Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2014: The first 2014 hit the ghost's wife 1

"Oh, forget it." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and looked at the back of Cuiyun. He hesitated and said, "That, Cui Yunjie, I am leaving."

"Go? Are you just coming back?"

"This is what I said, I am leaving, not living here."

Cuiyun's action of washing vegetables stopped for a moment, turned to look at Ye Shaoyang strangely, said: "Where are you going?"

"That, I have heard before, I have a teacher and uncle in Jiangxi, built a Taoist temple, I want to go to him." Ye Shaoyang can only lie.

Cuiyun looked at him with shock and said: "You have to go to Jiangxi, this is not okay. Now the provinces are different supervisors. There are still many bandits there. This road is a mess, how do you go."

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to open, she added another sentence: "And you have no ocean on your body, what can you do on the road?"

In front of them, Ye Shaoyang didn't care much. In the end, this sentence made him guilty. She said yes, she didn't have a penny. Can't she have to eat?

Cuiyun stood looking at him and said in a dilemma: "I have no money at home, otherwise"

"You can't ask for your money." Ye Shaoyang said decisively, and asked a Mazar to sit down in front of Cuiyun, frowning and muttering: "I will think about it, is there any way to make money?"

Cuiyun also sat down to help him think together and asked him: "Do you have any special skills?"

"Special" Ye Shaoyang almost said that he was going to drop the demon to catch the ghost, and shook his head. "I can still work hard. It is no problem to work, but it seems that the short-term profit is not enough."

"Right, aren't you a Taoist, or go to the street to set up a fortune teller? Oh, it seems that you can't make much money."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yeah, I need a way to make a fortune in the short term."

Cuiyun accompanied him for a moment, and suddenly he blinked. "I have a way, ah, it’s too dangerous, or forget it."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Speak and listen, as long as it is not killing people and goods!"

Cui Yundao: "How is that possible? But still forget, you are not a true Taoist."

When Ye Shaoyang heard a door, he said: "Of course I am a true Taoist. You should first talk about what happened, can you think about it again."

Cuiyun had to say: "This is the case. The wife of our mayor's family is evil. They all say that they are foxes, and they are crazy all over the world. I heard that the mayor has looked for several husbands and said that this fox is too powerful. Unable to fall, one of the monks was still hanged by the fox in the tree, and almost killed, so I said that there is danger. You will not catch ghosts, or don't go."

Ye Shaoyang listened to her and said that she immediately raised her interest and said: "I am dissatisfied with what you said, in fact, I will catch ghosts and demon."

"You will? Then you will not have much. There are no ways for those gentlemen. Can you do anything, or don't go, think of other ways."

Ye Shaoyang said that he said that he did his best, and he did not do anything. He told Cuiyun to take her. Cuiyun had no choice. After listening to his repeated guarantees, he finally agreed.

The two men ate the grass, Ye Shaoyang carrying a backpack and a belt, let Cuiyun take him to the town, Cuiyun did not know where the mayor's family was, had to go to the town office to inquire.

The guards of the town's public office listened to Cui Yun and said that they came up and down. Ye Shaoyang was up and down. Some distrust said: "The mayor is looking for a high person everywhere, but isn't it a post-mortem life? Where is the Taoist? ?"

Ye Shaoyang hit a head and said: "There is no gods, the poor road is the thirty-ninth generation of Maoshan, the Taoist Shaoyangzi, young but small, the ability is also somewhat, please ask the poor to introduce. You are invited to drink tea "Ye Shaoyang did not dare to say that he is a master of Maoshan, or the other party will not believe it."

The guards saw Ye Shaoyang talking very politely, nodded and let him wait, went in to inform.

The mayor asked Ye Shaoyang that he was only in his early twenties and had not worn a robe. He suddenly lost interest and let him go out and send it away.

After Ye Shaoyang got the news, let the guards go and talk about it, they can definitely accept the goblin, otherwise the penny does not take. The guards went to report again, and the mayor saw him clinging, and this was called.

Ye Shaoyang went in with Cui Yun, and in a bright office, he saw the fate of the mayor. Although Cuiyun was in the town and also met the mayor, it was the first time to enter the mayor’s office. It was very nervous, but she took the initiative to introduce her according to Ye Shaoyang, saying that Ye Shaoyang was her cousin and grew up in Maoshan. When I was a monk, this time I came to see her to visit relatives. I heard that the mayor’s family had evil devils and specially helped to clear them.

The mayor took a look at Ye Shaoyang and apparently did not dare to be interested in where he came from. He said: "Can you catch the demon?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

The mayor was a little suspicious and said: "I have invited five monks and monks, all of which have failed. There are two people who have almost gone wrong. If you just want to eat and drink, I advise you to forget it. See if you are strong and strong. Now you can join the town in the town, you can join."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You have found five, and don't care more about me. Let me try it."

The mayor slowly nodded and said: "This is also a truth, but we are clear in the face, if you can't get rid of the demon, you are injured, I absolutely don't care."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yes, sign and draw."

"Then it doesn't have to be, your cousin is here too. She can hear it. When it happens, I will swindle me. I am not welcome in autumn."

Cuiyun looked very nervously at Ye Shaoyang, and Ye Shaoyang nodded with confidence.

The mayor called the individual to help with the work, and went home with Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun.

The mayor's home is not far from the town office. It is a grand courtyard with a three-door entrance. It looks like a new building, but the architectural style of the Republic of China is like an antique in Ye Shaoyang's eyes.

Outside the house, there are two soldiers guarding. After the mayor took Ye Shaoyang into the room, let them stay in the pilgrimage hall, and let them go to the lady first, so as not to be abrupt.

There are only Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun left in the room, not even tea. Cuiyun’s performance was very tight and cramped. He whispered to Ye Shaoyang: “Shaoyang, you try it. If it doesn’t work, let’s go back. If they don’t let it, you will find a way to slip away. I am a widow, they can’t How am I."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and his heart was warm. He looked up at Cuiyun and smiled. "Cui Yunjie is relieved, waiting for me to make money, divide you half."

Cuiyun sighed.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the decoration of the room, it looked very stylish, especially a music box placed on the table, the top is a quartz clock, made into the shape of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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