Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2523: 2523 knot knot 3

As for his property, he was donated to a Hong Kong foundation.

In the second half of the suicide note, Ye Shaoyang was encouraged to let him work hard to do his own thing. He did not have a chance to change his life. He said that he had sent a message to a younger generation and would come over to deal with his own funeral, let Ye Shaoyang Go back quickly, do your own thing, you waste your energy for funeral, don't try to go to the gloomy to find his ghost, he has his own place, let him rest assured...

In the last paragraph, I wrote a real secret. After Ye Shaoyang finished reading, the heart was shocked and suddenly thought that this might be the real purpose of the master of the valley to find himself.

After reading the suicide note several times, Ye Shaoyang put it down, and then picked up the button that was pressed under the suicide note. This is not a button, but a knot.

At this time, the mobile phone on the other side of the bed rang. It was a master of the Valley, very old Nokia, and it was still old to see that he used it in the mountains. Ye Shaoyang took it up and saw that it was named Xiaoquan, so he answered.

"Hey? Is Mr. Ye?"

"Do you know me?" Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised.

"What about the father?"


The other party was silent and said: "Then we will meet and say. You wait for me, I am on the road."

Ye Shaoyang asked the aunt of the nanny, how much salary was not paid, and she said that the father of this month had paid in advance. Ye Shaoyang then let her go back first. After all, people are coming to work. They are not relatives, and they can't ask her for help.

It was not long before the aunt left, the one called Aquan came, Ye Shaoyang recognized him, and when he came over to find the cold jade, there was a dinner party, and the man in his forties looked very much. It’s not a wealthy business to be an official.

"We have seen you, you are the boyfriend of Leng Yumei, and also a mage."

After going to worship the body of Master Gu, he went out to talk to Ye Shaoyang and told him that he was a local person with a head face (what is the specific identity). When he was young, he hated people and what was it? Then, please take a shot from Master Gu, and then return to a life. For him, Master Yigu is his life-saving benefactor.

In the middle of the night, Master Yigu called him and told him that his life has been exhausted, so that he does not have to panic. He will come back during the day to help him deal with the aftermath. Everything is simple.

Ah Quan knew that he couldn't recover, and he had to promise everything to do what he meant. Responsiveness waited until this morning, before I made a phone call to Master One Valley, no one answered, knowing that 80% was an accident, and rushed to continue to call. Last night, Master Yigu mentioned Ye Shaoyang on the phone, so he made a phone call and he called his name.

"Mr. Ye, about the funeral, the master has already explained it, and everything is handed over to me. You don't have to bother, you go to pack the cold jade girl."

Ye Shaoyang said thank you, came to the room where he lived before Leng Lengyu. The room was neatly packed, and there were three suitcases on the floor. Ye Shaoyang opened one by one and saw that there were things like cold jade, clothes and Kind of gadgets, the original master of the Valley was packed early.

However, there were too many things, and I couldn’t take it alone. So, under the reminder of Ah Quan, I found the express door and sent these things back to my home. At this time, the funeral was also coming. Ye Shaoyang helped to decorate it together. I personally prayed for blessings.

Although the father told me that everything should be simplified, Ah Quan informed some people that they were important figures in the local folk training. They came to mourn a little, but they didn’t open a memorial service. They were buried the next morning. It is buried in the best location of Feng Shui in a local cemetery.

Ye Shaoyang Dai Xiao was buried, and after worshiping at the grave, he said goodbye to Ah, took the melon to the airport, and flew to Shicheng by plane.

In the plane, looking at the clouds outside the window, Ye Shaoyang's mood is a bit heavy. I think that I have experienced too many lives and deaths recently. First, Qingyunzi went to the Shura community... Although it is not death, it is still a matter of whether or not I can meet in the future. After that, it is a real person of Daoyuan, and now Master of the Valley has gone...

The mage of the older generation is slowly dying.

Back in Shicheng, Ye Shaoyang immediately summoned Lao Guo and others to talk about Lin Sansheng’s “rebellion” and the master of Yigu. Everyone is also embarrassed. Sibao and Wu Jiawei’s approach to Lin Sansheng first expressed indignation and then depressed for a long time.

When everyone was discussing, the horror ringing outside the window, everyone got up and went to see it, and saw the buns. Guagua immediately knocked on his head in relatives. The buns couldn't beat him, and he frowned against it.

"Don't make trouble, how do you come with buns, is there anything?" Ye Shaoyang pulled the melon and asked the buns.

"It’s the military commander who brought me..."

When Guagua heard it, he didn't hit a place, and gave him a look. He said, "You are a fool, you have broken off the relationship. How do you still talk to him!"

"You just listened to me." The buns were also furious, yelling at his head and saying: "You are a great second, always bullying me!"

"Yeah, you are amazing, I am the second child..." Suddenly remembering the word is a bit wrong, hurriedly changing the subject, "Quickly say, what the **** is going on!"

The buns looked at him angrily, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "The boss, the military division has recently become a general."

"The generals? What is that?"

"It is his own official seal, but a few of the sects of the squadron authorized together, got a meditation ceremony, officially delivered the handsome seal... From today, he is the first person to command the three armed forces."

Ye Shaoyang and others looked at each other and did not speak.

"He let you come, tell me this?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"No, this is what I want to tell you. The military teacher asked me to come. I want to tell you that the corpse has basically completed the assembly. He speculated that the war should be in these days. He made us ready to wait for the big battle. At the beginning, when the two sides are deadlocked, he will send someone to inform you that we will go through the dark forest as quickly as possible to save the donkey."

After listening to Lao Guo, he said to Ye Shaoyang: "The younger brother, the military master is still thinking of you."

Ye Shaoyang is silent.

"Well, don't mention this first. I think we should discuss the specific plan. Little teacher, what do you think?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the melon and said: "There are melons and melons, crossing the dark forest, it should not be a problem, just... Tian Abandon is the base camp of the corpse, and their main strength is on the battlefield. It is impossible for the base camp to have no one. I mean, there must be a lot of hard-to-handle Lords. A bad war is inevitable. The key is... We don’t know how many zombies are in Tiandeng Mountain, how many of them are strong...”

(Before some transitional scenes, backgrounds that need to be explained, there is no way to be meticulous, not deliberately water, from tomorrow to enter a new high / tide festival, restore two more, so stay tuned)

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