Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1817: marry you

Ye Shaoyang instinctively repeats: "Why?"

"Because I like you. Just like a crow is like a desk, there is no reason."

because I like you. There is no reason.

This sentence made Ye Shaoyang's heart greatly touched, and with the sea breeze blowing, the atmosphere was really romantic, and Ye Shaoyang held the cold jade in his arms for a long time.

After loosening, Yan Lengyu took a deep breath of sea breeze, and it was very emotional. To Ye Shaoyang said: "My master, and your master, they all predict that we can't be together. Now happiness is in front of us. I am a little scared. It is."

She grabbed Ye Shaoyang’s hand hard and her fingers almost broke into the flesh. “I’m worried, we can’t really be together, I’m worried that I won’t see you one day...”

Ye Shaoyang also grabbed her hand and said with a voice: "No, as long as you don't leave me, nothing can be broken."

"Really... can't be broken up?" Yan Lengyu let go of him, turned and looked at the waves, and said faintly: "The prophecy will not be fake, there is always some power, not that we can fight."

Ye Shaoyang clung to her hand and said slowly: "As long as I don't release you, there is no power to separate us."

"Try it, don't try to know." Yan Lengyu turned to look at him. "This is your mantra."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Standing quietly at the beach, blowing the wind, watching the waves, listening to the tide, for a long time speechless.

"Right," Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something. "You wrote the three words in my hand, saying that it was guessed, you will do it... Now I haven't guessed, why did you get it?"

芮冷玉道: "Yeah, you haven't guessed yet, I almost forgot about it, then I can't marry you."

Ye Shaoyang took her hands and took a step forward, saying to her face: "Actually, I have already guessed that the three words are: 'Marry you,' right?"

芮冷玉抿 grinned.

After all, the robbery is gone, and the world is empty. When the world is empty, what is the relationship? As long as the two people’s hearts are together, they have been robbed and turned back thousands of times. After all, there is no regret.

The sea breeze is very cold, although Ye Shaoyang took off his shirt and gave it to the cold jade, but still felt cold. The two then left.

Yan Lengyu drove Ye Shaoyang to the hotel. She was going to go back. She watched Ye Shaoyang get off the bus and suddenly asked: "Do you know that you live in that room?"

Ye Shaoyang replied with a sigh, "Of course I know, the room card says."

"That's good, you don't have to go to the wrong room."

Ye Shaoyang only understood her meaning, just to declare, Yan Lengyu sneered at him and drove away.

Ye Shaoyang has been watching the taillights disappear, and this is going upstairs.

After entering the room, Ye Shaoyang asked Yao Mengjie on WeChat and learned that she was already in the room. She was relieved that she had taken a shower and then began to arrange the altar. She planned to ask Qingyunzi to come up and tell him about the engagement. .

Although I only asked him to hire him yesterday, and was warned not to look for him again, even if he could please come up with Master, it is estimated that he will be violently beaten by him, but it is a matter of his own marriage, Ye Shao** could not wait. It’s only to be beaten.

Just arranged the altar, not waiting for the soul, the door was suddenly ringing, Ye Shaoyang was shocked, the only thought was Yao Mengjie.

What did she come to knock on her door this big night?

Ye Shaoyang asked as he walked over: "Who is this?"

"It's me." It was a man's low voice.

The voice is a bit familiar, but Ye Shaoyang can't think of it for a while, but he doesn't have any good guards for himself. Ye Shaoyang decisively opens the door.

A man stood outside the door, his head lowered, his head wearing a hat, and a corpse on his body.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly got alert and stepped back. His right hand pressed the belt and said: "Who!"

"Ye Shaoyang, it is me." The man also took a step back and hid in the shadows, lifting his hat up.

"Hu Wang?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned on the spot. He never imagined that he would meet him here. He was surprised and said: "Are you not in Hong Kong? Leng Yu said that he is going to find you, because he wants to treat your master, so I haven’t left yet. How are you here? ”

"I didn't go to Hong Kong, I have been in Fujian..." Hu Wang said in a low voice. "Ye Shaoyang, you turned off the lights."

Ye Shaoyang remembered that he had a corpse on his body, so he turned into the house and turned off the light. He only left a table lamp to illuminate. When Hu Wang walked in, he curiously said, "How do you know that I am here?"

"I tracked you half a night."

Ye Shaoyang's mouth opened, revealing a very confused expression. "You follow me? Why don't you meet us, what is the corpse on your body?"

"I have a corpse poison, rest assured, I have already protected my heart, and will not spread for the time being. I am looking for you. I want to find you to borrow the same weapon to deal with a sin."

Ye Shaoyang stunned and said: "What to do with the instrument, I will accompany you. No... You are back, why not find your master and cold jade?"

Hu Wang was silent for a moment and said: "I don't have a face to see them, so I can only come to you. I only borrow one instrument."

"What kind of implement?" Ye Shaoyang asked casually.

"Seven Star Longquan Sword."

Ye Shaoyang squatted on the spot and immediately shrugged: "You are my big brother, I am my own person, I will definitely trust you, but Longquan sword is my teacher's treasure, it is impossible to lend you, even if you lend you, you It can't be used at all."

The Qixing Longquan Sword is a psychic artifact. It must not be used by non-Maoshan. In addition to Ye Shaoyang himself, there is only a path that can be used.

Hu Wang looked down and said: "Then you give me a different instrument, eight or more lights."

"You can lend it to you, but it is better to go with you, you come to me to borrow the instrument, and don't care to let me help you."

Hu Wang pondered for a long time and said: "Yes, you go with me."

Ye Shaoyang asked him to wait a moment, immediately changed clothes, brought all the equipment, and then followed him out.

After going downstairs, Hu Wang immediately went in one direction. Ye Shaoyang kept up and talked to him constantly, but Hu Wang said nothing, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to follow it all the time. At the same time, he wondered what happened and wanted to come. I want to go, or secretly take the phone out, back behind me, dial the number of Yan Lengyu.

Although this is contrary to the meaning of Hu Wang, but Ye Shaoyang feels that he must let Qi Lengyu know, because Hu Wang is now in the body of poison,

When the phone vibrates and the phone is connected, Ye Shaoyang deliberately asks Hu Wang: "Hu Wang, where are you going to take me, do you want me to call the cold jade together?"

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