Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2259: 2260 Attack Mountain 4

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "You still have to do business first, if you can survive and say."


"Xiaoyu!" The sneaky sneak out of the crowd, screamed, and stunned Ye Shaoyang, and taught Chen Xiaoyu: "The big thing is ahead, it can't be made."

Zhang Xiaohan also sneered at Ye Shaoyang and said to Chen Xiaoyu: "Xiao Yu, younger brother, I am not talking about you, but you are getting less and less motivated. With a person who is not influential, what can you be deflated?"

Chen Xiaoyu said: "You don't know how arrogant he was before. Fortunately, he broke a few arrays and thought he was a master."

Zhang Xiaohan said: "You have to remember that the more you are such a person, the more you can't do it... If he is really capable, he should fight with you today, why should he find an excuse?"

"That is also true." Chen Xiaoyu pointed to Ye Shaoyang. "There is a knot, I am waiting for you. I see what else you have to say when you arrive."

"I am waiting." Ye Shaoyang is not angry.

"Shaoyang." A soft voice came, Ye Shaoyang turned to look at it, it was a wonderful heart squeezed over.

"Sister hasn't seen you for a long time." Ye Shaoyang greeted him with a smile.

This face is even more uncomfortable for Chen Xiaoyu and Zhang Xiaohan, but the heart is also more certain that he is a small person, at most will be opportunistic.

"Your name is Ye Shaoyang?" A young voice came, Ye Shaoyang turned to look at it, Qingyunzi, followed by his master Fu Mingzi.

"No, this is a pseudonym, you don't want to remember my name!"

Ye Shaoyang was afraid that his name would be remembered by Qingyunzi. If he remembers well, he will encounter himself after decades.

"Ye Daochang, thank you for that night." Qingyunzi bowed to Ye Shaoyang.

"I can't help my ancestors!"

Ye Shaoyang's knees are soft and he will kneel down, and he will be shocked by Qingyunzi and others.

Although Ye Shaoyang has always been no big or small with Qingyunzi, he is only limited to joking and teasing the old man, and he still respects the teacher. In this world, only the apprentices salute the teacher, and let the master give himself a gift, it is a matter of life.

Ye Shaoyang just lifted Qingyunzi up and looked up. Fu Mingzi came to the front, and the majestic eyes fell on his face. Ye Shaoyang looked up and smiled at him.

"Is there something?"

"Last night, you ran very fast."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "I can't stop running."

"Do you know too?"

"Not afraid. If I fight again, I am worried that it will damage your face." Ye Shaoyang arched him, "I was offended yesterday."

Fu Mingzi looked at him slyly, which means... If he continues to fight yesterday, he is not his opponent?

A crazy afterlife!

Fu Mingzi's anger is unstoppable, but Ye Shaoyang's later sentence, then let him attack, and sighed: " Yesterday was in a hurry, there is really no time to ask for a good move, waiting for this, the poor road is to ask for advice."

Ye Shaoyang bowed and said: "I am joking, I dare not dare. The ancestors will be able to take care of Qingyunzi in the future, and they will be grateful in the next."

"What are you who he is?"

"I am his distant relative." Ye Shaoyang patted the shoulders of Qingyunzi, meaning he would not expose it.

Fu Mingzi still wants to ask again, suddenly burst into a loud noise, coming from the direction of the mountain gate, everyone turned around and looked around, and a ray of light rose from the sky, like fireworks scattered in the air, forming a huge "敕" word.

This is a signal of the magical world. When there are multiple martial arts working together to exorcise the demon, this spell will be applied between the lights, which is like a warning shot, which is a shocking effect. Let the other party surrender, but since this is the case, the opponent will not surrender, and this kind of ritual-like spell is slow to cast, but it is easy to give the other party a "we are coming" reminder that the other party can run. You can run.

Therefore, Ye Shaoyang has always felt that this kind of behavior is very stupid and very useless. In his own time, this kind of ritual is basically no one used, but today, here and now, it is very suitable for use here. The above is for the Taoist priests on the Taohua Mountain. In fact, they are shaking the prestige in front of the major sects.

Wait until the huge "敕" in the sky disappears, and the sneaky drink makes a cry: "Ancestral ancestor!"

At the moment, Zhang Xiaohan and other people walked to the front of the altar and pulled out a picture hanging on the flagpole in front of the altar. The painting is at least two or three meters long. Only one head is hung on the flagpole, but it is not shaken. The mage standing in the back immediately screams around, and Ye Shaoyang is also caught in the crowd and looks out.

This is a huge portrait, only the two colors of golden and red, Ye Shaoyang knows at a glance, this is rubbed down.

This is a kind of rubbing technique in the magical world. First, find a statue that has been enshrined and lighted, and then paper on the idol. It is usually made of sheepskin or non-perishable paper, and it is attached to the image. With a bag wrapped in paint, a little bit of tapping, knocking, but also chanting, through this procedure, the image is rubbed on the paper.

Gold is gold powder, red is cinnabar, gold powder stands for gold body, to show solemnity, cinnabar needless to say, is the most commonly used medicine in the magical world, the statues that are printed with cinnabar are more spiritual, and the evil spirits do not invade.

The figure that has been printed in this way is said to have the same spiritual power as the deity of the god. This kind of rubbed portraits are usually brought back to the worshippers for worship, but some of the rubbed portraits have some special uses.

Ye Shaoyang looks intently. This portrait is a woman, dressed in a costume, looks a bit like a Fengguan Xia, looks beautiful, but looks very dignified, people dare not swear, revealing the kind of breath that only the gods have .

"Who is this?" Ye Shaoyang whispered.

Daoyuan real person and Mao Xiaofang shook their heads, and they also saw this portrait for the first time.

"Xingyue slave..." said the wonderful heart. "Indus told me that the appearance of Xingyue slave is very similar to the painting."

It turned out that this is the Xingyue slave...

One of the most famous of the spell guilds. It is said that her strength is not the strongest in the entire spell guild, but the power is enormous, the status is equivalent to the stewards of the guild guild, especially all matters related to human beings, she is responsible for overall planning.

For thousands of years, she has collected disciples, people, ghosts, demon, evil spirits, and all kinds of living beings. As long as she is fancy, the comers will not refuse. Therefore, like the level of Cao Yuxing, he can also claim to be a disciple of Xingyue slave, but he may not even see the face of Xingyue slave.

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