Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1918: The 1918th Yuan God hits 2

"It's never going to go wrong," Lyon said faintly.

Although Ye Shaoyang couldn't understand what they said, but watching the black cat in Lyon's arms always look at himself, it is a little nervous, just drifting backwards, want to leave here, anyway, the task of exploring this is completed, the two guys I still speak in a foreign language, and I don’t want to hear some information.

He was about to leave, suddenly burst into a tremor... A powerful force, like a huge hammer, suddenly slammed on himself, and in a flash, the gods almost collapsed.

This kind of great pain caused Ye Shaoyang's whole body to tremble and float in the air.

There is no attack from the outside world... Ye Shaoyang immediately realized that it must have been a heavy blow to his own body, and that his life would be connected, and the Yuanshen would suffer such a blow...

Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang thought of terrible problems:

芮冷玉 is guarding this body, she will never let people touch her body, so...what is the danger she encountered?

Ye Shaoyang suddenly became nervous. At this moment, compared with his own safety, he cares more about it, but he is brave enough to support the almost disordered Yuanshen and fly away.

Suddenly I found myself in front of a darkness, while the space on the left and right sides was still spread by the ray of light. Ye Shaoyang suddenly had a bad voice! Turning around and seeing it, sure enough... the ray of light that shines on oneself does not penetrate its own body, but is blocked!

It must have been the attack of the flesh, and the spells that he used to go out of the gods have been destroyed. The gods are now in shape.

The eyes slowly moved up and touched the eyes of Lyon. Ye Shaoyang determined that he was discovered...

"Ye Shaoyang." Lyon and Prince Charles were also shocked. Looking at the translucent Ye Shaoyang, I forgot the attack at the same time. It was full of thoughts about how he would be here.

"The state of the gods! You are really coming to the door!"

Lyon said this sentence, a step, rushed up, the black cat in his hand also locked Ye Shaoyang, jumped out of the palm, came to kill Ye Shaoyang.

It’s really a house leak and it’s raining!

Originally, even if there is a flesh, I am not the opponent of these two bss, let alone the state of the gods. Now I am rushing back and forth, flying directly to the top of the sky, landing on the ground, and turning around to look at it.

The black cat also jumped down, and the two cat claws twitched, grabbing two paw prints in the dark night, calling at Ye Shaoyang, the speed was fast, and it was too late to hide. Ye Shaoyang had to turn around and use the power of the gods to fight. ......

Originally, the Yuanshen was injured. This pair of counterattacks solved the paw prints, but Ye Shaoyang almost collapsed and was scattered by the earthquake. He floated in the air and flew away in the distance by a residual force. .

The black cat rushed up again...

Prince Lyon stood on the edge of the roof and turned to Prince Charles, who wanted to fly. "You go to check the building, maybe he is alone!"

Prince Chaer glanced at Ye Shaoyang, basically hanging up, and now it is a spiritual state. With Lyon shot, there is no possibility of any accident, so he turned and walked into the corridor.

Lyon also flew and jumped, and a whistling sound came from the mouth. A group of blood bats flew out from the next few floors and flew to him, grabbing his shoulder and letting him land slowly.

"Ye Shaoyang, I am not looking for you, but you are looking for a door... Give me a reason not to kill you?"

In the process of floating, Ye Shaoyang barely accumulated a trace of spiritual power. When he fixed his eyes, the black cat rushed up again... If it was a physical state, with the power of his belief, even if it was the last moment of battle, it would not be possible to fight back. force. And often the more desperate, the more able to stimulate the dark energy lurking in his body.

However, after all, it is a spiritual body, and there is no potential at all. Ye Shaoyang is very clear that he has reached the point where the lights are running out, and it is impossible to organize any attacks.

Really... is it going to die like this?

And still the gods are gone, even the ghosts can't do it...

At this last moment, he thought of the cold jade, not knowing what attack she had suffered. How is it now?

Unfortunately, there is no chance to know.

In the face of the claw marks on the head, Ye Shaoyang did not close his eyes, but looked up with wide eyes. He wants to see how he died.

When the claw marks came to the front of them less than a few meters away, Ye Shaoyang felt the breath of death, but death did not come.

In the next second, a purple gas came from behind him, shattering the claw marks, and the purple gas was not extinguished, and the black cat was caught.

The black cat's attention was completely on Ye Shaoyang's body. It was also unexpected that he suddenly became a half-way change, and he was caught off guard by the purple gas.

After the purple gas grasped it, it continued to rotate and morphed into several words: the world was unlawful.

In the constant rotation, each stroke is turned into a bundle of purple light, each beam is rotating in different directions, like a rope, the black cat is tightly tied, letting the black cat struggle, it does not help, in miserable In the sound of the sound, the skin is fleshy and is directly twisted into a pile of minced meat.

This process is long, actually from the beginning to the end, but it is only a dozen seconds. Not only does Ye Shaoyang blaspheme, even Lyon did not expect this to happen. When he wanted to save, it was already late, he did not go. Rescue, even did not look at the black cat, but looked behind Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang also turned his head, just to see a figure rushing over, the first reaction is the wind... After all, the wind always does this. As a result, when the person came to his front, Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes and looked at it. He was on the spot, not the wind...

It was a man in a yellow gown, his hair was long and he didn't tie it up, but he didn't look ethereal or messy. The clothes are also a bit ruined, crumpled, with a Tai Chi pattern on the back.


Ye Shaoyang took a closer look. This person's dress is indeed like the ancient Taoist priest in the Taoist classics. There are countless question marks in his heart. Who is this person and can be suspended? It must not be human. Is it a ghost, or is it a strange state of life?

The Taoist suddenly turned his head and looked over at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang struggled to identify and found that the priest was unshaven, but the beard was still black. It didn't look very old. The Yintang was wide and his eyes were stunned.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stunned, although he was a completely stranger in front of him, but he had a very familiar feeling. This feeling is far away, as if from a corner of memory...

The Taoist raised his hand and Ye Shaoyang clearly saw that he had a judge in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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