Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2040: The enemy of the 2040th future 2

One person on the side said: "Crap, don't want to live, how can you escape from the battlefield! I am a soldier to eat in order to eat, how can I really fight, and then I really want to die on the battlefield."

Several soldiers around him nodded and they all thought the same.

Xiao San said: "That is, we are deserters now. It is also a death. If we have a gun in our hand, why not go for it? When the bandits have something wrong, now the situation is so chaotic, the officers and men will not come. Paying, eating spicy and spicy, is much stronger than our days as a big soldier? What do you guys say?"

Wu Lianchang said: "When you go to be a bandit, it is also a life-stricken life, what is the difference with the warlord?"

Xiaosandao: "Of course we are not going to be pawns. We have more than a dozen people now. One person has a gun in hand. As long as we have a heart, if you go up the mountain, Heiyunzhai will at least give you a second home for Wu Lianchang."

Wu Lianchang’s eyes turned and said: “Then you are not going to sell your life?”

"When you are snoring, you will die at any time. When you are a bandit, you will kill the road and grab some passers-by." Xiaosan’s eyes are on Ye Shaoyang’s side. “Like these few passing, you rob them, can they resist?”

When they saw it, they were scared. Lao Wan hastily rushed and pleaded: "The bosses are spared, we are all bitter people, do some small business."

No one cares for the soldiers. Xiao San looked at Wu Lianchang and said: "Wu Lianchang, what do you think of the brothers?"

Wu Lianchang played with the sabre in his hand and looked at the embers in front of the fire. He said, "I don't want to be sent to the fence. If I am a bandit, I must be the boss. The brothers will eat meat and drink together and be free from the control of others."

Xiao Sanyi slaps on his lap: "This is easy to do, Black Cloud Village is the smallest of the several stockades here, and it is dozens of people. The most is the box gun in the hand. Where is our long pole? We are willing to go to the market, first stabilize, find opportunities to run their own big home, and then kill a few people, not afraid of the following people dissatisfied"

Lao Wan and others looked at each other, and they were so scared that they couldn’t speak. These are the soldiers who want to go to the bandits, but also to fight with the soil.

After hesitating again and again, Wu Lianchang accepted the proposal of Xiaosan, so everyone discussed the specific plan. At this time, one person jumped up and said: "I am not a bandit! I am absolutely not a bandit!"

Wu Lianchang looked at him with a sullen face and said: "The stone, everyone has aspirations, I don't force you. You go."

Xiaosandao: "Leave the gun!"

The stone did not hesitate to throw his gun on the ground and turned to leave. Wu Lianchang said: "Wait a minute."

Say to the rest of the subordinates: "Who else do not want to be a bandit, go now and leave, don't wait for the mountain to repent, then be a deserter."

Everyone looked at each other and two people stood up.

Wu Lianchang asked a few times, no one stood up again, so they asked them to hand over the guns and bullets and let them go.

The three men held a fist ceremony against Wu Lianchang and others. They had nothing to say. They turned and left. When they walked to the door of the temple, Xiaosan suddenly stood up and said, "Stone, Tiger, Chen Zhu!"

The trio instinctively turned around.

Xiao San violently lifted the rifle, pulled the bolt, and hit a few shots on them.


Cuiyun was the first time to see the murder. She was scared to scream on the spot. Ye Shaoyang was kneeling on the ground, holding her in her arms and holding her hand to comfort.

Lao Wan and others are also scared and soft, and trembling.

The two eggs scared the urine on the spot.

Wu Lianchang and his soldiers were also scared, watching the three bodies fall down, and they only came back to God, turned their heads one by one, and looked at Xiaosan with shock.

Xiao San put down the gun and said to Wu Lianchang and the group: "Brothers don't blame me, I don't want to worry about it, I don't want to do it to them. You think about it, when the bandits are most afraid of being recognized, the three of them go back, maybe they will go to inform. Even if they don't say that, if they are caught by the warlord, they will certainly give us something, and by then we will become wanted."

Wu Lianchang said: "What is the relationship? Anyway, what you said, the officers and men will not come."

Xiao San smiled: "When the bandits are not afraid, but we really have to be a bandit for a lifetime, always go into the city, I don't want to be thrown out of the city is a wanted criminal, tied me to the official. Besides, in the future, if our forces are sitting on the big, they are noticed by the officers and men. It is better to be recognized by the face than to not know the face."

Wu Lianchang and others did not say anything, and apparently they all silently said his. And there is another floor, they also thought, most of them are in Jiangxi, when the deserters are nothing, the Warlord has no time to go to their hometown to catch people, but when the bandits are different, it is easy to even be tired of family Moreover, they do not want to be known by their families to be a bandit.

Wu Lianchang said to Xiaosan: "I remember that it was you who persuaded us to escape from the army. You really are more thoughtful than I thought."

Xiaosan smiled: "Jianlian, now we can do business."

Wu Lianchang looked at him and said: "Wait a minute, I think that you think that things are more thoughtful than me. It is better for you to be a big brother. I am following you, how?"

Xiao San immediately shook his head and said, "Do not even say this. I am a man who is suitable for being a master. I have an idea. I can’t do it in the big picture. Even your character is calmer than me. Brothers also listen to you. This boss is absolutely for you to come, I am safe to give you a master, an adjutant, the brothers are fragrant and spicy, if the big brother can not believe me, we will drink blood and drink today!"

When Wu Lianchang heard it, he immediately agreed, but after searching for a long time, there was no wine and no bowl, so he asked Ye Shaoyang and others to ask for it.

Lao Wan took a jug and immediately shivered and handed it over. Wu Lianchang and Xiaosan cut their fingers with a knife and dripped the blood in. Then Xiaosan proposed that everyone should worship the child together, so everyone cut a hand and dropped blood.

Ye Shaoyang looked at this wonderful scene on the side, and his eyes swept to the little three from time to time. This person was open to the public, the facial features were correct, and the earlobe was thick. From the aspect, he was a person who could do big things, but there were messy hairs between the two eyebrows. The two eyebrows are connected together. According to the technique, this kind of person is evil inside, insidious and cunning, and it is not natural.

In fact, even if he didn't look at the face, Ye Shaoyang also saw the sinisterness of this little three heart: When Wu Lianchang proposed to let him be a big brother, he did not do it, it was right. When Wu Lianchang used to be the boss and dominated Xiaosan, he suddenly wanted to be a man, and he was definitely not used to it. Although he himself proposed it, he will definitely grieve in the future, and he may slap his knife in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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