Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2087: 2087 female corpse resurrection 2

Then there was a sharp voice saying: "Oh, my grandfather will go to avoid the rain!"

Between the talks, several figures flew into the outside of the temple. Ye Shaoyang looks intently. These people are wearing thick cloth sweatshirts, tall and thin, but the facial features have a common feature: fierceness and evil. At first glance, it is not a good class. The waist on the right side of the clothes is bulging, it seems to be a different guy.


Ye Shaoyang and Chen San looked at each other, and Chen San was not too scared. At this time, Cuiyun heard the movement and woke up. When she saw such a person coming out, she was scared to open her mouth. Ye Shaoyang grabbed her mouth and let her point back.

"Three homes, three homes!" A bandit first smashed the horse, went to the temple, and saw Ye Shaoyang three people at a glance, stunned, to pull the one around him.

Soon, everyone found Ye Shaoyang three people, the three heads of the family took the lead, pulled out the box gun from the waist, aiming at the three, hate asked: "Do you do it?"

Chen San immediately stepped forward and held a fist. "Grandpa, Grandpa, and the three are the princes who rushed the corpse. Passing through the treasures, isn't it raining? We have a fire here, and the grandfathers are coming in to bake the clothes."

When the three masters listened to him, the look slowed down, put the box gun down, and greeted the brothers.

Chen San immediately took Ye Shaoyang and Cui Yun to the back and gave them a place to move.

This group of bandits had a total of five or six. When they came in, they immediately seized the fire and the futons and took off their clothes directly. They only wore big pants and baked clothes in front of the fire.

Cuiyun was ashamed and afraid, and went back to Ye Shaoyang.

The bandit Ye Shaoyang was the first to see the real bandits. It was not the same as those in the TV series. It was not so exaggerated in the continuation of the manners. However, after these people sat down, Ye Shaoyang immediately perceived the murder of a stock. It shows that these bandits are really killing people, and quite a lot.

However, although these bandits are brutal, there is one point that they will not kill people casually, so they will not mind the presence of three people.

A bandit squinted at the back of Ye Shaoyang, and smiled: "There are girls, come out to see the long look."

Cuiyun listened and trembled. Fortunately, the opening of the three-headed family said: "I am aiming at the entrance of the old man, and the waist is thick like a melon, and it is full of pockmarks."

When a few bandits heard it, they suddenly lost interest.

When the third side of the house was roasting fire, and asked Chen San if there was anything to eat, Chen San quickly took out the dry food from the backpack, took five oceans and sent it up. "Please ask your grandfather to enjoy your face, drink tea, and drink tea."

The three homes were very satisfied, took over the money and the dry food, and gave him a glance: "You are a publicity, I always heard that you rushed to the body, this is the first time you met, you are a errand horse, I also Don't be embarrassed about you, go back and bring a word to your head. As the saying goes, see the mountain worshipping the mountain, let him have nothing to do with the tribute, and the scorpion will highlight it, or you will come across you again and give you three holes and six holes. Let you be long-term."

Chen San quickly lost his smile and nodded.

Several bandits no longer care about him and began to discuss the arrangements after the downhill. Ye Shaoyang listened to the side and knew that they were going to get rid of the kidnapping. Although they were angry, they couldn’t help but just ask for the rain to stop. These guys are going to hurry.

Ye Shaoyang held a seven-star Longquan sword in one hand and prepared to cope with the unexpected situation on time.

Several bandits ate something, and the clothes were dried, but the rain stopped, and it was a little boring. I didn't know which pothole's head was, and went to the wall to look at the bodies.

These are consistent murders and goods, not afraid of the body, just curious.

Three hands in the hands of a family playing a knife, provoked the charm of a corpse face, looked for a while, squinted at Chen Sanyi, said: "I said, these bodies, really listen to you Will you go?"

"Oh, of course, we are three people, we can't carry these bodies." Chen San lost his smile and answered carefully.

"This is really amazing, come and show me a few!"

Chen San suddenly speechless, looking at Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang did not know how to do it. I had to say, "This man, if the body moves, it will not stop, but please raise your hands. It is not easy for everyone."

"Go to your mother!"

Ye Shaoyang's eyes were cold, and his heart was murderous, but considering the safety of Chen San and Cui Yun, he did not act for a while. After all, these people have guns on their own, and they have to take care of two companions, and now they can only bear it.

Although the three-headed family had slandered him, he did not insist on it. He looked at his own body and looked at it. Then, let Ye Shaoyang worry about the incident: the three-headed station is set in front of the female body, looking up and down, sneer: "Is the body still pretty good, I don't know how long the face is."

As soon as he raised his hand, he revealed the charm in front of the female body.

Ye Shaoyang and Chen San had no time to stop. Chen San looked at Ye Shaoyang, and Ye Shaoyang shook his head. There were three characters on the female body, and one of them was torn off, and there was no big problem.

However, after seeing the female corpse, the three-headed family was immediately attracted, and the former bandits were also surrounded.

"This girl is so special!" There are bandits who admire.

Three of the family stayed for a moment, reached out and pinched the face of the female corpse, full of flexibility, like the living, and carefully looked at it for a while, yelling at the three people of Ye Shaoyang: "This is a special dead!"

Chen San quickly waved his hand and said: "When you return to the uncle, this is of course a dead person. How can a living person not move?"

"Just dead?"

"Right, just died soon." Chen Sanshun said in his words.

Three of the family frowned and looked at the female body for a while, and pinched a face, sighed: "It's a pity, long and so handsome."

Several bandits walked over with a smiley face, followed by the face of the female corpse, and the clothes of the handcuffs and even the niece. The charms were attached to the clothes by the spirits, and the two spirits fell one after another. . The body fell down at once.

"Put the charm!"

Ye Shaoyang went in anxiously.

Several bandits didn't know what was going on, and he suddenly shouted a scorpion and was shocked. Two of them took out the box gun and pointed it at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to move.

At this time, he saw a ghost, flew in from the window on the opposite wall, and flew toward the female body.

The ghost that has been lurking nearby!

Ye Shaoyang just wanted to pull the sword, saw the black barrels in the hands of the two bandits, hesitated, and hesitated in this, the ghosts drifted into the body of the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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