Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2225: The 2225 Monkey King's Choice 1

Bi Qing snorted, "That will let you see the real power of this big array!"

Real power? what is that?

Ye Shaoyang was not afraid that Bi Qing personally jumped out and killed them. The previous confrontation, let Ye Shaoyang recognize the strength of Biqing, hard work, it is indeed a dozen five groups to destroy them, but if they die, she can not leave all.

She wants to leave everyone, and covets the suffocation on them, wants to kill them with the help of the five elements, and then absorb their suffocation and transform into their own cultivation...

If she is tired of doing this now, and in the case that the five elements have already trapped them, it is much easier to solve them one by one. Is it because she wants to go in person?

Ye Shaoyang is nervous about this idea. Suddenly, the "five-pointed star" around him shrinks and reappears back into a five-way aura, hanging in the air, and then the white fog of the dragon is more intense, wrapping everyone in the middle, what? I can't see it, only the five auras, hanging like a light in the air, flickering...

"What to do?" Someone asked.

Miao Xin persuaded to wait and see, don't panic.

After about a dozen seconds, the fog dissipated some, revealing something hidden in the white mist. It was an illusory building... Ye Shaoyang looked around and didn’t know how to describe it. They stood in a huge place. On the cloister of the building, surrounded by walls, there are eight doors hanging in the air in the front, surrounded by the light, slowly rotating.

"What is this?" Lu Xiaoqing asked with a sigh.

After a moment of observation, I said, "It should be an illusion caused by some kind of formation..."

"The scenery... This should be a mirage." Wu Tong muttered.

Everyone listened to this, and my heart was tight.

蜃景, is a kind of mirage, is just a way of saying that the magical world can create a illusion of a virtual scene, and it is extremely mysterious and powerful. The array method, the blurred scenes, no matter how grand and complex, in the formation of the law, want to go out, according to the law of the array of law, to find a way out, to be hard to be sure is not acceptable.

Every scene of the formation of the scene, want to be broken, there are different methods, the sinister to the extreme, basically can be said to be a life of nine deaths.

Everyone quietly looked at the eight doors and found that the doors were exactly the same. There were only three horizontal lines on the door, but they were long and short. Everyone was familiar with this. This is the eight kinds of images of gossip. There are three solid lines, representing "dry", for the sky, three dotted lines, for "Kun", for the ground, and the rest there are various arrangements, representing the ridge, the exchange, the earthquake, the separation, the shackles and the shackles.

The eight gates have a corresponding image, and as they continue to rotate, the artifacts on the door are constantly changing.

Everyone looked silly at this scene and didn't know what it was.

"The eight armor, there is no life, I have to watch how you die!" Bi Qing's voice came again, with a hint of pride.

Everyone looks at each other.

The time of the conversation, the eight doors around it are constantly rotating, getting closer and closer to them. Once the eight doors are closed, the formation is ready, even if they have strong skills, they are also dead.

Everyone knows this very well. When I look at the eight doors, I can’t help but feel nervous.

"What to do?" Chen Xiaoyu cried. But no one answered. At this moment, there is really a feeling of being poor.

"There are life and death among the eight gates. The only way now is to find out where the gates are. If you get in, you can break the battle..."

Ye Shaoyang’s words just fell, Chen Xiaoyu screamed: “Don’t swear, here is more than one you know, eight armor, **** multiply, the door has long been blocked, how could it exist!”

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to care about him, but Miao Xin also asked a similar question.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the crowd and said slowly: "You said that since she is stronger than us, why not directly destroy us, but come up with these famous halls?"

Everyone looked at each other, Wu Tong said: "Because I want to use the formation method, after killing us, refining the suffocation in our body?"

"Now she has already trapped us with the array of methods. Why didn't she start? I said that we started from the time we broke down. Until now, she has the opportunity to attack us. Before and after the attack, we will die. Why she doesn't do this. ?"

Everyone was silent for a while, Mao Xiaofang said: "She wants to watch us being killed by the formation, watching a lively?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "As long as we don't die, there are variables. She won't be relieved. So you don't think so."


Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to open, Wu Tong pre-emptively said: "She can't get the energy to do it!"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at her with a glance and nodded and said: "She is also in this law, presiding over the law, so there is no time to do it for us, we can only kill us by the power of the law."

"What about that!" Chen Xiaoyu cried. "She is not in the law, what is the relationship with us!"

"So, you are a human pig brain."

"You" Chen Xiaoyu just wants to give up his mouth, and curiously said: "You don't interrupt!"

Then I turned to look at Ye Shaoyang and said, "I understand what you mean. There must be a safe place in this law. Otherwise, even if she is herself, it is impossible to survive in the formation."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "So don't listen to her flickering. Among these eight doors, there must be a door leading to the birth gate. I mean, at least, as long as we enter the gate, we can break out."

No matter how strong the formation is, if you can go out, the law will be abolished. Of course, everyone understands this truth.

Everyone sank and looked at the eight sacred doors that were constantly approaching.

"The eight armor, there is no law at all, there seems to be no solution... I can't find the door to the birth, do we have to take chances?" Miaoxin muttered.

The geology teacher is different from the Taoist two, but Feng Shui is also based on the five elements of the gossip. The understanding of this aspect can be said to be much stronger than Lu Xiaoqing and others. Even she does not touch. To the point, the rest of the people naturally have no choice.

Ye Shaoyang was entrusted to his chin and observed the eight-spinning Xuanmen. The ever-changing gossip rune on the door is its only law.

Ye Shaoyang first remembers the position of each door movement, and the above image, remembering the elephants one by one...

"You are really smart..." Bi Qing’s voice rang again. "The eight armor, the sixty-four kinds of elephants change, there is indeed a hidden gate, but it is not mysterious. Deductive, unless you are not a person, I am waiting to see!"

(End of this chapter)

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