Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2403: 2405 Soul Envoy 1

"Boss, I..." The buns vomited.

"Don't say it!" Guagua screamed, and his expression was very embarrassing. "When it is not a last resort, this thing must not be said!"

The buns spit out the tongue and rushed the leaves Shaoyang Road: "I promised him, no way, then I just invaded his knowledge, know this secret, but I don't know the ins and outs, boss, you still ask him."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the melon, and the face of the melon was stubborn.

"Did not say?"

"Boss, I only have this secret, I can't say it. If I say it, I am afraid it will be against you."

"Is it bad for me?"

Guagua nodded and pleaded: "Boss, I am against you, you know, if you can say, how can I stare at you, you force me, that is, do not trust me."

Ye Shaoyang stared at him for a while and said: "You don't want to say it."

Guagua stopped looking at him and suddenly asked: "Boss, I ask you a question. If...you can only live with the cold jade, do you choose yourself or choose her?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned. What is this problem?

Looking at the melons so seriously, Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said: "If it is you, I can only live with you, who you choose."

"Of course it is for you to live." Guagua does not think about it.

Ye Shaoyang said: "You said so, everyone is the same. If you can only live one, how can I bear to let her die and live on my own."

Guagua is a little bit of a head, silently said: "I already know the answer... But boss, you are my closest relative, cold jade scorpion... even if you kiss again, then there is no you, so if there is that day, I Will choose to keep you alive."

"What the hell!" Ye Shaoyang didn't want to inquire. He was interested in the words of Guagua. He just wanted to speak. Guagua stared at him very seriously and said, "Don't ask the boss, even kill me. I don't say it. You will die when you say it."

Ye Shaoyang is speechless. “Is it so serious?”


Ye Shaoyang knew the melon's temper, and forced him to useless. He had to hold back and ask. Looking at the buns, the buns immediately stunned: "You don't force me to boss, I don't want to die..."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged his shoulders and opened the crack in the void. He said, "Let's go."

"and many more!"

Suddenly there was a cry from the distance, and Ye Shaoyang turned to look at it. Qingyunzi was striding.

"Master, are you coming?"

Qingyun Zi flew to him and looked down at him. He said, "I suddenly remembered that I went to the world and there was one more thing. I will go with you."

"Great Master! Go!"

Ye Shaoyang took Qingyunzi to the crack of the void. He turned his head and saw the melon and the head of his head. He looked at Qingyunzi and asked, "What are you doing, go."

Guagua was also drilled in immediately.

Go back to the world, still in your room.

Everyone is there.

When I saw him coming back, I immediately got around. As a result, I saw Qingyunzi. Everyone was stunned. Lao Guo and Zhang Xiaorui were very excited and went to say hello.

Ye Shaoyang spoke from the beginning of Xu Fu’s arrest. Everyone listened and was shocked.

"So, Shan Haiyin is still missing?" Lin Sansheng rushed to Ye Shaoyang, very excited.

"Amount, you are out, what about you?"

"Shan Haiyin?"

"Where do I know, I said, are you so excited?"

"Without Shan Haiyin, how can I send the child back to her world!" Lin Sansheng said with a sigh.

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "You want to send her back?"

"Of course!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You don't worry about this matter, there are some episodes... I will tell you later, I am very hungry, let's eat something first, eat and say?"

After being so over for a long time, although the body is not in the human world, it is the same as normal consumption of energy. Once it is still yang, Ye Shaoyang immediately feels hungry.

Zhou Jingru said: "Then let's go eat, this is noon, go to the Golden Palace."

"Golden Royal Palace?" Ye Shaoyang frowned. "I haven't told Ma Cheng about my return. So it's not so good to go to him."

Zhou Jingru immediately said: "I didn't order it, I didn't tell him."

"It's me." Four treasures smiled. "I told Xiaowen that everyone would have to eat anyway, and add some performance to Xiaowen. Besides, Ma Cheng, you are also familiar..."

Xu Fu was arrested. He said that he was half a person. Ye Shaoyang’s mood was not very good (everyone was not very good). He didn’t want to have a meal, but Ding had booked it. The face of sweeping Wang Xuwen was to sweep the four treasures. The face, so decided to go.

Everyone packed up and went out together.

Lao Guo and Zhang Xiaorui have been with Qingyunzi all the time, all kinds of flattering. Ye Shaoyang looked at Qingyunzi, and looked like he was floating, asking him to say nothing, and he couldn’t help but feel funny.

This old guy, but really can! Lao Guo is familiar with him, of course, there is no need to install, but Zhang Xiaorui is his grandson. In front of her, Qingyunzi still has to install one.

A group of people came to the Golden Palace, and Wang Xuwen had already reported with Ma Cheng in order to invite merit. Ma Cheng personally stood in the hall to receive the shackles of the waiters and the like, so that Ma Gongzi personally received it, what kind of VIPs were there, one by one waiting to see, the result... saw Ye Shaoyang is a group of people.

Some ghosts such as Qingyunzi are naturally invisible. What you can see is a Taoist, a monk, and a policeman... Zhou Jingru looks like a good guy and a few children. What is this combination?

"Welcome, welcome!" Ma Cheng was very excited and came up to shake hands with Ye Shaoyang. "I heard that you are back. You have traveled around before, and you can't get in touch with each other. I really miss you. Where are you going?"

Ye Shaoyang listened to Ma Cheng and said that Sibao and Zhou Jingru did not tell him the truth, or he was an ordinary person, there is no need to know so much.

Ma Cheng personally took them into the private room and left to accompany him. Ye Shaoyang had to let Qingyunzi show up with him.

Ma Cheng originally did not believe in ghosts and gods. Since he experienced several battles with Ye Shaoyang, now it is a devout believer. I heard that Qingyunzi is the master of Ye Shaoyang, and he is so excited that he will not be able to do so.

Because Ma Cheng and Wang Xuwen are there, everyone does not mention those tacitly. It is not against them, but they don't know the truth. If they ask questions, they don't know what to explain when they explain.

Looking at the four treasures and Wang Xuwen Qingqing I am, Ye Shaoyang has a feeling of heart, did not say anything.

Ye Shaoyang, a shopkeeper, is not eating human food, plus Qingyunzi, gathered together to chat, Ye Shaoyang and others to eat and chat, Zhou Jingru to give Ye Shaoyang a dish, let him make up.

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