Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2348: 2350 to the yin 2

"Boss!" Guagua is also a flying pounce, directly attached to the face of Ye Shaoyang like a spider, all kinds of spoiled to sell Meng, a solution to so many days of Acacia, is tired, suddenly seems to be inserted into the nostrils What, reaching out and grasping, is actually the root of the two plants, startled, holding Ye Shaoyang’s neck, looking at his back, seeing a guy who is more than his head, he is Eyes, looking at him curiously. The two roots of the plant were born from his chin, like a beard.

"Yeah, who are you!"

"I am a buns, the new servant of the boss, are you melon?"

When the melons are heard, the gas does not hit one place. "Since it is a younger brother, the first time I meet, I will tease my brother, and fight!" Guagua grabbed his two beards and tried hard to mention the buns. There are a few boiled chestnuts on the head.

In the mouth of the buns, he called for a pain, and he took a chance. He blew his breath at the melon, and the melon was settled. Then he fell to the ground, and his limbs rolled into the air, and he laughed. It looks awkward.

The buns stood on one side and had a narrow smirk on their faces.

Everyone looked at this scene with a stunned look and didn't know what the buns used.

"Okay, don't make trouble." Ye Shaoyang knew that Guagua must have been accidentally carrying the buns. He was dragged into the dreamland, and he felt funny in his heart. To really fight, the buns are not the opponents of melons. It was also unprepared, and this was his way.

Go up and slap on the bun's head and say.

The buns immediately stopped doing things. Guagua opened his eyes and saw himself lying on the ground. Others watched him laughing. He was half-turned and went to the bun and was opened by Ye Shaoyang.

At this time, there was a gust of wind blowing from the window, and everyone stood up and turned to look at it. One man and one woman flew in, orange and Xiao Yiyun.

"Boss, I feel the power of the soul, and I can't believe it, it's really you!" The orange was blinded, then jumped directly in the arms of Ye Shaoyang and hung around his neck.

"This..." Ye Shaoyang was a little embarrassed. He took a look at Xiao Yiyun and said, "You are here too."

"Go, you will put my wife down and say hello to me!" Xiao Yiyun's face is green.

Ye Shaoyang had to put down the oranges and went up to cover Xiao Yiyun's neck. He whispered, "Your orange is my doorman, a little intimate, so oh... well, you know."

Xiao Yiyun gave him a look and said: "Know, I am not jealous, then you are holding my wife in front of so many people... OK, don't pull so much with you, when are you coming back?"

"You don't know? You didn't remember things a hundred years ago?" Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised.

"What?" Xiao Yiyun frowned at him.

"That is... in 1922, I went to the Yin Shi to find you, after that, you don't remember it at all?"

"1922?" Xiao Yiyun grinned. "You are nervous, Ye Shaoyang, you are still in the womb in 1922, no, your mother is still in your grandmother's belly."

"Ha ha ha..." The four treasures heard this and laughed. "Goat, what do you listen to, your mother, in your grandmother's belly... dare you and your mother is a close relative. Hahaha!"


Ye Shaoyang screamed at him and looked at Xiao Yiyun and said, "You really can't think of it?"

"What do you think of, what a hundred years ago, did you take the wrong medicine!"

Ye Shaoyang turned to find Meihua and asked about it. She didn't remember it at all.

"So, there is no causal relationship between the two worlds?" Ye Shaoyang fell into thinking.

"Not, little teacher, the letter you wrote before, thank the police officer." Lao Guo told the drifting bottle, and the abnormal performance of Meihua. What Lin Sansheng remembered, asked when Meihua and Sibao were indulged for a while, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "That is exactly the time we are back here."

"What does it mean?"

"Explain that you didn't really change history before, only when you reappear in this world, everything will fail, and the changes you make in that world will affect the present."

Everyone thought about it carefully. It seems that this is indeed the case: Ye Shaoyang saw Xiao Yiyun Haomeihua a hundred years ago, but they didn’t show those memories in the world. Only when they just came back, their memories Change, there are two different memory lines Xiao Yiyun also recalled, not long ago, he was working in the court, no one around, but it seems to be unconscious, and then returned to normal, there is a vague thing to forget a feeling of.

"I have a guess." Xie Yuqing said to his head, "Maybe you come back here, and connect with this space. The changes you made in the past will really form a paradox, and before you Because I stayed in the past, so the information that changed, and so on, did not convey it?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at her innocently and said, "What power is that that controls it?"

Everyone has a big eye and a small eye.

"It may be Heaven and Earth Avenue, just like a person's life and death, there is a natural law in control, but what power, not any creature can know." Lin Sansheng guessed.

"Looking for Xu Fu to ask, Shan Haiyin is his, he may not know, hey, isn't he sending you over, others?"

"In order to avoid the capture of the Yin Shi, it has already gone." Ye Shaoyang replied. Regardless of any time and space, Xu Fu is a wanted criminal of the Yin Shi. Generally, he does not dare to appear in front of people. He just sent Ye Shaoyang and his party back. He left with white and said that he is looking for a place with heavy yin. Hide the breath of your body, so that the Yin is not good at tracing the position. Come back to them after a while.

Xiaobai said: "Boss, anyway, you have already returned, and still manage what they do."

Ye Shaoyang sighed and his expression dignified. He said: "I want to make sure that the changes in Wutong will affect the current cold jade."

"Wangtong? Who is Wutong?" Everyone is puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang saw everyone coming together. He simply told the matter from the beginning and the details. When he talked about the last time, he turned to look at the four treasures, Wu Jiawei and other guys who came with him and put himself in the heart. Found it out.

"We have all been cheated." Ye Shaoyang said, "The wonderful heart must be the Taiyin Mountain, or the evil thing of the Taiyin Mountain.... Anyway, in short, she is now awakened, the goal is to hurt Wutong, according to Xu Fu. The analysis, she wants to bring the soul of Wutong to the Taiyin Mountain, what branding, let her become the reincarnation of the ghost child, perhaps, she has succeeded."

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