Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1799: Practice calling female ghost 2

After all, Ye Shaoyang feels that he is still soft in this respect, and it is also a weakness of his own.

After letting go of the black cat, Ye Shaoyang walked around in this room filled with yin, and found nothing, so he went to other buildings and wandered around, and found nothing, so he went back, on the road. I bought a takeaway and went back to the hotel.

When I first entered the door, I received a call from Li Hongjiang and asked him to eat at noon.

Ye Shaoyang didn't have any good feelings for this blind child, but he was very curious about his motives, so he told him that he didn't want to toss, and he came to find himself when he was eating.

Li Hongjiang readily agreed, called after twenty minutes and told Ye Shaoyang the address of a hotel. Ye Shaoyang didn't dare to drive without a driver's license. He took a taxi directly and arrived in a few minutes. It is also the best hotel in this area.

In the private room, Ye Shaoyang saw Li Hongjiang, Li Hongjiang also brought a man, looks like a 30-year-old, very polite, Li Hongjiang introduced that he is Li Fanghu, his friend.

"Master Ye, see you." Li Fanghu was very polite to shake hands with Ye Shaoyang. "I don't care. I was a little introduced to the spell. I used to see Feng Shui in Li Gongzi's house and became a friend. When Li Gongzi was in trouble, I was I have also seen it, but I have nothing to do with it. So I heard that Master Ye is optimistic about him. It is very surprising. Today, I specially asked Li Gongzi to bridge the bridge. I want to know Master Ye, I hope I don’t feel abrupt."

Ye Shaoyang naturally was very polite with him, and he was so upset that he felt that he had a spell on his body when he entered the door. It was also a mage.

"Which clerk is Master Li?" asked Ye Shaoyang after sitting down.

"Don't dare to be, I just learned a few years in a folk martial art school, called Longhuamen, and Ye Master must have heard of it."

Ye Shaoyang has never heard of this martial art... But watching this guy’s modesty, in fact, his spell power is not too weak, Ye Shaoyang guesses that his strength is close to the level of Lao Guo, since he is making friends with local tyrants. It is estimated that it is also the kind of Feng Shui who likes to run the rivers and lakes.

It is not against this Ye Shaoyang. After all, everyone is eating.

"I brought a bottle of medicinal wine today and soaked it for several years. Today, please ask Li Gongzi and Ye Master."

Li Fanghu said, take out a bottle of glass of wine, light yellow liquid, through the bottle, you can see the medicinal herbs such as angelica, ginseng, and some can not be named.

Li Fanghu said that this is his own medicine in the mountains. He specially gathered several kinds of precious things and made them. They made a big supplement to the human body, and they gave Ye Shaoyang two people attentively. It was difficult to make a living, but Ye Shaoyang also drank a little. Feeling a bit sweet, it seems ok.

During the meeting, Li Fanghu was very diligent. During the conversation, he asked Ye Shaoyang about the teacher's inheritance. Ye Shaoyang took it with him. Li Fanghu understood the rules and did not ask much. Finally, he tried to ask, could you ask Ye Shaoyang to teach himself two hands.

Ye Shaoyang is stunned. It turned out that this is the purpose of his own meal, and it was perfunctory. Li Fanghu no longer said this.

Li Hongjiang mentioned the murder case that happened last night and asked if Ye Shaoyang was related to the female ghost. Ye Shaoyang claimed that he did not know that he had drunk a glass of wine and said he would go back to sleep for a while. When the game was in the field, Ye Shaoyang handed the car key to Li Hongjiang. Li Hongjiang did not accept it. How long does he love to open? Ye Shaoyang has no interest in the car. Since it is not used, it will be returned to him.

Back to the hotel, took a nap for a while, knocking on the door outside, opening the door to see is Xie Yuqing, she can only knock on the door without a room card.

"How is it?" Ye Shaoyang asked her to enter the house and asked.

Xie Yuqing went to the bed with a slap in the air, saying: "I haven’t been drinking wine for a long time, I didn’t expect it to be so dizzy."

Ye Shaoyang frowned; "Don't you go to work, how can you still drink alcohol?"

Xie Yuqing whitened him and said: "How do you not drink alcohol, hey, how do you sound so dirty. I mean... I don't accompany drinking, swearing, how can people help me."

"Hey people, who?" Ye Shaoyang has been forced.

"Who else can. I am not telling you, this thing is not going to go through the official procedures. Even if it is handled as a spiritual event, it is necessary to go through the procedure. I don’t know when to wait, so I have to pass the personal relationship. ......"

Ye Shaoyang understood this and smiled: "So you go to find your pursuer, you accompany him, in exchange for intelligence."

Xie Yuqing raised his foot and wanted to kick him. He remembered the last night, but let him go. He said, "Don’t say that it’s so ugly, I just promised to eat with him. Who knows that he doesn’t know where to get a bottle? I drank a glass of such a rush of wine, and now my mind is still dizzy."

Ye Shaoyang smiled ridiculously: "Maybe people want to get drunk, raw rice cooked mature rice..."

Xie Yuqing said coldly: "I can't, lend him 10,000 courage and he doesn't dare."

Ye Shaoyang said; "That is possible, people are officials, this is his territory, and it is useless to tell him afterwards."

"What do you think about this!" Xie Yuqing glanced at him and immediately sneered. "It is his site, but you are too young to see my sister! Don't say this, give it to you."

Xie Yuqing took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Ye Shaoyang.

There is a name on it, followed by information such as birthplace and home address.

It is the information of the person who called the alarm.

It is a male named Fang Bin, twenty-six years old, and his family lives in Gangcheng.

"I just checked into the system. This guy has been detained several times, taking drugs, gathering people, drunk driving a car accident... It should be a second-rate who can't do business."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved and said: “Does this person know me? Why do you want to hang me?”

"It must be instructed by people. It is best for such people to buy."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What do you do now, go find him and ask?"

Xie Yuqing shook his head: "There is no way, people just call an alarm call, and they haven't done anything else. Even if they report fake police, the plot is not serious. You can't take him."

Immediately said: "I just told you, let him adjust two people, stare at this guy, see who he is dealing with, and now it can only be like this, the investigation section I have the final say, encountering spiritual events, as long as It doesn't involve anything else, the conventional means of monitoring stalking is still possible. Now wait only, monitor for two days and say. How is your side?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Action at night."

In the afternoon, the two had nothing to do, and the two were busy and sneaked out. Xie Yuqing did not like to go shopping, took Ye Shaoyang to go to the famous scenic spot of Steel City.

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