my hometown was a sloppy child. I was rescued by Master. My master was the former teacher of the cabinet. I accepted my apprentice. Later, my master was killed by the Tianlong Taoist. He is the master of my master... Teach and use my magic to refine my master. After Tianlong became a master, he killed many rebels and gathered the dross of these magical circles. The cabinets became what they are now. The behavior of these people, I have been watching all the time. The purpose of my stay in the cabinet is to want to sneak into Tianlong one day and avenge my master. After that, even if I die, there is no regret!"

Several Taoists listened to him and immediately screamed.

Regardless of them, Ye Shaoyang asked Zhong Zewen, "You are a different class in the cabinet, and you are the apprentice of the predecessor, why would Tianlong Taoist trust you?"

Zhong Zewen shook his head and said: "He doesn't really trust me. Otherwise, I won't have to find a chance to start. I can stay in the cabinet. Naturally, I have my means. I don't want to say those humiliating pasts. Please leaf. Teach me, don't ask again. If you don't believe me, you can torture and ask."

Ye Shaoyang stared at his eyes, then nodded and turned to ask the priests: "Ask again, you have not killed people, the means of torture, I do not want to use it on you."

When a few Taoist priests heard it, they couldn’t deny it. They had to say that it was the Tianlong Taoist who forced them to do evil. After listening to Ye Shaoyang, he turned and looked at Xiao Jiu, who had been with him all the time. He said, "You went to Wu Jinwei once and went to the cave, and all the Taoist priests who participated in killing the Jiadao brothers were all closed. One did not stay, and then the body of the Jiadao brothers. bring back."

The Tianlong Taoist is dead, and the remaining Taoist priests are no different from the grass mustard in the small nine eyes.

Little nine nod, just about to leave, Ye Shaoyang stopped her, thought about it: "These believers don't kill, they are also victims, they have no high priests, no tombs to guard, and may go their separate ways in the future. Let them go."

Then, to Wu Jiawei, "You immediately return to the flesh. After you go, you can do it yourself. If you have a karma, it counts on me."

Wu Jiawei glanced at him gratefully and said: "I avenge my brother, afraid of karma." The soul immediately returned to the body. Ye Shaoyang stepped forward to push the palace, help him wake up, let Xiaoji carry him.

Xiaojiu glanced at him and said: "This is not possible."

The real body appeared, with a tail wrapped in Wu Jiawei, raised in the air, flew away.

Ye Shaoyang looked at a few Taoist priests and said: "You are all evil masters, and they have all killed people. I cleaned up the portal for the magical world. You are dead in my hands, and it is not a loss."

When a few Taoist priests heard it, the scared soul flew away and immediately pleaded for mercy. A Taoist sorrows and pleads: "Yejia teaches, according to the rules of the magical circles, the Master must abide by the laws of the human world, and must not slay, and ask the leaves to teach us to abolish our Dantian gas and spare us a life."

Ye Shaoyang said; "It seems like this, no matter whether it is the rules of the magical world or the laws of the human world, I am not qualified to kill you..."

Several Taoist priests listened to him saying that there seemed to be a turn for the better.

"But... those people you killed, are you qualified to kill them?"

Several priests squatted on the spot and wanted to plead, Ye Shaoyang had turned around and said quickly: "The oranges are hands-on, receive the soul directly, and send them to the Temple of Heaven!"

The oranges couldn’t wait any longer, and immediately rushed up...

Ye Shaoyang lowered his head and walked silently toward the camp.

In the camp, I packed up my belongings and waited for an hour or so. Xiaojiu used the tail to carry the bodies of Wu Jiawei and Wu Jiadao back.

"All solved." Wu Jiawei only said such a sentence, Ye Shaoyang did not ask him the process.

Xiao Jiu put Wu Jiadao's body on the ground, and Ye Shaoyang and his party went forward to see each other, and they felt mixed in their hearts, but they could not tell a word.

"Ye Tianshi, what is the matter, even if you tell me, don't take me as an outsider..."

When the two met for the first time, Wu Jiadao’s words were still in the ear. Even when he said the words, Ye Shaoyang remembered it clearly.

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes are blurred.

Although they knew each other very quickly, they didn’t get along very much together, but Wu Jiawei’s death was so strong... Ye Shaoyang sighed and said to Wu Jiawei: “I’m sorry, if I let him go to the hole, he won’t die...”

When Wu Jiawei heard it, he said coldly: "If you want to say this, you will look down on him. He always remembers your words. He did it, and he died."

Ye Shaoyang leaned over and looked at Wu Jiadao's body and murmured: "The place is where, though thousands of people are going, you have done it..."

Everyone is also very worried.

Ye Shaoyang sighed and asked Wu Jiawei: "Are you going to take him back to bury it, or follow the rules of the door?"

The rules of the Daomen, if the Master died in the battle of catching ghosts and demon, the corpse is generally buried nearby, and the meaning of taking the guardianship is also a kind of memory of the glory of his life, just like the general of the ancient battlefield. Generally, they will not be transported back to the court. They will be directly wrapped in horses and buried on the spot.

Wu Jiawei said: "I am buried here. He hasn’t married his wife and children, and he has no feng shui."

I haven’t married my wife and children. When I’m twenty years old, I’m so dead. It’s like a flower. When I’m not ready, I’m dying...

Several people went out together and found a place on the edge of the stream. The pits were placed in the body of Wu Jiadao. Ye Shaoyang took out his own "Ghosts of the Ghosts" badge, not on the chest of Wu Jiadao.

"You are a member of the Ghost Federation, always..."

After burying Wujiadao, Wu Jiawei dug a seedling of red willow from the stream and planted it on the grave of Wujiadao. As long as the stream is not dry, the seedlings can grow, so that no matter how long it will take, you can find the grave through this. .

(Three more have been completed, thank you for waiting)

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