Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2120: 2120 years ago 2

"Your Master told me to tell you that he flew up to the air. If you look for him in the future, you can go to the empty world to find him."

Lin Sansheng glimpsed: "The empty world? What era is the empty world?"

"Nature is your time." Xu Fu said in a serious manner, "No matter how you cross, you always remember which time and space you came from, that is the world that truly belongs to you."

"Your Master assisted me because of this incident and was convicted of the Yin Shi. It is impossible to go to the Yin Shi reincarnation. The East Emperor bells out. His wish is gone. He is the Interpreter. Now the air and the corps are fighting, he went. Since its usefulness, Tong Xuan is also in the air, and your master is going to catch him."

Lin Sansheng nodded and said, "Xie Laozu told."

"How are you doing now?" Xu Fu asked again.

“Very good,” Lin Sansheng said with a smile. “Thank you for your help, let me find my nephew.”

Xu Fudao: "But what is the difference between your eyebrows, but why?"

"This..." Lin Sansheng shrugged and said: "I don't know the ancest, you know."

Xu Fu said in a deep voice: "I am not willing to let you take her to see Shaoyang. Ghosts know God. If she goes, the cycle will be reversed, and there will be many undetermined disasters."

Lin Sansheng nodded and said: "This I know, this is my own decision."

If you go back with your nephew, and then return to 2016 with Ye Shaoyang, the world has a reincarnation of Jin Ying, in fact... Jin Ying is the lover he really looks for, although he will not meet, but think of the real nephew Living in one world, and living alone... but living with another nephew, this feeling will make him confused, which is why he asked Xu Fu to take him to live here.

Although he does not know what time it is, he must have said that before he was born, although the ghosts of himself and his nephew existed in this era, their identity was different and there was no intersection. At this time, the nephew can still Said not to be a child. This idea has made Lin Sansheng’s feeling of confusion in his heart less.

Besides, if she let her know the truth, she will probably go to Jin Ying. When the two people from different time and space meet, what will happen, Lin Sansheng does not dare to think.

Therefore, he also knows that he can't take his children back.

Anyway, this is your choice. Lin Sansheng bowed his head and said: "Don't say this. How is the ancestor, Jiuwei Tianhu?"

"She is still in the East Emperor Bell."

"I know, I mean..."

When Lin Sansheng’s words were not finished, he saw Xu Fu picking up a golden bell from his clothes and screaming at the moment: “Donghuangzhong, has it become so small?”

"Donghuangzhong is an ancient artifact, the town is on the mountain, the town is evil, and it can be big or small."

"That... how is Xiaoji?"

"She used her demon blood to open Donghuangzhong, and helped Donghuangzhong to recognize Ye Shaoyang as the main, and he became part of this clock."

Lin Sansheng looked silly at Donghuangzhong in his hand and murmured: "Is it really saved?"

"The soul is broken, but God is still in the clock, just out of chaos."

"You can gather souls, find... right, look for the wind, Jianwendi and the pony, that is, he helps to reunite the party!"

Xu Fu shook his head. "The soul is broken into fine, it takes hundreds of years to be born again. The magic of the wind is only accelerating the process, while retaining the mind. The soul of the nine-tailed fox is absorbed by the Eastern Emperor. How can it be so gathered? Got?"

Lin Sansheng looked at him and said: "But listening to you, it seems that there are ways."

"There is a way to find the first-year-old who is too old, too old to be born of the heavens and the earth, non-grass and non-meat, can be used to reshape the flesh..."

Lin Sansheng snorted: "That hurry to find."

Xu Fu looked at him and said: "Do you think it is good to find?"


"The life of too old, for the people and the fish, the past dynasties, only natural disasters, the people will not appear when the food is not enough, it is inevitable for the people to discover, how can there be a chance for a thousand years?"

Lin Sansheng knew that he still had future words, so he did not say anything and continued to wait.

Xu Fu continued: "I recently crossed the Qianlong period and found information in the classics..." Because Lin Sansheng said that they had more "crossing" words, they felt quite appropriate and used them.

Lin Sansheng couldn't help but interrupt him and asked: "Why do you want to find information during the Qianlong period? Looking for it from Sikuquanshu?

Qianlong’s name is to repair books. It is actually a book-breaking book. The Sikuquanshu, which was built, has collected a lot of historical episodes from the dynasties, but it has also ruined a lot, especially the history of many Ming dynasties.

Lin Sansheng came out of the ancient tomb and immediately searched for a book to understand the history of Qing Dynasty. He found that many of the so-called history of the early Ming Dynasty recorded in it was simply nonsense. As a loyal fan of the Ming Dynasty, he was so angry that he was mixed with the Yinshi. Later, I also specifically asked for a relationship to check the situation after Qianlong’s death. I learned that Qianlong had slandered the history, smashed the prison, and committed a major crime. He should have suffered in hell, but because he did some good things at the beginning, he became ordinary. Ghost service, work all day, can not be forgiven.

Therefore, when Xu Fu mentioned Qianlong, Lin Sansheng immediately refused to ask.

Xu Fudao: "When are I looking for Sikuquanshu? I am going to find some historical episodes before Qianlong's destruction of books, and look for clues."

Lin Sansheng was amazed when he heard it. Qianlong’s book repaired a lot of books. After he found it, he couldn’t find it. But if the time is too early, it’s easy to miss the time, so he went to Qianlong’s book. Time, of course, the possibility is the biggest.

"I saw in a book that in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, one person found a Taisui on the Kunlun Mountain. The court invited many alchemists to check it out. It was learned that it was a thousand years since the inspiration of Kunlun Mountain. It is the seal of the cave, the wind can not see the wind, only because the mountain is running, this is revealed, after the discovery, it will wither away, Song Taizu can only be taken from the people, refined into pills to take ..."

Lin Sansheng listened to him in the end and shrugged and said: "Isn't it been refining medicine during the Song Dynasty? What use is there?"

After I finished speaking, I suddenly thought of something and slammed my head. "Yes! You can go straight to the Song Dynasty and take it away before it is discovered!"

Xu Fu did not say anything, indicating the default.

"Xu Laozu, you said this... you have Shan Haiyin in your hand. This is simply ignoring any rules. You can get what you want in the past dynasties. It sounds like..." Lin Sansheng could not find the words. To describe, if Ye Shaoyang and others are there, they will immediately think of a word:

End of this chapter

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