Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1975: The 1975th Anniversary Tianshi 2

Under the efforts of the people, the front end of the mirror gathered a strong spiritual wave, wrapped the handsome flag and marched hard in the spiritual network.

At first, the speed at which the flagpoles traveled was still very fast. However, the more you went to the depths of the spiritual network, the more pressure it felt. Even if Zhongyu dominated, everyone worked harder and harder.

After all, this is a collection of seven peaks that have absorbed at least a few hundred years of spiritual power.

"how is this possible!"

Shaking the fairy standing on the edge of the cliff, seeing the scene below, muttered to himself, as the lord of the star sea, she is familiar with the strength of her own Big Dipper, even if it is her own interpretation of Jinxian Going in, there is only a broken body and a bone. Zhong Rong actually can send the instrument into his cultivation, and it has already entered the realm.

"Teaching, you can signal, let all the disciples come together, stop them!" A view of the master gathered in the ear of the fairy.

Shake the fairy to raise the jade hand, a ray of light flies out in the palm of the hand, falls in the air, blasts like a fireworks, illusion of a rune, is the assembly of the Seven Seas of the Stars, falling in the valley.

It didn't take a moment to emerge, and the figures appeared constantly from the other six peaks. At least hundreds of them rushed from all directions to the valley.

These are the most common disciples of the Stars Sea. Xingsuhai has a millennium foundation in the air, and there are countless disciples under the door. The reason why these ordinary disciples did not participate in the mountain is because they are too weak and are more likely to die. At the moment, I saw Zhong Rong’s forced squad, and wanted to save Ye Shaoyang to go out, but sent them out in desperation.

There is also a calculation in her heart. Zhong Rong is not the same as the Taoist style. Although Zhong Rong has always been a rate of arrogance, after all, he is a Yin God who is in a high position. Under the official command of the Yin Shi, he should not slaughter the Master of the Qing Dynasty. If he did, it would be a real population. Shake the fairy and even expect him to kill a few disciples under his own door.

At this time, the top of the mountain has been caught in a melee, shaking the fairy to pull back and look at Lishan's old mother and the road, these two are the core of the melee, the battle has reached the point of madness, this level of fighting, even her look It’s a bit shocking.

It is a reincarnation of ghost children, shaking the fairy to think, the sister has not encountered such a strong opponent for many years?

Looking at the stars and sea disciples used in all directions, Xiao Yiyun and others can not help but frown, but not afraid, after a general glance, they have roughly determined the strength of these Taoist priests, even if they are together, it is no big deal.

They are just worried about distraction. After all, there are too many other people. Now everyone is concentrating on promoting the handsome flag, even if it can't be pulled out.

"You continue, don't care about anything! This group of fish!" Zhong Yan took a deep breath, his body suddenly soared dozens of times, looks like half of the mountain, facing the first group of Taoist, directly used The sleeves fanned over and brought a gust of wind, blowing these priests directly to the side of the mountain.

"Miscellaneous fish." Zhong Rong took out the wine gourd, took a sip, and squirted a group of priests rushing down the other side of the mountain. A sip of liquor was like rain and fog, sweeping these priests.

In the face of a few priests who arrived afterwards, Zhong Rong directly touched his hand and took a handful of them. Each one picked up a pile, like a pile of stones in his hand, throwing it directly at the opposite hillside. As for After you have fallen, don’t look at it.

"Ha ha ha." Zhong Rong laughed while drinking, laughing with a bit of evil, and a kind of imposing manner, huge body and awkward facial features, making him look like a demon.

The notoriety of Zhong Rong is one-of-a-kind in the whole ghost field. On the battlefield, the evil spirits and demons on the side of the Taiyin Mountain are caught, and they are generally squinting, devour, and cruel. For this reason, the sinister has been in charge, and Zhong Hao is too lazy to manage, but he still does his own thing, but he also understands that these priests can’t kill them. They are driven away. As for whether there are a few killed in the middle, I can't manage it.

"Zhong Tianshi, can't stand it," Xiao Yiyun said, clenching his teeth. Everyone worked together, the flagpole had completely fallen into the spiritual network, but when there was still some distance from the heart, it was blocked by the strong pressure of the array. Everyone insisted on it, almost exhausted all efforts, and could only maintain the flagpole. Stir, suspended in the air, shaking violently.

"Your Heavenly Temple is a group of waste!" Zhong Rong's body retracted to normal size, hands-on practice, strengthening the spiritual power of the mirror rune, and the flagpole was once again difficult to advance.

Among the few spiritual powers, Zhong Rong felt a demon, turned to see the flat head that was silently on the side, and said: "Where is the cockroach!"

The flat head bowed his head and did not dare to make a sound.

Lao Guo hurried forward and explained the origin of the flat head.

Zhong Rong heard that Ye Shaoyang had called him to rob him, and he did not say anything. He continued to lead everyone to push the flagpole. Driven by Zhong Li's powerful mana, the flagpole continues to squeeze into the core, but the speed of advancement is getting slower and slower.

"This law" Zhong Yan took a deep breath, after all, the seven peaks gathered by the Big Dipper squad absorbed the spiritual power of the millennium. Even if he was, he felt a little hard.

Forming a spiritual wave that promotes the forward of the handsome flag, Zhong Rong alone has a seven-point score, and the rest have contributed three points together. However, except for Zhong Rong, everyone has been tired and almost collapsed, and the handsome flag is slowly advancing at a distance. Ye Shaoyang was close enough to eventually stop.

"His mother!"

Zhong Rong took a deep breath, and the handsome flag was far from the heart. Only the last spiritual network was left, but like a whirlpool, the faster the rotation of the center water flow, the faster the formation. The last spiritual network is not indestructible, only the gap has just been produced, and the surrounding cutting symbols immediately gather to block the gap, making it difficult for the handsome flag to go further.

"His mother!" Zhong Yan snorted again, poured a sip of wine, made a mana, forced the handsome flag, and entered the last layer of spiritual network, constantly expanding the gap.

On the top of the mountain, Shake the Fairy suddenly saw this scene, and immediately appeared a warning: "Block them!"

The idea of ​​shaking the fairy is very simple. As long as Ye Shaoyang is still in the middle of the battle, the road will not go. Once Ye Shaoyang is rescued, no one can stop the wind from leaving.

In the jungle behind her, she suddenly flew out a few figures, Su Mo, Zhang Yun, who had been lurking, and the man with a long yellow face.

After the appearance of the three people, they immediately flew over the crowd and flew in the direction of the valley.

Daofeng and others were completely caught in a melee. Even if three people were found, it was too late to block them.

(End of this chapter)

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