Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1858: Vampire infested 2

They all showed the same breath as the previous werewolves. Ye Shaoyang immediately judged that they were also werewolves, but these eyes were dark red and purple.

Ye Shaoyang doesn't know how to judge the level through the eyes of the werewolf. He just thinks that the monsters on these werewolves are more blazing than the previous ones. Eighty percent are those that are powerful. Yao Mengjie said that the few were the collars. What are these few in front of you?

The other man went to the stairs and stood still. Looking at Ye Shaoyang, he said a bunch of foreign languages.

"Go to your mother, I can't understand the birds!" Ye Shaoyang is not angry.

The man did not seem to understand what he said, spread his hands, two red dots appeared in the palm of his hand, and the brighter, the air around him was sucked in, forming two red light of light.

The man looked at Ye Shaoyang and smiled slyly on his face.


Ye Shaoyang stood on the stairway and held the seven-star Longquan sword. He looked at the past and faced the enemy. There was no guilty conscience in his heart. Only the killing, the seven-star Longquan sword in his hand shook slightly and screamed.

In fact, in the face of this kind of situation, it is more suitable to use the soul of the soul, but Ye Shaoyang has not wanted to change weapons.

"I know you can't wait." Ye Shaoyang raised his hand and looked at the sword in his hand.

There was a short-cut command in the mouth of the man. A few werewolves were swarming up behind him. They were extremely fast and almost came out.

Ye Shaoyang did not meet the enemy, did not retreat, suddenly staggered, and displayed the Maoshan volley step, smashed out from a corner that no one could have thought of, almost faster than the werewolves, and the blink of an eye had come to the man who was suspected of a vampire.

He is not empty and has a **** stupidity. At the moment, the only way to get it done is to swear the thief first.

What Ye Shaoyang doesn't know is that he is actually facing a Duke of Vampires.

The Duke of the Vampire stood still, not forced, but did not think that Ye Shaoyang would suddenly pass through the blockade of several werewolf lords and rushed to himself. In his combat experience, similar things have never been born, and it seems There is no reason, he still wants to calmly observe the battle, and further confirm the strength of this East Method. As a result, Ye Shaoyang suddenly rushed to him.

For him, this is a sudden incident, but Ye Shaoyang is already prepared. When he is in the air, he throws the Qixing Longquan sword out, flips it in the air, and arranges a sword array, so that even those few werewolves fold. Looking back, at least it can resist the moment.

Taking advantage of the vampire's Duke, there was a bit of work, and Ye Shaoyang took out a dark gold charm from his backpack and slammed it on his head.

Although the vampire duke missed the opportunity, but the reaction was also very fast, immediately raised his hands, the two blood of the palm of his hand hit the past, against the dark gold charm.

The two forces collided, and at one time, they were radiant and burst into a terrible shock wave. The body of the Duke of the Vampire shook, and took a half step back. The two bloods in his hand completely offset the power of the Dark Gold Rune, and a scornful smile floated from the corner of his mouth. With the magic of the golden glow of the eye, the vampire The smile on the face of the duke also froze in front of him, and there is no longer the shadow of Ye Shaoyang.


The thought just flashed, and suddenly I felt that my neck was tight and I reached out and grabbed it. It was an iron chain that locked his neck from behind. The mana on the chain is filled, the evil spirits on the hands touch, and the chains immediately become hot like a soldering iron.

"Ah..." The Duke of the Vampire had just made a screaming note, and Ye Shaoyang suddenly jumped up from behind him, his hands pulling the ends of the hook, flying a foot and slamming it in the center of his back.

When the bang sounded, the neck of the Duke of the Vampire was not accidentally broken, but the Duke of the Vampire did not die, but the backhand to catch Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang stepped back and pulled him to the ground, and the soul was surrounded by his neck. One lap, dragging backwards, hanging directly on the handrail handed over by the stairs, leaping high, his feet on his two knees.

Two sounds rang and the leg fractured!

This series of actions, the flow of water in one go, the vampire Duke has no chance to display, even the room for struggle.

However, when Ye Shaoyang finished all this and thought that when he got him, the head of the vampire's smashed his head suddenly straightened up, and looked at Ye Shaoyang with a sly look, slamming forward, and naturally, it was impossible to break the soul. The stair handrail made of metal pipe was pulled down by a piece of life, and the vampire duke faced Ye Shaoyang and stood up again.

At this time, the werewolves who had been deceived by themselves had already turned their heads and rushed under the stairs.

Ye Shaoyang is not in a hurry. He touches the sky and thunder fire flag from his backpack, shakes his face and slams his face, and his hands are sealed. It’s not the Tianfeng Thunderfire: "The gods of heaven and earth, three days and five days, I am instructed, the industry has become, Each of them is returned to the Ministry, and if you have a re-call, if you have a re-call, you will be eager to resign as a thunder!"

On the Tianfeng Thunderfire flag, a dark gold charm burned, attracting six beams of lightning: Thunder, mines, cloud mines, mines, mines, demon mines, six Lei seals, activated the Tianfeng Thunderfire flag The attributes of the lei, the magical power of the instrument and the charm, are like a double cannon. This is also the creation of Ye Shaoyang's Ming, the six Lei Feng demon on the Tianfeng Thunderfire flag, together to display, the power of mad thunder and sky, far more than one plus one equals two.

Although the werewolf is a Western evil, in essence, after all, it is a demon. Several werewolves are also worried about the safety of the Duke of the Vampire. Where do you notice the sudden flying of the Tianfeng Thunderfire flag, and wait until the six thunder seals detonate, several werewolves are being The wind and thunder are covered, and they are the lords of the werewolf. They can't stand the dual spiritual power of the Dark Gold Rune and the Tianfeng Thunderfire Flag. In the bottom moment, there are two explosions and the others are suffering. withstand.

Ye Shaoyang did not look at them. In the face of the Duke of the Vampire, he smiled lightly. "You really thought, I just took this means..."

The voice did not fall, he immediately sealed his hands and read the spell: "Nine 曜 曜 , , 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 曜 曜 曜 曜 曜 曜 曜 曜 曜

The vampire’s duke suddenly burst into a few stars, wrapped his body around him, trembled like a sieve, and squatted on the ground. At this time, he could see a dark gold charm on his back, nine stars, just from This charm broke out.

Jiuxing Rune.

In the moment when the brilliance caused by the first rune was quietly walked away and touched by the vampire's duke, and the hook was hooked on his neck, Ye Shaoyang put the nine-star charm on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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