Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1885: Assault 1

Li Shan mother stared at his hands of the emperor fundraiser, the hearts of shock, he knew Ye Shaoyang relationship in the nether world, and later learned that Xu and Xiao Yiyun long together, a bit mind whispered, but can not insist on the move.

After all, Xu Long is a private identity, and although he was a visiting under your seat for the emperor, reincarnation Secretary grand, high prestige, but no real power, can cope with their own identity. She really did not expect that Xiao Yiyun could invite the emperor to hold the festival...

Cui Fujun is classified as a Yintianzi. His holdings, inward, and in the Yinshi are unimpeded, just like the imperial edict; the external, the representative is the attitude and will of the whole yin... Not to mention that he is an individual’s identity as Ye Shaoyang. plead.

Li Shan’s old mother’s firm belief began to shake up and sighed for a long time. “What is the relationship between Cui Fujun and this Ye Shaoyang? Why can a small human celestial being able to ask Cui Fujun to plead?”

Xiao Yiyun said: "Fan Jun adults are very fancy to Ye Shaoyang, as a student."

Lishan's mother took a deep breath and stood up. She walked to the entrance of the hall and said, "That is offensive... I am teaching Jinxian, I have already jumped away from the Three Realms and Five Elements, only listening to the Dongyue Emperor, and the rest... ... Even if it is a sinister, it can't make me anyhow. Xiao Langjun doesn't have to say any more. If he has a day to go to the Yin Shi, he will personally apologize to Cui Fujun. Today, I don't have to mention it."

Xiao Yiyun stood up and looked at the back of Lishan's old mother, and wanted to speak. Xu Wenchang waved his hand and let him stop talking.

Lishan's old mother can face the emperor's day, which means that the mind has been firm to a certain extent. It is useless to say more, it will only hurt the anger, it is better to leave a line of human feelings, better than tearing the skin.

When Lin Sansheng and Xiao Yiyun were pulled down, they said goodbye to Lishan's old mother, and Lishan's mother sent them very kindly.

Out of the mountain gate, the three met Xiao Jiu and said the situation, Xiao Jiuyi lost his heart.

Lin Sansheng said: "Go back and talk."

"Go back, I am afraid I am going to be killed by oranges!" Xiao Yiyun was full of fear, but there was nothing to help. Xiao Ji looked helplessly at Lishan, broke open the void, and stayed with the three to return to the world.

Daofeng and others have been waiting for it. Listening to Lin Sansheng’s situation, he was disappointed and disappointed. Xiao Yiyun did not dare to look at the oranges, but the matter was born, the oranges became more rational and they were all in Ye Shaoyang’s body, and there was no energy to come again. It is difficult for him.

"What do you do now?" asked Sibao.

"Soft can't, then it's only hard!" Xiaoma hated and said, "I don't believe that we can hit Lishan, the old woman can sit still!"

Four treasures gave him a look. "Longer brains, okay, Shaoyang is now on the mountain. If people are afraid that we will fight, we will not detain Shaoyang."

Xu Wenchang sighed: "This is not bad, I did not expect that Li Shan's mother would not even sell Cui Tianzi's face... It seems that it must be ironic."

The pony is still dissatisfied. He said: "He grabbed people and we also robbed. We arrested a few more Lishan disciples. In turn, we wanted to marry the wife, ten for one. I don't believe she didn't pay."

“It’s useless.” Xiaojiu analyzed. “At the moment, this is just something between us and Lishan. If we start with it, it’s bound to be a slap in the face. When the other teaching forces will come to the fore, unless we can convince all Explain the forces, and the small martial art that Lishan supports, otherwise you should not try."

Daofeng did not mention himself to change Ye Shaoyang. When Lin Sansheng and others went to Lishan, they discussed it again. They all thought that Ye Shaoyang’s temper would be used if the road really changed him. If there is any danger, Ye Shaoyang will definitely be mad and re-invented in Lishan. Then things have not changed, but the people who have been detained have changed from Ye Shaoyang to Tao.

At that time, it was inevitable that a fight would be avoided, but the most powerful main attack was lost. The road is not afraid to take risks for Ye Shaoyang, but after trying to understand this, he still gave up on this plan.

Lin Sansheng suddenly slammed his head and turned to ask Xiaojiu: "How much more is there in addition to Lishan's old mother?"

Xiao Jiuyi, "Don't you say you can't force the mountain?"

"you answer me first."

Xiaoji thought for a moment and said: "Lishan has two guardian methods, all of which are thousands of pear trees, and five disciples. The strength is not weak. Five of them are at least Tianshi. Two of them should be promoted to the immortals. The rest Everyone is just an ant."

Lin Sansheng frowned: "Pear Mountain has been deposited for thousands of years. How come these strong people?"

"A lot of disciples in Lishan, after the practice, they went down the mountain, and some built the Zongmen, controlled by Lishan, and some preached, gathered the evils in the empty world to strengthen their strength... So it really is on Lishan. There are not many strong ones."

Lin Sansheng said: "That's it, let's go to save Shaoyang together."

The crowd was shocked and asked how he saved.

Lin Sansheng said: "The method is actually very simple. We used to think too much about things. Instead, we neglected this simplest method. In fact, this method is the most appropriate."

"Forcibly smashing the mountain? Was it not denied before?"

Xiaomadao: "Hurry and say, don't sell off!"

"The positive attack is definitely not acceptable. We can attack, lock the place where Shaoyang is being held, go straight to the past, save him and run immediately!"

Sibaodao: "Your plan is too simple. Lishan's old mother must guard against our mountain. Lishan must be heavily guarded. We are going to sneak attack. What is the difference between it and hard?"

Lin Sansheng said: "The difference is big. He prevents us from smashing the mountains and may not prevent us from attacking."

Four treasures: "Why is this?"

Lin Sansheng did not answer, and asked: "What do you think is the biggest problem in our action?"

Everyone thought about it together, and the orange said first: "I still use it, of course, the location, we don't know where the boss is being held."

Everyone nods, the so-called surprise attack saves people, the most important thing is that the target is accurate, the degree is fast, it is possible to succeed, if you don’t even know where to be locked, go around after going up the mountain, then you will not be able to find it with you. Any difference, even if Lishan's old mother can't stop everyone, it will definitely take Ye Shaoyang in advance, change the place to hide, or take hostage in his hand, and the action will lose its meaning.

Lin Sansheng said: "Yes, most of Lishan's mother can't think of us to raid, because I am not familiar with Lishan. It is impossible to know where Shaoyang is hidden. But... if we can determine his position..."

(End of this chapter)

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