Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1838: Witch 2

Yao Mengjie sighed and said to Eva: "I decided to let him stay to protect me. How can he not say his strength, at least my friend, you can't be so rude to him in the future."

"He is your friend?" Eva put a hand on Yao Mengjie's shoulder and said in the voice of the elders, "Catherine, it seems that I want to discuss with you the criteria for your friends."

After returning to the room, Ye Shaoyang took out the instrument and drew a few blood characters to come out into the hallway. He wanted to put a piece on each window. If there was any evil thing coming, it would be good for a while. Even if the opponent is stronger, at least it can play a role as a warning.

When I came to the window, I just had to put the blood essence on it. Ye Shaoyang saw that the window was painted with a strange pattern of red liquid. Look at other windows. I immediately guessed that 80% was Eva’s masterpiece. It is a kind of seal that belongs to the psychic. If you think about it, you still stick your blood.

He still has more confidence in his own spells.

Back in the room, Ye Shaoyang was lying in bed, took out his mobile phone, chatted with Xiaoyu on WeChat, and spit this EW's psychic.

Ye Shaoyang’s description of Eva is that she feels like a witch. The result is that Leng Yuyu replied: She should be really a witch.

Ye Shaoyang typed and asked: What do you mean?

A cold voice comes from a cold voice: the so-called psychic in Europe is just a broad statement. Just like our mage, there are actually many genres. The witch is the oldest of all genres. It existed in the Middle Ages. Like the Daomen and Buddhism on our side, they belong to the Holy See and are a very conservative faction.

After listening to Ye Shaoyang, I wondered if Eva and the girls behind him were dressed like nuns. After thinking about it, the voice asked Xiao Leng: Is the Holy See also a martial art school?

Yan Lengyu soon replied: Not all the Holy Sees are, like your Taoism, most of the Western religions are universal sects, only a few are martial art, some of the oldest medieval churches are controlled by witches. .

Ye Shaoyang replied: Like a monk on our side, only accepting men?

芮冷玉: Similar. By the way, I found a relationship with Yao Mengjie’s passport number today. She is indeed from France, and her identity is also right. I should not lie to you in this regard. However, Shaoyang, do you have any understanding of the opponents you will face?

Ye Shaoyang: No, she doesn't tell me, you know.

芮冷玉: I have imagined for you, can let her a last-generation princess flee abroad to take refuge, it must not be a general evil, you know what is the most powerful evil in the West?

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment, replied: Vampire?

芮冷玉: Yes, vampires, and werewolves, are the masters of Western evils, especially vampires.

Ye Shaoyang listened to her and said, I couldn’t help but ask: I really don’t understand the vampire, isn’t it that I can **** blood, but what kind of flowers can I play?

After asking for a long time, Yan Lengyu did not answer, Ye Shaoyang just wanted to go, and the phone of Yan Lengyu came over. After connecting, Yan Lengyu said:

"I don't know where it is. I still talk directly on the phone. The vampire is not as simple as you think. It is similar to a zombie. Most vampires are bitten and the blood is not sucked up. It becomes a vampire. Vampires also need Practice to enhance the cultivation. Moreover, the vampire is also divided into families, only the vampires of pure bloodlines have the most powerful power."

"The vampire also has bloodlines?" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Yes, in many ways, vampires are just like ordinary people. They can marry and have children. It is not necessarily a vampire. It is like a genetic disease. Not every offspring will inherit, but at least one generation will inherit bloodsucking. Characteristics, such a generation passed down from generation to generation is the vampire family.

The day after tomorrow, people are bitten and become vampires. The strength will not be too strong, but the family's blood heritage will be partially repaired and passed down by future generations. Therefore, the more the family inherits the long-term vampire, the stronger the strength. ”

Ye Shaoyang was the first to hear this kind of thing. It felt like a long knowledge. He was indulged for a long while and asked: "What means does the vampire use to fight people?"

"In addition to sucking blood and killing people, the vampire's attack method is actually very simple. It relies on powerful spiritual power to control the natural things such as the air. Their characteristics are high IQ and fast, very difficult to deal with. This is unclear in words. ""

Ye Shaoyang sighed for a long while and asked: "Where did the earliest vampire come from?"

"It is said that because of the curse of God, the first generation of vampires were the descendants of Cain... Anyway, it is related to religion, what the truth is, and no one knows."

Ye Shaoyang said with emotion: "Yes, just like the ancestors of our DC-transmitting zombies, Hou Qing won the hook, and at first I thought it was a fake."

芮冷玉道: "Similar, and the vampire is hierarchical, borrowing the system of the nobility, the most powerful is the blood emperor, then the prince, in fact, the lord, the duke, the marquis, the count."

"Hey, why are you like our ancient title?"

"Not like us, the world of vampires, imitating the dynasty structure they used to be, just translated into such a statement, if you want to listen to English terms, I can tell you."

"Oh, let's forget it, I don't know the bird language." Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment. "Have you ever played with a vampire?"

"Of course, I met the most powerful vampire, a Marquis, with my mana at the time, and just barely deal with it... Counting, the Marquis should be equivalent to the strength of a first-class ghost."

"First class ghost..." Ye Shaoyang mumbled in his heart and muttered, "The Duke is a second-class ghost. The lord is a third-class ghost. I rely on it. The prince must be a ghost. What blood emperor... Can't it be more powerful than a ghost?"

芮冷玉道: "This does not know, the blood family and the Holy See have always been dead, and there have been many wars between each other. The structure of the blood family has been gradually disintegrated. Later, only a few nobles are left. The blood emperor is already Dead, and no one else...

This is roughly the case. You may not be a vampire. I just want to tell you, lest you encounter a vampire if you really encounter it. ”

Speaking of this, she snorted and smiled: "If you are in the hands of a vampire, it is really enough to make people laugh."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said with boldness: "Thank you for your wife's reminder."

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