Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2026: 2026 Funeral 2

Xiaoqing said: "I don't mean, is this sinister wanting us to be cannon fodder?"

Xu Wenchang said: "To tell the truth, the gang of the empty world and the practice of the orange princess, although offended by the Temple of Heaven, but also let the entire Yinsi indignant, do not want to ask the empty world, but the empty world is really The corpse was completely conquered, and the Taiyin Mountain was attacked by the Yinshi. The consequences were unimaginable. The Yinsi also hoped to use the airspace to contain the corpse and the Taiyin Mountain. Now the Emperor does not talk, and several big scorpions do not want to use their own power, and you are yin and yang. Secretary, originally responsible for the yin and yang issues, so only to find you out.

This is one of them. Second, everyone knows that the main thing behind you is Ye Shaoyang, the battle of the airspace, and it has a great relationship with him. If you go to the exhibition, it is also a matter of distinguishing cause and effect, but it is appropriate, but the Yin Shi can provide you with Aside from the help of the forces.

Third, from a private point of view, the reincarnation ghost boy is your mother, don't you want to save her? Expelling the corpse, there is a chance to save her. You are the doorman of Ye Shaoyang. Shouldn’t this be done on his behalf? ”

Guagua and others looked at each other, Yang Gongyi said: "Is this the attitude of the Yin Shi to Lengyu?"

Xu Wenchang puts his hand in his hand. "The Yin Shi will never allow the reincarnation of ghost children to exist in the world, but the reincarnation of ghost children is now among the corpses, and there is no way for the Yin Shi."

Guagua Road: "If we rescue the mother, the yin will definitely come to the person?"

Xu Wen said: "This, I dare not make any guarantees, but one thing I can pass through is that I would rather reincarnate a ghost boy in your hands and never want her to be with the corpse."

Everyone looked at him inexplicably, and Xu Wenchang went down and said: "With you, the sinister can control at any time. This is one of them. Second, the reincarnation of the ghost boy is the result of the reincarnation of the protagonist. In the human world, to a certain extent, it can represent the will of the Promise Ghost King. She is now in the corpse, and the Yinsi is very worried. If she is bought by the corpse, the Taiyin Mountain and the corpse are allied, and the consequences are unimaginable!"

It turned out to be for this reason.

Xiaoqing said: "Then we should do it, the boss is not there, the military division is not there, and there is no one who has the idea."

Yang Gongyu said: "If you trust me, I will go to the air with you, and you will listen to me."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at each other. There was no opinion. The Valley of the Wind and the Ghost Alliance were originally brother organizations, not to mention that Yang Gongyi had been with Ye Shaoyang for a while before, and he was absolutely trustworthy. Moreover, Yang Gong is very intelligent and very stable. He is also the master of chaos. She is the most suitable leader of the Valley of the Wind.

Yang Gongyi looked over and said: "We may not be able to take the cold jade back, but we are all convinced that Shaoyang must be able to come back. Before he returns, we will try our best to go to the corpse and make a good preparation. Wait for Shaoyang, they will come back and fight together!"

Some words raised the confidence of everyone, and everyone nodded firmly.

"I am back!" The pony raised his hand. "For the little leaves and the monks, they have nothing to say, just do it!"

The group began to discuss plans to go to the air sector.

Daofeng did not participate, and went to Xu Wenchang and said: "What is the opinion of the Yin Shi on the disappearance of Shaoyang? I don't want to listen to the official statement."

Xu Wenchang smiled bitterly, silent for a moment, and said: "Several big bangs met and discussed it. To be honest, this thing went out to everyone's expectation, Ye Shaoyang's name has now disappeared from the book of life and death, from some aspect In other words, it is considered to have jumped out of six reincarnations, and all calculations have lost their effect. The Yin Shi is now very nervous and attaches great importance, but there is no way, no one can find Xu Fu."

The road was hesitating, and asked: "Dong Huangzhong also went to the outside world with Shaoyang?"

"Must be true. There is no trace in the world."

"But according to your opinion, can the airspace be kept?"

Xu Wenchang shook his head. "The corpse has been forbearing for a thousand years. Once it was invaded, it is naturally the best. The best result is to hold half of the country. Now the most worried about the yin is that the corpse and the Taiyin Mountain join hands and attack the world and the yin. I hope everyone will be more concerned."

The road looked at the night outside the window and said slowly: "Is it going to change the day?"

Xu Wenchang sighed and did not say anything.

No one knows that the heart of the road is more worried about the safety of Ye Shaoyang than everyone else.

In the past, there was a friend in Shaoyang, and he always gave him the necessary help at the most critical time. But now he is in the opposite world, he only has a few helpers around him. The most terrible thing is that These helpers may not be in a place with Ye Shaoyang.

If Ye Shaoyang is a person himself, other crises will not be said. Just one Li Haoran is not something he can deal with.

Suddenly, the road suddenly asked: "There is no way to contact with Ye Shaoyang, even if it is unilateral."

Xu Wenchang shook his head without thinking. "This is impossible. It is totally two different spaces."

"The world he went to, with our world, should be on the same timeline. If he changed something before, would our world change, like the butterfly effect?"

Xu Wen said: "I don't quite understand."

Daofengdao: "If he returned to his ancestors hundreds of years ago, then, is there still him in this world?"

"Of course there is no." Xu Wenchang replied with normal logic.

"Is there? Without his ancestors, his kinship would be gone, even his father did not, how could he be there?"

Xu Wenchang groaned and murmured: "There is definitely no such thing, but it is not right. Since he does not exist, who killed his ancestors, do you understand what I mean? I am dead, After all, where are the descendants who come to kill themselves?"

The wind said: "But he already exists. If the ancestors died, his existence, what is going on?"

Xu Wenchang's two eyebrows were twisted into twists, and I thought for a long time, muttering: "I said you these problems, I never thought about it, I don't know, I have not returned to the past, you have already surpassed me." No one knows the understanding of the understanding."

Daofeng did not say anything. He asked these questions. He did not expect Xu Wenchang to answer. He just wanted to find a personal discussion and help him sort out his clues. Xie Yuqing heard their dialogue and said: "The wind, what you ask, belongs to the category of parallel universe. People return to the past. If you change history, the only thing that changes is the history of the timeline. Our world. Everything has happened and cannot be changed."

(End of this chapter)

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