Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1879: Illusion Flower Sea 3

The pony and the four treasures glanced at each other, and the four treasures sighed: "Yes, I have never seen him lose the gambling."

During the speech, the branches of the besieged Ye Shaoyang were getting denser and denser, as if they were rainy, and they continued to stab themselves.

Ye Shaoyang waved the seven-star Longquan sword and smashed it in the middle. He felt like he was walking in a tree. A spring breeze swayed, the branches and leaves danced, and he rolled onto his face, but although it seemed to be chaotic, he was in Ye Shaoyang. In the eyes, there are corresponding laws.

Among the gossips, the wind is the wind, and Lishan’s old mother’s seemingly inadvertent spells are closely related to the swearing words. No matter how it changes, it always coincides with the gossip, and... is a congenital gossip.

Everything must have an eye, based on this, life, two, two, three... The more the mysterious image, the more difficult it is to find the eye, the change of the Qiankun, the water and fire are all long, one also It can be two, two or three, and the door magic, everything is evolved on this basis, just like the root in the equation, as long as the root can be determined, in order to deduct, all seemingly unseen spells Can find out where the birth is.

However, although everyone understands the truth, in the magic of the magic, it is extremely difficult to find the roots of the roots. It is necessary to carry out various calculations. Even if it is on paper, it is a very complicated process, let alone in actual combat. Among them, a little distraction, I have not waited for the result of the show, I am basically dead.

Secondly, the Qiankun translocation, the image has changed, want to understand the law of a set of spells in a short time, very test my understanding of the gossip number, so this method is rarely used in actual combat.

Coincidentally, Ye Shaoyang knows the congenital gossip, congenital gossip, combined with the day after tomorrow, so that he can promote the change of any image, plus a certain strength, which allows him to support the process for a while. Constantly observing the deduction, it is finally to find out the method of Lishan's old mother, which can be repeatedly cracked.

He is not really stupid. If it is not clear, how can he dare to make such a big gamble with Lishan's old mother and dig a pit for himself to jump.

"I can actually show my ‘welcome Huahai’ machine change, Ye Shaoyang, I am looking down on you.”

Ye Shaoyang escaped from the encirclement of the branches again and again. At first, Lishan’s mother thought that he relied on strength and gradually discovered that this was no coincidence.

In such a short period of time and such a high-intensity siege, the performance of a gossip of a spell was made. Although Lishan’s mother was shocked and shocked, she still felt that the winner was holding her hand and smiled coldly. “Unfortunately, you only figured out. The routine is easy to count, and my spell, there are variables."

After that, he shook the branches and smacked at Ye Shaoyang, and turned out the countless ivy, and attacked Ye Shaoyang.

Everything is the same as before, Ye Shaoyang wonders, saying good variables? Is it difficult to fool yourself?

Lishan’s old mother suddenly threw her hands, her hands quickly and sealed, and kept cursing.

The hundreds of vines that turned out to be singularly suddenly became thick and thick, and the green buds on the top were vividly visible. At the first glance, Ye Shaoyang was surprised to find that every leaf was growing fast, in the place of the bud. The white flower buds are formed, and the flower buds grow longer and become a white flower, giving off an intoxicating aroma.

What the hell?

Just in the work of Ye Shaoyang, all the branches have grown white flowers, and they look like they are in a sea of ​​flowers. This is... pear flower?

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a poem: Thousands of trees and pears bloomed to describe the scene in front of them.

"Flower gods are desperate, long-sleeved, Wanshu pear flowers, all the world! Mixed yuan Jinxian Guangcheng Tianzun rush as law!"

Lishan's old mother slammed into the palm of her hand and shouted a gust of wind. The pear blossoms fell, and the petals flew for a while, and they rolled over to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang avoided it. It felt that the strength of the rain of the petals seemed to be soft, and the actual was very overbearing. It was a bit warm to cook the frog. In the petals flying, Ye Shaoyang felt the air around him stagnate a little.

Ye Shaoyang hid for a while, but he couldn’t hide. He pulled the sword and smashed a bunch of petals, temporarily disrupting the rhythm of the petals, but did not wait for the breath, the petals re-aggregated, divided into several, not attacking themselves. Just around the circle and spinning around.

Ye Shaoyang felt bad. He went with a sword, and the petals flew, but they turned into more pieces, and they came with the wind.

What is this ghost method?

Ye Shaoyang calmed down and observed, while deducting the changes, and found that the trajectory of the petals rotating, similar to the previous branches, but not the same, so continue to deduct...

Looking down from the bottom of the mountain, it can be clearly seen that the countless flowers centered on Ye Shaoyang, together, resemble a huge white flower, constantly shrinking during the spinning flight, as if a flower is reversed. Grow and shrink into a flower bud.

And Ye Shaoyang, in the middle of the flower garden, the position of the heart.

In the gap between the petals, he can see that he is standing in the middle.

"What is the owner doing?" Azi was anxious. "After the magical flower sea is covered, it is said that even the gods of Da Luo can't jump out. At this time, how can the owner not worry?"

The rest of the people were in the same mood as her, and even suspected that Ye Shaoyang was confused by what illusion. In fact, Ye Shaoyang is only observing the trajectory of the petal rain rotation, deducing the law.

It turned out to be...

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the top of the "rain screen" that was almost enclosed. There was only a small space there, but from the top of his head to the top, it was at least three meters high. In the middle, there were countless petals of shock waves that looked like breath. The turbulent flow generally shuttles back and forth.

Ye Shaoyang has already figured out the law of its operation, found the roots of the shackles, the gossip, the uncertainties, the changes in life and death, but there is always a line of vitality, Ye Shaoyang has seen the vitality, but only saw it.

From here to the birth gate, the middle of the turbulent flow, although the law is controlled, but the speed of change is too fast, it is almost impossible to want to smash the past.

This is like a martial art. Any trick has flaws. If you are a master, the speed of recruiting and recruiting is extremely fast. Even if you look at the flaws, you may not have enough strength to grasp the flaws and complete the trick.

(It’s a bit late, please forgive me, thank you for waiting)

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