Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1877: Illusion Flower Sea 1

"Remember what!" said a cold voice.

Ye Shaoyang pinches their hands, and the voice is even colder than her: "Your master is right, I will report, I said that if you want to abolish you, you will... abolish you!"

Both hands suddenly force, two hernias, along the arm, instantly poured into the two bodies, into the gas sea and Dantian two points, suddenly swell, crush ** ...

"Ah!" Two screams, from the mouth of the two women.

Lishan’s mother realized what happened in a moment, and flew in, and Ye Shaoyang threw two female disciples into her arms and bowed her hands. “The Virgin, one yard, one yard, they made a mistake, they’re going to Being punished is not related to you, but if you want to be in their heads, I will accompany them."

Lishan's mother took two disciples and used her suffocation to perceive it. It turned out that the body was broken and could not be practiced in the future. That is to say, these two maids have become ordinary people...

Lishan’s old mother stood still and her expression did not change, but the powerful anger was erupted, forming a powerful energy in the body, just like the energy flowing above the flame, although transparent, but Everything around is shaking.

Up and down the Lishan Mountain, everyone was shaking. Everyone fell on Ye Shaoyang and looked at him incredulously. They were not familiar with Ye Shaoyang. They only knew that they were personal masters. They still had some contempt in their mentality. I thought that he would dare to make such a bold thing in such a passive situation, simply...

A few people in the small nine are also shocked.

"Fuck, the little leaves are too irrational!" The pony fell and shouted. "No wonder we are going down the mountain. If we stay, the old mother must have taken us! I said that he was not like this before."

Sibao sighed and said: "That also depends on who is the other person." With a small nine-one look, Xiaojiu was pale, like a stone carving, looking at Ye Shaoyang.

Of course, she understands that Ye Shaoyang did this because they had married their own reasons. It turned out that... he looked so heavy to himself.

She was calmed by her appearance, and her heart was so deep that she was shaking and she could barely stand.

Lishan's mother raised her head slightly and looked at Ye Shaoyang, forcibly suppressing her anger, saying: "Is it worth?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "Value!"

Lishan's old mother no longer speaks. She picks up a branch from a flower tree on the side of the road, silently recites a spell in her mouth and throws it at Ye Shaoyang.

What is this spell?

Ye Shaoyang was shocked in his heart, and then looked at the branches. It was originally a one. In the process of flying down, it suddenly turned into countless, and the hoes were smashed down, and each branch was full of powerful spiritual power.

"Block the mountain gate, if there is a mountain, kill it!"

Under the orders of Lishan's old mother, all the disciples immediately went to the mountain gate in an orderly manner, overlooking Xiaojiu and others.

Xiaojiu sighed and shouted: "If the Virgin kills my lord today, I will definitely devote all the soldiers of the Qingqiu Mountain, stepping through the Lishan Mountain, and the fish will die!"

Xiao Jiu wants to force the mountain gate, but that will only escalate the incident, not only will not save Ye Shaoyang, but will harm him, so he will not be able to do it.

Lishan's old mother calmed her face and did not answer, and her hands kept moving.

In the face of a strong attack, Ye Shaoyang took out the soul and danced while cursing:

"Eight doors turn, five to three, the night ghosts cry, turned into a bone!"

This is the dead door in the gossip. The person is dead and enters the dead door.

However, such a defensive defensive approach is not a way, Ye Shaoyang smashed a gap, touched out a charm, and went out, the spirit symbol was divided into six, like a ghost fire, turning the branches, and reversing toward the Laoshan old mother.

Ye Shaoyang only cares about the practice, does not move, seeing that he will be hit by the fire, this raises a hand, the ten fingers bounce, it seems very easy to blow the fire one by one. Looking up, Ye Shaoyang’s hands were screaming and dancing, and the people were dazzled. Lishan’s mother saw a certain chapter, and her brow wrinkled and asked: “Where is the gossip, where did you learn from? of?"

“Is it important?” Ye Shaoyang distracted her, slammed the branches and blew her hair. “I made it.”

Lishan's old mother sneered. "Take a look at how long your own set of spells can last." Speaking of the branches and branches, they again beat Ye Shaoyang. Every time I pumped it, it turned into dozens of hundreds of pieces, and the key power was still so strong. Ye Shaoyang had no good way to do it at one time. He could only swim and avoid, and there was no room for counterattack.

Those Lishan disciples are also on the sidelines. The old mother of Lishan has been working with people. This situation has not happened in the memory of these disciples for a long time.

Not long ago, she had a fight with the Tao, because other disciples could not stop the road, Lishan mother can only personally.

This time, the opponent, Ye Shaoyang is actually not qualified, just completely angered Lishan's mother, and he will not hesitate to lower his identity to deal with him.

Everyone is waiting to see how Ye Shaoyang died.

The pony looked at Ye Shaoyang's passive situation under the mountain and frowned. "The small leaves are not the opponents of the old mother."

工具 九九: "Last, the three-week guru is very strong in the sacred place, or how the squad may be tied. The Shaoyang wherein she is not a rival."

Xiaomadao: "What about now?"

Four treasures: "Look first, if the old mother really kills, we will fight, or do not move, so as not to anger her."

On a tree on the opposite side of the mountain, a nearly transparent aperture encloses a man and a woman in the middle, completely ignoring the atmosphere inside and outside. Even if the instrument is placed next to them, they will not feel them. Corpse.

However, after all, it is empty, so the two are still very cautious, come together, in case there is any accident, even if faced with the strongest people in the Qing Dynasty, there is a chance to retreat.

The eyes of this man and a woman always fell on the figure of Ye Shaoyang and Li Shan’s old mother.

The man said: "For many days, Ye Shaoyang has a long-term strength and progress is fast."

The woman said: "What about that? He is not the opponent of Lishan's mother."

"Now is not, it does not mean that the future is not."

"Why is there any future, maybe he will die here today?"

The woman glanced at him. "Heqing, I think our chance is coming soon."

This pair of men and women is the queen and son-in-law among the three chief corpses of the corpse.

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