Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2330: 2332 Red Crescent Rakshasa 3

For a long time, I haven’t fought against the real evil things. Before, I used to fight with Zhang Xiaohan. The opponents are all human beings, and most of Maoshan’s spells are used to catch ghosts.

The familiar feeling made Ye Shaoyang very excited and shouted: "You should deal with anything else and leave this girl to me!"

The charm, the instrument, the Tao, and Ye Shaoyang used it in turn, and launched a digressive attack on this female ghost named Haoyue.

Although Haoyue is a prostitute, Xiu is also very weak. Once she has played against it, Ye Shaoyang will soon judge that she is a second-class ghost. This strength is placed on earth and is also a great evil. Generally, Tianshi can't fight her, but... With Ye Xiyang's cultivation, she is still not a problem.

Under Ye Shaoyang's mad attack, Haoyue Festival retreats and looks at Ye Shaoyang's eyes is full of shock and despair. "How can there be such a strong person in the world, are you Zhang Xiaohan?"

"You actually know Zhang Xiaohan," Ye Shaoyang smiled. "But your message is really occluded, Zhang Xiaohan... I have been killed by me!"


Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly.

"Taiyi is really bright, like the wind and the top, the sky is smashing, picking up the pick!!" The hands of Taiyi whisked out, breaking the defense of Haoyue, the dust tail swept on the head of Haoyue, one touched her The ghost of the body grows up immediately, and it has been drilled in from her mouth and nose. This is not controlled by Ye Shaoyang, but it is driven by the mana, and naturally seeks the source of yin and then destroys it.

After being blown into the body by Taiyi, the moon was smashed like a smoldering wind, and the pain in his mouth was embarrassing.

“Hey, is it comfortable?”

"You are so dirty, lying in the trough." Four treasures are also dealing with a sister, and took time to give Ye Shaoyang a white eye.

"Stain your sister, busy with serious things!"

Ye Shaoyang’s voice just fell, and the ghost in the body of the moon was drained by the Taiyi smog. The man quickly went to the wind, like a dry corpse, and the Taiyi whisk was pulled out of her mouth and immediately fell to the ground.

She is the soul of the ghost domain, like Meihua, although it is a ghost, but there is a physical existence in the human world.

Ye Shaoyang looked around, the four treasures, they played more and less, besieged the female ghost and there were four generals of the haze, and they quickly got it. Six of the evil things that were good, so they became a pile in an instant. Residual limbs rotten meat.

"After finishing the work, let's go." Ye Shaoyang clap his hands and let the wonderful heart take the battle.

"No, Shaoyang, Taiyin Mountain is very inconvenient to travel to and from the world, but it is not going to send these people. Most of these people are leading the way, and there must be reinforcements."

"Don't you say that, what kind of goddess, may be the Red Crescent Rakshasa. But these little soldiers are dead, and the big guy is not expected to come."

At this time, the wonderful heart had already cleared the battle. The two men came together and looked at the dead things that had died. They had already turned into pus and blood. Only the one named Haoyue, the body was lying on the ground like a dry body.

"How is her body not?" asked curiously.

"Who knows, the evil things are different. Let's leave this first." Ye Shaoyang greeted everyone to leave.

Lin Sansheng followed the last side, drifting for a while, looking back, suddenly stood still, Shen Sheng: "Wait!"


Ye Shaoyang looked back and followed Lin Sansheng's gaze and saw the body of Haoyue, and actually sat up from the ground.

They are all mages, and they are used to all kinds of horror scenes. This scene is not terrible for them, just surprised.

"It’s strange, didn’t you kill?” Ye Shaoyang said as he walked over and looked at it seriously, but he accidentally saw that the flesh on the neck of the right side of Haoyue was rotting. On the dry skin, something like granulation grew, and it seemed like It is a lot of cilia, it is slow and creeping, it is dark and looks very disgusting.

"My day, what the **** is this, you are coming soon!"

Ye Shaoyang greeted everyone to look at it in the past, because he did not know the truth, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Suddenly, from the neck wounds of the lunar month, thick blood flowed out and smashed out, and at the same time, those furry things were squeezed out of her neck.

"Hair!" Sycamore called.

From the neck of Haoyue, it is a person's head!

"What the hell!"

Ye Shaoyang was the first time to see such a strange situation. He went to the dry corpse and smashed it. The result was actually a broken waist, separated from the top and bottom, but the upper body was suspended in the air. Everyone looked at it, and then I saw the lower body of the corpse, which was originally the part of the legs. It was a deep red blood, without physical restraint, it would not flow, but slowly. Rotating, like a water column.

At the same time, the head in the neck of the corpse was finally found out. It was a woman's face, covered in blood with wet long hair, and could not see the appearance, but it was faintly visible as a woman.

"I know!" Lin Sansheng said, "This is a void crack. It leads directly from the Taiyin Mountain to the human world. This crack is on the female ghost! This comes out from the Taiyin Mountain!"

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "Is this female ghost not dead?"

"It doesn't matter if she is dead or not, the space cracks on her... Of course, this is not a space crack. It should be artificial. In short, there can be evil things coming through the body from the Taiyin Mountain."

"That this... What is the Red Moon Rakshasa?" Ye Shaoyang and everyone moved their eyes to the head.

The woman’s head swayed out of the neck of the corpse and squeaked a sharp smile on her mouth.

Ye Shaoyang looked at this scene and suddenly thought that if this is a horror film, this scene will surely keep the audience in mind.

However, this is not a horror film, nor is it an audience.

"What is your ghost thing! Let's die!" Ye Shaoyang no longer hesitated, aiming at the head, stabbed a sword. The mouth of this head suddenly opened and spewed out a plasma.

Ye Shaoyang instinctively avoided, waiting for the plasma to fall, and then look at the head, but it was completely squeezed out of the neck, slammed into the distance, and landed on a soil bag.

Everyone looked up, but it was a woman wearing a blue gauze skirt. The upper body was a human, and the lower body was a blood column. It slowly swirled and flowed, and it seemed strange to tell.

Look at the appearance, the hair is no longer wet, but the high plate, the long is good (the female ghost is not ugly), but the two blue eyeshadow on the eyes, it seems a bit killing Matt However, her whole body is infiltrated with a cold, dead air.

Red Moon Rakshasa?

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