Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1916: 1916 night visit vampire 3

"What do you do, why not go?" The thief in front yelled.

"Ghost ghosts..." The young thief looked back at the movement of the curtains, and the scared words were unfavorable.

"What nonsense!" The older man also stood still, picking up the flashlight and shining over to the window.

"Where there are ghosts, it is clear that the wind is blowing..." The words didn't finish, the curtains moved even more. It looked like a man wrapped in it, and he wanted to rush over, but was trapped by the curtains, but the flashlight When I look for the past, I can only see the shape of the person faintly. There is no one at all.

"Looking at a mother! Ghost!"

The three men screamed together, and the metal tube of the hand slammed into the ground, and smashed a person's foot, screamed and ran out with a slap.

Ye Shaoyang estimated that this squat was not light, but thought that they had stolen the manhole cover, and suddenly felt that they were deserved of sin, just worried that their voice attracted vampires, so they followed.

The three thieves ran all the way to the gate. As soon as they reached the door, Ye Shaoyang heard a scream of screams coming from behind. Turning his head and seeing, several bats flew overhead, and the fur was shining in the moonlight. Blood red color.

Blood bat!

Ye Shaoyang suddenly became nervous, worried that these blood bats would start with three thieves. In that case, he would not be able to save himself. Once exposed, it would be very dangerous for the whole plan.

Fortunately, these blood bats apparently did not attack the thieves. They just wanted to see what was going on. They followed the three thieves and ran back.

Ye Shaoyang immediately understood that these bats should be sentinels, hear the cry, come out and see what happened. They don't start with these ordinary people. They want to come and fear the murder. They will lead the police to investigate the factory and find their nests. It is not good.

Several blood bats circumvented a building and flew towards the back.

Ye Shaoyang is not knowing where their old nest is. Of course, they will not miss this opportunity. They will immediately post it, bypassing a building and greening trees, and seeing the bats flying around a building with about five or six floors. Two laps, then drilled through a window hole.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the building. If there were no accidents, it should be the vampire's lair...

Ye Shaoyang drilled directly into a window on the first floor. Since he came here, it is of course to investigate layer by layer. Anyway, he is a state of the gods. There are spells hidden and will not be discovered by anyone.

A scream of screaming came from the top of the head, and Ye Shaoyang looked up and suddenly had a layer of goose bumps: the ceiling above the head, piles of piles of hanging hangs with countless bats, crowded together, 吱I screamed and kept watching, and the scalp was numb.

Look closely, these blood bats are not everywhere, but are gathered in the cracked or collapsed place on the roof, curled up inside, not only that, but also the number is terrible.

By the moonlight outside the window, Ye Shaoyang carefully looked at the bats and found that the bats were red, but the color was not deep, and it was a little pink tones. The kind of color that had been played with the adult before. These are too deep, and they are bigger, and it is not right. Ye Shaoyang can clearly feel this.

He turned around on the first floor. Except for these blood bats, he found no other evils. When he touched the stairs, he just flew down the stairs and suddenly flew down a dozen blood bats from the stairs. Ye Shaoyang instinctively avoided. Open, look at it, these bats are similar to the ones they have dealt with before: big and dark.

After flying to the first floor, these bats did not go out, but did something that surprised Ye Shaoyang: they flew into the nearest bat's lair, nothing else, but grabbed blood bats everywhere, biting Lived hard and sucked, a cavity of blood sucked dry, and then replaced one...

The bat's dry corpse fell to the ground, the flesh was blurred, and some blood bats flew away, and escaped, and the dozen blood bats flew to the next lair, and the blood bats went back and rushed to the bodies. Sucking blood.

Looking at this **** scene, Ye Shaoyang vaguely understands how the blood bats are cultivated: the same kind of disability, weak meat and strong food.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, climbed the second floor, and turned around. Several rooms were closed, and the sound of the animal’s whimpered, Ye Shaoyang went into a room and looked inside. There were several werewolves standing in the room. In the distance, the eyes looked at the distance, and some whimpered in the moonlight.

Ye Shaoyang looked at their eyes, all of them were pale yellow, and the evil atmosphere that penetrated the body was far from the richness of the bodies that they had dealt with at the beginning, indicating that it was still shallow.

Ye Shaoyang went to the third floor and suddenly felt refreshed: although it was an old building, there was no floor on the floor, but it was very clean. There were windows in several rooms with a decent bed. Some high-level evils are not the same as dressing and wearing clothes.

Most of them are vampires and werewolves, and there are some evil things. Ye Shaoyang can't recognize what it is. Guessing should be a special evil thing.

In an empty room, the windows were sealed and arranged into a classroom or auditorium: the front wall was hung with a statue of the emperor, with two cross-shaped candlesticks on the left and right, crouching in front With some evil things, I saw a very pious feeling, singing a song that seemed to be a hymn.

Ye Shaoyang saw this scene, nicknamed, do not understand why, the vampire and the church are clearly dead, why do vampires believe in the emperor?

Regarding this, he had heard some cold stories in the past, but he did not listen carefully, but he was not very interested in it.

Ye Shaoyang touched the fourth floor.

It is different from the following floors like the office. There are no small compartments on the fourth floor, but several quite large rooms. Ye Shaoyang enters into a room. The furnishings here are simply stunned:

This is a suite, the walls are painted, snow white, although there are not many furniture, but the European furniture is very elegant, the red carpet is covered, and the windows are blocked by thick floor curtains.

Ye Shaoyang went into the bedroom again and found that the style was the same as the outside. At least two meters wide bed, covered with a cashmere, was neatly laid on the bed, and there was a closet with a lot of clothes hanging inside. There is also a candlestick on the bedside table, and there is a book on it. Ye Shaoyang looked at it. It is a very heavy one. The name is foreign and cannot be understood.

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