Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2427: 2429 shadow 1

Ye Shaoyang took it and saw that the printing quality was not bad. The cover said "God loves the world". I thought this is not the word of Christ. But when I look around, it does not matter to Christ. Very strange, called "Ling Po Po", said that it is a **** of the Chinese folk, has a manifestation in Taoism and Buddhism, has different names, sincerely enshrine her, can eliminate disasters and refuge.

Perhaps because of the rural route, the language is very plain, nothing more than a belief in the spirit of the mother-in-law, how to be good, but also cited some examples to prove, such as the worship of the mother-in-law, cancer is good, the blind can walk, the blind can see And so, Ye Shaoyang looked funny, turned to the second page, wrote the teachings of the Holy Spirit, the teachings are only a few simple, love the world, pay attention to etiquette and the like.

After reading the article one by one, Ye Shaoyang put down the leaflet and thought about it.

Xie Yuqing said: "The general cult organization is to swindle money, or to cultivate everyone's extreme beliefs. I read some information, like this Holy Spirit, the doctrines they said when they preached, as written in this brochure. There are no narrow dogmas in some cults, nor do they encourage believers to donate money. I don't understand what they want."

Ye Shaoyang said: "That would be even more terrible."

"How do you say this?"

"Don't name, don't want money, isn't it more suspicious? And this is indeed a cult."


Ye Shaoyang took the brochure again and pointed to the propaganda on the first page: "First, the formal religion will not be like this. I dare not brag that I can cure all diseases. The world is old and sick, on the one hand, the number of lives, on the one hand. It is determined by one's own behavior, and it has nothing to do with faith. If religion can be ill and long-lived, then this religion has long unified the world. Second, what kind of spiritual mother-in-law, who said that there is also a position in Buddhism and Taoism. This is nonsense."

"Maybe which **** is called by the people, it is said that Taoism, so many gods, how do you know that there must be no?"

Ye Shaoyang turned his eyes and said: "You are an ordinary person. You are not sure. It is normal. Big Brother, I am a teacher of Maoshan. If I don't even know this, I will buy a piece of tofu and kill it."

Xie Yuqing thought about it too. He thought about it and said: "However, this organization is really suspicious, they don't want to donate money, and as long as they are offering to the spiritual mother-in-law, they can send a statue of God for free, give them alms, check regularly, if one month After the statue is still there, it will reward a Xiaomi mobile phone, or any other gift. In other words, this is completely a sale of money...

Guo Lao said yes, I investigated it. Not only we are here, but now the Holy Spirit will be organized in many places, and the means of missionary work are exactly the same. If this is done to cultivate your faith and make plans for making money in the future, then this The move is too big, and it takes a lot of money.

Ye Shaoyang put his arms behind his head and lay on the cushions. He said: "The gods and gods are all trying to swindle money. If it is so rich, why should you still do this?"

Xie Yuqing said: "Yeah, let's talk, I have so much money in my hands, I don't know what to do business, the most stupid way to go to Shanghai to buy a few dozens of houses and also appreciate, there is no need to run any organization, Officials have always been very strict with these non-governmental organizations. If they are a little out of the ordinary, they will be hit. When the time comes, the picture is nothing."

Ye Shaoyang did not speak, and opened the booklet again, looking carefully.

The car has been driving to a small town. Xie Yuqing stopped the car to find a place, then contacted him and came to pick them up.

"Ye Big Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time!" I was very excited when I saw Ye Shaoyang. The young man, like Xie Yuqing, wore plain clothes.

Ye Shaoyang also greeted him intimately. Pull them to a secluded place and simply talk about the investigation.

"First, after class, after class, it is on-site treatment. It is an old lady who is known as a spiritual mother-in-law disciple. It mainly deals with some evils. It is probably for the sake of Li Wei. Head, what do we do now?"

Xie Yuqing looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to open, Xie Yuqing patted Ye Shaoyang’s shoulder and said: "I have a way. We have a few people who look at it outside the country. Since it is not easy to pretend, it is better to pretend to be a foreigner to treat the disease. ?"

"How to pretend?" Ye Shaoyang frowned.

"You should pretend to be evil, cry and what, then we will find the goddess to cure the disease. If you take the opportunity to test her, is it really mana, what do you do?"

"It's so boring." Ye Shaoyang touched his nose. "Pretend to be evil, I can't do this, I am poor." Turned his head and glanced at it: "You come."

I want to postpone it, and Xie Yuqing has already promised him.

"How can I pretend, I won't..." I frown.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Without disguise, I will make a law and disrupt your three souls and seven scorpions."

"What!" Scared the big jump, just about to open, Ye Shaoyang raised his right hand, stretched his hand and bounced in his eyebrow position, then grabbed a hand on each side of the shoulder, the pupil immediately enlarged, the knees softened Seeing that he would fall, Ye Shaoyang grabbed him and squatted on his shoulders and walked in the direction of parking.

"He... are they all right?" Xie Yuqing was a little nervous.

"It’s nothing to disrupt the three souls temporarily."

Putting the cockroaches on the back seat of the car, Xie Yuqing called another agent with the mobile phone. The police stipulated that any action must be at least two people. This time, when the meal arrived, another agent went to eat.

Xie Yuqing told him to keep guarding in the car, let him have something to contact with him, then asked the position and walked with Ye Shaoyang.

The place where the lecture was given was in a house in the town. According to the agent, the house was a relatively large house rented by the spiritual society, and then renovated and built their branch. The evening class was held in the yard.

This house is behind a street in the town, behind the mountain, the house is at the foot of the mountain, relatively remote, the yard is very large.

When the two arrived, it was not long before the lecture. Someone in the town rushed over. Ye Shaoyang did not worry about it. Instead, he walked around the house with Xie Yuqing and found that there was no special place in this famous house. It was just on the right side of the gate, standing on three stone piles, one big and two small. The big one is as tall as Ming brother, and the two small ones are almost short with Si Niang.

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