Xu Wen said: "The avenue is three thousand, only take a drink, the road to practice is not only a scorpion and a corpse can go. The sky "籁 novel ww" w. "2 according to the 阎罗殿, a few of the sacred gods he described Xu Fu did not take the path of the corpse, and the repair was quiet."

"Calmway!" Ye Shaoyang stunned and shouted. "Chenjing is not a man!"

Qingjing Road is a method of Taoist practice. It is a way of repairing. In the gates, there are also natural roads, red dust roads, etc. Qingyunzi’s repair is actually a quiet road. .

These kinds of cultivation roads are essentially the same. The spells are the same, but the understanding of the Tao is different. After being promoted to the place of the land, Ye Shaoyang really feels the difference between different roads, but he is so-called Tianshidao still has a trace of confusion, which also affects the further improvement of strength.

"Clean, what brand?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

Xu Wenchang was silent for a moment, and said with a dim sum: "At least it is Shangxian, it is possible... well, it may be a true fairy."

Ye Shaoyang's mouth twitched and looked at Xu Wenchang with a dull look.

There is a saying in Daomen: Tianshi Shangsanxian. That is to say, above the Heavenly Master, there are three legendary cards, which are: Dixian, Lingxian, and Xian. Known as the upper three realms, Buddhism corresponds to: Master, Luo Han, Sayādaw.

The four treasures are now the realm of the guru.

Ye Shaoyang was born in the inner gate of Maoshan. Before he was promoted to the immortals, he was ignorant of the upper three realms. It is said that there are several realms in the upper three realms. Ye Shaoyang also listened to Qingyunzi last time and heard about the truth. In the fairy realm, what is going up, Qingyunzi does not know.

Ye Shaoyang has absolutely no conception of the real fairy realm, but after all, it is the realm of the three immortals, that is, counting his fingers and surpassing his own weight. This is not the gap from the Taoist to the real person. Ye Shaoyang was promoted to the heavenly master. In the past few years, there have been various kinds of minds and adventures, and the degree of cultivation is equivalent to several times or even ten times that of the general mage. It is straightforward and has not risen to two levels so far.

From Lingxian to Shangxian, then to Zhenxian... Ye Shaoyang himself can't imagine how many light years in the middle.

Ye Shaoyang looked helplessly at Xu Wenchang, slowly nodding his head and said: "Xu Gong, not me said... You asked me to help you learn something about the enemy, I will bear it, last time you let me go White, I also went, almost did not die there, dare now let me go to find Xu Fu... Really, big brother! Absolutely kill me!"

"It may not be a true fairy, maybe a fairy."

"I am not an opponent in the fairy!!"

Xu Wenchang shrugged. "I didn't come to you. I told you the truth. This is the purpose of the Pluto Hall. Don't you have to say more?"

Ye Shaoyang cried with a smile. "Don't know the emperor, I know one. Is it a mage on earth?"

Xu Wen said: "This is a privilege, the first day of the world, this hat is not white."

Not waiting for Ye Shaoyang to open, Xu Wenchang continued: "Not only for this reason, Xiao Tianshi, you still remember when you opened the seal for Bai, your blood, and Xu Fu's complete integration... You also asked What is the reason for me, can you remember this?"

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. He was deeply worried about this issue in his heart. He was busy asking: "Why?"

Xu Wen said: "I don't know."

Seeing what Ye Shaoyang wants to do, he hurriedly said: "You must have some kind of opportunity between you and Xu Fu, perhaps the fate of past lives."

The fate of past lives...

Ye Shaoyang did not quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

Xu Wenchang said: "Xu Fu came to the world and appeared in your area. The Yin Shi believes that he is very likely to come to you, so I will ask you for help."

Ye Shaoyang sighed for a long while and said: "What did he come to me to do?"

"I don't know. The meaning of the Pluto Hall is that you don't want to hold him. If he really comes to you, you'd better keep him and inform the sergeant. Naturally someone will come to him..."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "I am afraid that I can't do it. I can't beat him. Even if he comes, he can't do it if he wants to go."

Xu Wenchang was silent for a moment, and he took out a picture from his clothes. He recited a spell in his mouth and threw it into the air. The scroll continued to rotate, releasing the aura, shrouded it from the surroundings, and covered himself with Ye Shaoyang and Lin Sansheng.

Ye Shaoyang can clearly feel that the space inside and outside the aura is cut open and look up. It is a golden landscape painting. Guessing that Xu Wenchang’s hand should be an isolated space, it is the same as his own four-party curse. Within this space, they If anything is said, no creatures within the Three Realms can hear.

Xu Wenchang took out a piece of palm-sized thing from his sleeve, covered with a layer of red silk, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "This is a fragment of the frog mirror. The runner king has a ban on it, and seals the life of Xu Fu's Yuan Chen in the middle. If you meet Xu Fu, first drag him, and then use this mirror to look at him, Yuan Chen Shengxiang echoes his soul and Yuanshen, will put him into the mirror, and can no longer run."

Ye Shaoyang took the so-called frog fragments from his hand and frowned. "What does this red silk mean?"

"If you don't see someone, you can't open your eyes. Otherwise, you will not be able to get rid of it."

"Oh, that is to say, this is a one-off?" Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment. "Are you sure he will be taken in according to him?"

"There should be resistance, but the runners say it, then there must be no problem. There are eight eyes on the back of the lens. When you use your own blood, you can unlock the seal."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he couldn’t do it. He immediately took the frog fragments.

Lin Sansheng has not made a sound. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but hand over a gift to Xu Wenchang. "Xu Gong, I have no other meaning. Since the runner has such a magical power, he can immediately receive Xu Fu and look for Ye Shaoyang. doing what?"

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he immediately returned to the taste and nodded to Xu Wenchang, waiting for him to explain.

Xu Wenchang smiled bitterly: "Where is such a good thing, this shard of mirrors, although sealed by Xu Fu’s Yuan Chen, must be opened by people who have a relationship with him, so it is necessary for Xiao Tianshi to use his own blood to open. Other people will not work."

"Marriage?" Ye Shaoyang's mouth was pumped, I don't know why the dance thought of Tongxuan Taoist...

"Cause, cause and effect!" Xu Wenchang reminded, "Don't ask me what is the cause, I only know that you are the same congenital spirit as Xu Fu, the world is rare, the runner can see that you have a reincarnation, to What he does, he can't get through, even if he knows, this kind of mystery involving reincarnation numerology can't be said outside, so you still die this heart, and when you really hold Xu Fu, everything understands."

(End of this chapter)

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