Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1775: Enlightenment

However, after enlightenment, the use of suffocation is just as free and easy as it is. But it seems that the suffocation in my body has not been fully opened. I have estimated it myself, if I can calculate the current suffocating In the suffocation, it is estimated that the mana has increased by at least 20%.

Two percent... It sounds like nothing, but since the promotion of the Lingxian tablet, even a little bit of improvement is extremely rare, Ye Shaoyang is already very satisfied.

Simply said the situation, everyone is happy for him, but the atmosphere is really not happy at the moment.

Everyone discussed it. They dug a hole in the grave of Wujiadao and buried Zhongze. They were buried together, which is quite good.

Standing quietly for a long time in front of the two people's graves, Ye Shaoyang looked back at the oranges and other people, let them go back to the Yin Shi, the mission was completed, they have been left in the world is not appropriate.

"Then I am leaving too." Lin Sansheng said, "There is something calling me."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and there was no need for any gratitude between them. Everyone greeted each other, and then Orange, Meihua and Lin Sansheng went on the road together.

Feng Yu naturally followed them along.

Xiao Jiu is in the Qing Dynasty, a special one, staying in Ye Shaoyang did not leave, Ye Shaoyang did not ask her.

The group returned to the camp. Soon after, Guagua and Xiaoqing returned, and they couldn’t get tired. They claimed that they had been in the cave for a week, but found a few zombies in the corpse.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "Xiaoqing, don't go back to the yin, you go to the East China Sea to find a little white, although she is with the wind, but this child is too simple, I am always a little worried, you go to look at her, It can also help the wind."

Xiaoqing promised to come down and frowned. "I just don't know where they are going, so big in the East China Sea."

The pony said: "Do you want to find the oranges to help you? You should go to the oranges and go back and learn where they are going."

Xiaoqing nodded, just about to go, Guagua suddenly called him, looking at Ye Shaoyang said: "That, boss, you have nothing to do, I also want to go out and distract..."

Ye Shaoyang certainly promised that they had a few to go together and they were more reassured.

Guagua and Xiaoqing left together.

Ye Shaoyang went to the outhouse to see the soldiers and members of the expedition team packing up. Cao Yu died, and assistant Xiao Zhang was still alive, and temporarily became the person in charge here.

Xiao Zhang is directing people to pack equipment, and Ye Shaoyang walks over and asks: "What are your plans?"

Xiao Zhang sighed: "I don't know, Cao Ke sacrificed. We can only go back first and report the situation with it... If it is normal, we should send an expedition team in the future and start a formal investigation."

Professor Sun heard their conversation and said, "In fact, the harvest of this study is still very big. I don't understand your ghosts and gods, but we can also test the origins of the gangs. When I go back, I will start. Investigating this aspect, maybe you can pass this point in the future and uncover the truth of Lou Lanming!"

Ye Shaoyang patted his shoulder and smiled. This straightforward professor is actually very cute and respectable. After thinking about it, I took out a bloodstone pendant from my backpack and opened it on the spot with a fire.

"This thing, when you go down to the tomb, if you encounter ordinary zombies, as long as it is not too powerful, you should be able to save your life."

Professor Sun collected it very cherished and held Ye Shaoyang’s hand. Some excitedly said: "I will contact you. The secret of the bright church is what you are now. Even if you write in the future, I will definitely write your name. on."

Ye Shaoyang smiled. "This is not necessary, but if you have any major events, you can tell me."

The two shook hands and then Professor Sun continued to pack things.

Ye Shaoyang asked Xiao Zhang: "After going back, there is nothing wrong with me?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated and said: "Mr. Ye, you are the witness of this operation. Maybe after going back, I will send someone to ask you to verify the incident, and the death of Cao Kechang... You can rest assured, go People are special people who study spiritual events. Mr. Ye can tell the truth, they will not be overly surprised, just the procedures for entering the file."

When Ye Shaoyang listened to him, he promised to come down and said: "Is there a military coat, give me a few pieces."

I ordered a few military coats, saw the wine that I had not finished before, and asked for two bottles of white wine. I went back to the room and threw them to the four treasures and Wu Jia’s great clothes. "Go, let's go to the two priests to watch the night. ”

The three men wore military coats, took pony and Xiaojiu, and went to the graveyard together.

There was no mourning hall and no paper money. The three men dug a pit on the ground. Ye Shaoyang took out the yellow enamel paper and gave it to the two people symbolically. Although Wu Jiadao was destroyed, Zhong Ze also went to the yin to be tried, and 80% was directly Going to reincarnation, you can't use paper money, but burning paper is actually a kind of memory for the dead, and it can be regarded as a comfort to yourself.

The three men wrapped in military coats, taking turns drinking white wine to warm up, it was not cold.

"Jia Wei, what are your plans?" Ye Shaoyang asked Wu Jiawei.

"I want to go home for a while... to ease my mood, I will go to you later."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. If he was him, it would take a long time to ease it. I wanted to comfort him a few words, and I thought that it would be meaningless to use Wu Jiawei’s character, sorrow and sorrow, and so on.

"How come you come to the world?" Ye Shaoyang asked the pony. "Was the road wind is not in the Qing Dynasty? How come you both come together?"

"It is also a coincidence that the wind has gone for a long time. There are some things in the Valley of the Wind that he wants to deal with. I went to the Qing Dynasty to find him with Yang Mei. I originally planned to go back together. It happened that there was a fox sister who went to find the wind and said. If you have an accident here, then of course I have to follow. Yang and the white fox are thinking about the two of us. If nothing happens, they will go to the East China Sea together."

Ye Shaoyang stunned, chatting with him and the four treasures, because the occasion and the atmosphere are not right, the chat is also relatively depressed, Xiaoma sighed: "When the ghost, in the underworld still can not feel anything wrong, to the world I can't drink if I drink, and I won't be afraid of the cold wind. Hey, it's a bit of a problem."

Four treasures: "The same, we went to the underworld, and we can't get rid of your things."

"The word is that the key is that you are still alive, and I am dead, one is in the Valley of the Wind..."

Then he smiled again.

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