Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2471: 2471 Hangzhou trip 2

This, Ye Shaoyang used to try.

Later, I said, let her go in for a while, just let the phone charge, and Ye Shaoyang promised to buy her a mobile phone for her to use, which succeeded in persuading her to go in.

"How she loves watching TV so much, it's all old-fashioned TV series." Xie Yuqing connected the phone to the car USB port, and glanced at the paused screen on the screen.

"It’s old for you, but people look at it for the first time.”

Xie Yuqing thinks about it and thinks that what he said makes sense.

From Shicheng to Hangzhou, it is close to big cities, and there are many trains. After arriving at the high-speed rail station, Xie Yuqing went to buy a ticket, and then only waited for 20 minutes to get on the bus.

The result was just on the train. The yin and yang mirrors continued to flash, indicating that the signal was being transmitted inside. Ye Shaoyang looked around. If a fairy is released, if it is seen, it is estimated to be scared to death. After all, Biqing is not a demon. Ghosts are generally visible in the general case and can be seen by ordinary people.

Ye Shaoyang had to drill into the toilet. After closing the door, he untied the seal on the yin and yang mirror. Biqing immediately smashed it out. He asked the geology of Ye Shaoyang: "Why use the seal to seal the yin and yang mirror!"

"Boss, this is a train, people are everywhere, if you let people see how you drilled out, what do you worry about?"

"You said it." Bi Qing reached out to him and asked him for a mobile phone.

"Go out and say!"

Ye Shaoyang opened the door of the bathroom. As a result, an uncle waited outside, waiting for Ye Shaoyang to go out, just going in, and saw a beautiful woman behind him, shocked on the spot, and finally took a shot on the shoulder of Ye Shaoyang, squinting eyes Bi Qing, said: "Brothers can be so eager on the train."

"What?" Ye Shaoyang did not understand.

"Hey, don't pretend to be a brother, what can a man and a woman do in the toilet? Don't tell me that you don't know."

Rely on!

Ye Shaoyang finally understood what was going on, and a face rose red, just about to explain, Biqing reached into the front and urged: "Don't want to play, get it quickly!"

When the uncle looked at him, he suddenly looked green and smashed up and down. Biqing looked at Biqing and wore a costume. It was originally incompatible with this era, but now there are many young people playing splay, especially in Shicheng. No wonder, and this uncle didn’t think about it at all. He cares about the plump flesh under Biqing’s clothes...

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Yes, you can give her a mobile phone."

"A mobile phone..." Uncle looked at Biqing again. "A mobile phone, worth it, come to the girl, I will buy you an apple 8..." I couldn't help but pull Biqing into it.

Ye Shaoyang grinned and went back to his seat. After a while, Bi Qing rushed over, blushing, and rushing Yang Shaoyang said: "Well, you, I regard me as a brothel woman!!"

Although she was out of date with this era, she said that she also mixed it in ancient times. She also knows about this kind of thing, and some people do not work on her.

"Yes, I thought he was going to send you a mobile phone. Forehead, you didn't kill him?" Ye Shaoyang knew that Biqing was definitely not suffering. He was concerned about the life of the uncle.

"I don't want to kill people without any reason to increase the karma. I have a possession for a while, enough for him to be unlucky for a year and a half." Bi Qing rolled his eyes.

Ok. Who made this goods so good, strange girls also dare to pull in the toilet.

"Although I feel a little sympathy for him, but... I really can't help but laugh how to do it." Ye Shaoyang grinned and laughed, and hadn't encountered such a fun thing for a long time.

After giving the phone to Biqing, Biqing wanted to find a place to sit down and watch the TV series, but everyone had seats. She had no place to sit and just sat on Ye Shaoyang's leg. Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked around. Many male passengers around him cast their eyes on themselves.

"Oh, sitting on his legs is not comfortable, sister, you come to sit here, you are welcome." Xie Yuqing pulled Biqing to his position, and then sat on Ye Shaoyang's leg.

"You are this..." Ye Shaoyang looked at her with wide eyes.

"What's wrong, didn't she sit comfortably?" Xie Yuqing rolled her eyes.

"No, you sit, it's just as comfortable." Ye Shaoyang smiled.

Xie Yuqing snorted.

After Biqing sat down, looking out the window, I realized that the train was moving, and the speed was extremely fast. Looking at the scenery passing by the window, I was shocked to say nothing.

Ye Shaoyang explained to her for a long time before she understood what a train was.

"This... actually flying faster than me!" Biqing was shocked.

"Right, the girl with the military division is in the mirror of Yin and Yang." Bi Qing said while playing with a mobile phone.

"You said hi, yeah, you talked to her?"

"She is very busy, I have refined her."

"What!" Ye Shaoyang jumped up from the seat and turned Xie Yuqing directly.

"Make yours, how is it possible. Talk to her for a while, and hurry up the girl."

"You can scare me!"

Ye Shaoyang took a sigh of relief and sat back in the chair. If the nephew is really cleaned by Bi Qing, then he almost has to mention his head to see Lin Sansheng.

"Damn!" Xie Yuqing snorted, licking his ass, and stepping on Ye Shaoyang.

"Hey?" Ye Shaoyang is puzzled.

"You suddenly jumped up, you..." Xie Yuqing blushes and puts her in the ear of Ye Shaoyang, and says, "The thing in your pants is hurting me!"

Ye Shaoyang was very embarrassed, and bowed his head and said: "That, this is not to blame me, you are sitting on me, I have a reaction is normal..."

Xie Yuqing snorted and deliberately tried to sit on his lap.

"Ah!" Ye Shaoyang shouted and shouted out "broken". Xie Yuqing smiled at him with a look of evil, and he grinded it around.


Ye Shaoyang hurriedly recited the curse and forced himself to calm down...

Hangzhou is a megacity similar to Shicheng. Ye Shaoyang is the first to come, but it has long admired the city because of the West Lake. After getting off the bus, Xie Yuqing suggested going to a place to live first, then go to the destination. He set up a hotel with Ctrip, located next to Xixi Wetland, and rushed over with everyone. Then everyone discussed it. Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing together, according to the address provided by Lao Guo, stepped on the point, Lao Guo went to contact him in the local magic circle. Friends, buy some medicines used in the array.

Xue Qi and Bi Qing stayed at the hotel.

After going out, Xie Yuqing said that the time is still early. Now, if it is past, it is really meaningless. She proposed to go to the West Lake for a long time to go.

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