Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2422: The 2424 will be the body of the 2

Hou Qing went on to say: "After his death, everything has dissipated. Only the body of the deity is still there. It is immortal for thousands of years. Even Xuanyuan God can't be destroyed. It can only be driven out of the world and into the void. The underworld has been separated from the human world. Our corpse has intervened, and with the help of the blood of the minister, it is this zero world. Therefore, this is the core of the zero world."

A body, or after death, can actually afford the existence of a space... This kind of power makes Yong Lengyu feel trembled inside.

Looking at the tall body of Chen, the cold and jade inside is filled with a very magical feeling. He whispered in his mouth: "The original real minister is like this... I used to think of the minister, always showing the face of Niu Dahua. ""

"Bovine... Dahua?"

"The actor in a film and television drama plays."

After the Qing smiled.

"This is probably the real god, even if it is a evil spirit." Looking at the body of the minister, Yan Lengyu could not help but give birth to feelings.

Hou Qingdao said: "What is right and wrong, it is only the judgment of you on earth, and the defeat of the king, even the gods, is the same. Moreover, there is no real **** in this world, only the **** we imagine."

He Leng Yu chewed his last sentence and said: "You sometimes say something, it is still a bit interesting. But what do you bring me here?"

"This is the absolute forbidden land of our corpse, and it is the safest, but there is no such thing as human beings. I am afraid that you are not used to it."

Yan Lengyu frowned at him and asked: "Why is it the safest? Is it only you who can come alone?"

"No, here is the cultivation place of our three people. The son-in-law and the winning hook will come every other time."


"But here, they can't hurt you. Because it is a banned land, it can't be done here, even if we are, we can't."

"Afraid to be a minister?"

After Qing smiled.

"He is dead, there is nothing wrong with it, we can not pay attention to this."

Yan Lengyu looked at him inexplicably.

"When the minister died, his blood is still flowing on the body, and he maintains a spirituality for all spells and sorcerers. Once someone practices here, the blood of the minister will boil, and the space will flood into this space. Tian Abandoned the mountain, serious, and even swallowed the entire zero world... So, as long as you don’t go out, even if the son-in-law and the winning hook come over, you can’t do anything about you.”

It turned out to be...

Qi Lengyu can fully understand this "beast blood boiling", in fact, it is also in line with the scientific principles of the human world, such as a certain static substance, once it comes into contact with a special substance, it will immediately produce a "boiling" chemical reaction.

Tiandi Avenue is the same from small to large.

"But, you just said that you will come here to practice after a while, do you not use spiritual thoughts like cultivation?"

Hou Qingdao said: "Our so-called cultivation is not a practice, nor is it to vomit and meditate, but to soak in According to the blood of the minister, and to use God to understand... This is our unique means of practice."

I was thinking about it for a while, saying: "But even if they can't treat me, I will always blame you. After all, this core place should never let me come."

Hou Qing smiled and said Panel: "Since I brought you here, I naturally have a way to deal with it. You can stay here with peace of mind. When this is over, we will be married. When you get there, you don't have to hide and hide. I can take it. You go to many places, even people."

Business is still chilling.

"I will go first. Later, I will come over to accompany you." Hou Qing was close to a little cold.

Yan Lengyu immediately moved to the side and said, "No need. You are busy with yours."

After the Qing smiled.

"Right, you used to win the hook and they said... This is very important?"

"Yes, I set up an ambush, in the area around the boundary river, to lure the main force of the Air Alliance, and then to encircle." Speaking of this, Hou Qing’s mouth showed a smug smile, as if he had seen victory.

"After this battle, I can master the whole market, and the Qiankun translocation is just around the corner."

Hou Qing raised a hand and slowly held it into a fist, immersed in his beautiful imagination.

Leng Lengyu looked at his side face quietly, thinking that he actually gave him the name and got it wrong. He was dumb, but he didn’t stay at all, but he didn’t stay, but he was unreasonable. If he was in the world, this is People are definitely a generation of heroes...

After Qing turned to look at her, said: "This war, the opponent can not only explain, the tricks are also very likely to participate in the goblins, the nine-tailed fox will not stay out of the way, your Ye Shaoyang, it is likely to go... ..."

Yan Lengyu was shocked and immediately understood the meaning of what he said. "Do you want me to beg you to let him go?"

"You are not pleading for me. Cold jade, I am responsible for the entire corpse. Secondly, this time I am not going to the front line, the son-in-law and the winning hook, I can't restrain it. Once they are right, they are bound to kill Ye Shaoyang... ..."

"Then let them kill it." Yan Lengyu bit his teeth and said.

Hou Qing smiled and said: "Do you think they can't get it?"

"You have too many words. Let's go. I want to be alone."

Houqing nodded and said: "Yes. There is no limit to this place. The only thing to note is that you should never approach the body of the minister. You are human beings after all. Once you are infected with the blood of the general, you will die."

There is no sound in the cold jade.

Hou Qing stared at her on the side, after a while, smiled at her and flew up.

When the cold jade looked up, there was a huge spiritual network in the air. The figure of Houqing passed through the middle, and then the spiritual network disappeared, and the sky returned to its original color.

The vastness of the void is similar to that of human beings, but it is false.

Yan Lengyu sighed and stood alone in the same place, and suddenly there was a strong sense of loneliness in his heart, as if there was only one person left in the world.

Yan Lengyu walked toward the mountain in front of him.

A strong spiritual fluctuation is resisting her approaching, as if it were a volcano. The more you go forward, the more you feel the burning.

The cold jade clenched his teeth and walked closer enough. At this time, it was discovered that the streams of the corpse blood on the mountain seemed to have some strange change on the side of himself.

Yan Lengyu reached out and his fingertips passed through the aura, and he was about to touch the blood.

As long as you encounter the blood of the corpse, you will die.

If you are really a reincarnation, can you die so easily?

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