Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2182: Day 2182, Shifa Wei 2

The back of the phoenix tree was placed on the wall, and the face was forced to bury it on the back of Ye Shaoyang. Nothing could be seen. He could not help but ask: "Is it dead?"

The answer to her is a screaming scream, and judging from the sound, seems to be approaching from a distance.

The strange sense of security disappeared before, and Wutong asked in anxiously: "How come you don't move?"

"Nothing to be afraid of." Ye Shaoyang said in a deep voice, his eyes staring straight at him, seemingly waiting for something.

After Miao Xin and others went out from Shimen, they did not go too far. They looked at the side of the stone door and looked at it. There were many oil lamps in the tomb, so they could see the situation in the tomb. Before Ye Shaoyang was holding Wutong, his skills were still very flexible. Under the rampage of the hustle and bustle, he easily escaped again and again. Regardless of his attitude towards him, his heart was a little surprised and even a little secretly admired. He thought he might be able to In this way, he was killed, and he did not expect that he suddenly stood against the opposite wall.

No one knows what he is trying to do.

"Run, what are you doing!" In a hurry, my heart reminded loudly.

Ye Shaoyang didn't move, just quietly watching the rushing rush. The embarrassing footsteps have been smashed, my eyes are also muddy, and it seems that it will not last long.

Perhaps it is precisely because this is the last attack in life, using the last strength of the body, suddenly speed up, want to go with Ye Shaoyang.

"It's too slow." Ye Shaoyang whispered a whisper, even if he rushed to the place where he was about three meters away, his figure was suddenly short, and he held a tumbling roll and fled a few meters away.

I don’t know if there was any reaction. Even if I reacted, I didn’t have time to adjust my direction. I slammed into the wall and banged a big hole. I accidentally knocked the wall out of a big hole and half a body drilled in. The stone fell on his body that was hurt.

"Big brother, work harder, you can't die!" Ye Shaoyang shouted nervously.

As a result, he struggled to climb out of the hole that he had knocked out. As a result, his head just moved out, and he slammed into a twitch, and fell to the ground and did not move.


This two- or three-meter-high block was finally killed by Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang still did not put down the phoenix tree, went over, pulled out the seven-star Longquan sword that had been inserted on it from the skull's head, wiped it with his own clothes, and looked at the sword body and said: "I can't help it, go back again." Give you a shower."

After that, put the sword back into the scabbard.

At this time, he turned around and slammed a scorpion outside the stone door and said, "Come in. It's okay."

Miao Xin and others also waited to enter the tomb, and suddenly it was a burst of water, which came from the huge well.

Business of the sneaked smack of smear, and it is very pleasing, and it’

Another one!

The body size is about half faster than lying on the ground, but Ye Shaoyang knows that this head may be better off: small size means more agility and speed. The goal is also much smaller.

It turns out that there is more than one in this well!

In fact, this is a very easy to understand fact: You can come up from under the well, indicating that there must be a groundwater system under the well. There is a cockroach, and there are two of them. Otherwise, this cockroach can’t be smashed out of the stone. of.

As for why only one is out, Ye Shaoyang is not clear. Maybe there is one in the vicinity. It is always that they are lucky. If you just hit half of it and come out, the situation will not know how dangerous it is.

After the little cockroach jumped out, he first looked around and immediately found the cockroach that died at the foot of Ye Shaoyang, and then saw Ye Shaoyang.

"I can't help you, brother, is this you or your brother, or your sister?"

At this time, Ye Shaoyang actually made a joke. Wu Tong was on his shoulder, and he was so angry that he was going to breathe away. His hands flapped on his back and shouted: "Let me down, let the enemy together!"

Ye Shaoyang ignored her.

Then I suddenly yelled at the sky, with a clear sorrow in the snoring, and then rushed over with Ye Shaoyang without saying anything.

"Goodbye!" Ye Shaoyang vomited and vomited his tongue, then bent over and pulled the skull's head underground, and drilled in from the cave that was knocked out by it...

Xiao Yan also arrived as scheduled, but found that the enemy had entered the cave. It was eager to rush in. As a result, most of the caves were blocked by the big corpse on the ground. Although it was a small donkey, it was bigger than the human body. On the fewth, Ye Shaoyang held the cave where the phoenix tree could be drilled. It couldn’t drill in. When it forced the corpse on the ground, when it was drilled in, Ye Shaoyang had disappeared.

There was only a long cave in front of him, and the little cockroach forced the inside to climb, but after the cave was turning down, the back was getting narrower and narrower.

"嗷" Xiaoyan was so angry that he screamed, but in desperation, he had to climb back. Then, he smelled the smell of people outside Shimen, and suddenly turned his anger into the past, and quickly rushed over. I took a photo with Miao Xin and others, and said nothing, stifle it...

In the strong protests of Wutong, Ye Shaoyang finally put him down. As a result, Wu Tong single-handedly printed and accidentally pressed Ye Shaoyang's forehead. As long as the mana was sprayed, Ye Shaoyang would be seriously injured in an instant.

"Dry you, this is!" Ye Shaoyang eyes wide open and looked at her very puzzledly.

"You are thin and me!" Wu Tong said angrily.

"Light and thin... When?" Ye Shaoyang looked innocent.

"You have been holding me for so long, before..." Wu Tong was worried about his ass, but he couldn’t say anything, and his face was flushed.

"Big sister, I am trying to save you, you can't be envious of your enemies!" Ye Shaoyang spread his hands and was even more innocent.

Wu Tong looked at him coldly and said: "You are not afraid that I will kill you?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled. "How do I say that you are also a savior, don't hesitate. Then again... even if you follow my life, you can't really kill me."

Wu Tong sneered aloud: "Just do your Tianshi repair, what qualification do you have to say this!"

"If you don't believe it, you can try it." After that, Ye Shaoyang waved his hand. "Forget it, don't try it, I am afraid of hurting you." She said that she reached out and opened her hand on her forehead.

When the hand was put down, Wutong came back to God. Why did he cooperate with this and put his hand down?

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