Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1966: The 1966 Tushan 1

But the wind feels their existence.

His intuition is correct, Su Mo, Zhang Yun, and several leaders of the teachings are inside.

A Tao Gu was close to Su Mo and whispered: "Why don't you ring the bell and provoke the suffocation in his body?

Su Mo shook his head and whispered: "No, once the suffocation in his body is activated, it will immediately go away, and the strength will be several times more powerful, and you can't take this risk!"

Zhang Yun also nodded and said: "The teacher said very much, anyway, now we have the strength to dominate, first hold him, and then rattle to confirm his identity is not late!"

The people slowly nodded. In their eyes, the wind was already on the flesh. There was no need to excite the suffocation in his body too early and add trouble to himself.

Outside the woods, the road looked at the old mother of Lishan and said: "Do you have a lot of gambling?"

Lishan old mother shook her head.

The wind gently smiled: "I thought that teaching Jinxian, talking is counted."

The ironic taste in this sentence made Lishan's mother slightly discolored. After all, the gambling was promised by herself. Now, doing so is indeed a violation of the promise.

"Daofeng, the Virgin Mary has never talked about it, only this time for the peace of the world, and only once a villain." Lishan old mother sighed and looked down, said: "You are a reincarnation ghost child! Is the Promise Ghost King By reincarnation, the human beings should be sent to the world, and when the robbery comes, you will inevitably meet with the Promise of the Promise, and you will be poisoned by the world! In front of Da Yi, I, as well as our teachings and several Buddhism abilities, can only sacrifice sacrifices. Some means."

The road nodded and said: "So, you not only violate the promise, but also set a trap, lie to me here, trap my brother with a big squad, let me surrender?"

Then I snorted softly. "Where have you sacrificed the festival, killing me, this reincarnated ghost boy, you have earned an excellent reputation, and who will care about what you use?"

There is a point on the face of Li Shan’s mother and several stars on the sea.

Shaking the fairy is a smile: "So, do you admit that you are a reincarnation ghost child?"

"I don't admit, will you let me go?"

Shaking the fairy smiled, "It seems, no."

Lishan's old mother-in-law: "The road is windy, and it's a good time to break the tongue. If you don't have a hand, you will be jealous. Your younger brother Ye Shaoyang is only on the spot. The Big Dipper is a big squad. It is made up of mountains. Once formed, it is unstoppable, even if it is ten. You can't break the law. Now Ye Shaoyang lives on the line, and the hub of the control method is in the hands of my sister. As long as she reads the spell, the big battle falls, Ye Shaoyang will die!"

The road wind was silent and said: "If I disagree, you will kill the innocent people?"

Lishan’s mother was silent for a moment, saying: “Ye Shaoyang is innocent, but if you are obsessed with it, as long as you are so arrogant, you are trapped in the encirclement, and you will die. This is precisely to avoid innocent people being poked by your wind. The valley is not clean, but the leaves of Ye Shaoyang are innocent."

The road slowly nodded, and looked at the old mother of Lishan, saying: "The people under your door are also innocent."

Everyone was slightly discolored and looked at each other. A star of the sea’s attention snorted and said: “A big breath, do you think that we can in turn kill us?”

Daofengdao: "Before going up the mountain, Shaoyang once slandered them, only to hunt for treasure, not to kill one person, but you have to work hard, but you can't take care of this."

Out of the woods, it was the old monk who urged the lighted fairy to move faster. The hands were together, and the face was filled with a compassionate smile. He said, "You are a girl who is not a monk, but who is not a monk, but now he is trapped. Binding, can make irrelevant people free from the smugglers, or decide early."

For a time, everyone’s eyes fell on his face.

There was a hesitant look on the face of the road, silent.

On the mountain road, the battle is still going on. The members of the Ghost Federation have not killed the shackles of Ye Shaoyang, but they are not weak, even if they are the worst, they are stronger than the ordinary disciples of these factions. There are so many lives, so there is no danger to life. Just because I dare not let go of my hand, I am a little bit shackled. The action is very slow, and I have not been able to break through the encirclement for a long time.

"You don't kill, let me go to the underworld!" Meihua shouted.

"What time to go to the yin to do!" Xiaoqing said with a frown.

"It was before the military division. In the case of life, let me go to the sinister, I can’t wait to say it!" Meihua said, turned and rushed down the mountain.

From top to bottom, it is naturally more relaxed. Meihua rushed to the foot of the mountain, and the wind flew out of Shili Road. This felt the change of the surrounding atmosphere, tearing open the cracks in the void, and drilling into the sphere of influence of the stars. Within a long time, it has been banned with special spells. Within the strength of the mountain gate, it is impossible to cross the void. Otherwise, if Ye Shaoyang breaks open the void, whether it is going to the world or the ghost domain, it can easily escape, and there will be no such situation. The wind can also be taken away directly.

"do not care!!"

After Meihua left, Xiao Jiu and Yang Gongyi joined forces together, and together they flew dozens of Taoist priests in front of them, and regardless of their lives and deaths, they flew up the mountain.

Everyone followed, followed by a rush, followed by the peak.

"Lishan old mother!!"

Xiaojiu fell behind the road and screamed at the old mother of Lishan. "Let’s put Shaoyang!"

Lishan’s mother looked at her and said coldly: “The demon king has been degraded and involved in this matter, which is not a rational move.”

Shake the fairy, Xiaojiu smiled and said: "The millennium is not seen, the fox sister is still so beautiful, so the city is so beautiful, but cheaper Ye Shaoyang is a human master, and my sister is really sorry for her sister."

Xiaojiu said: "Less nonsense, today does not put Shaoyang, I am a hundred thousand male soldiers in Qingqiu Mountain, will break through the stars, not endless!"

Shake the fairy and smile a little, "Sisters don't want to be like this, my sister is so scared."

Lishan’s old mother said: “The Fox King, this matter is really irrelevant to you. The road is a reincarnation ghost child. It is the inner king of the Promise Ghost King who sends it to the world through reincarnation. Can you know?”

Xiao Jiu lived and turned to look at the wind. She was really the first to hear about it. She frowned and asked: "Can there be evidence?"

Lishan's mother is very satisfied with her performance and said: "Nature is there, otherwise I will wait for an ambush here, and hold Ye Shaoyang to force him to submit, and do this betrayal. If you don't believe in it, come out."

A few people slowly walked out of the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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