Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2525: The 2525 family tears X2

"However, there are rumors on the rivers and lakes. Some people say that the real people of Daoyuan are actually killed by you. They say that they are trying to suppress Longhushan, so that Maoshan can be a big one. Oh, you can listen."

Ye Shaoyang snorted and took a deep breath, biting his teeth and said: "However, the Daoyuan ancestor died because of me. I don't care who the murderer is, this hatred, I must report it myself!"

Back to the bedroom, Ye Shaoyang plans to take a break. Before going to sleep, once again activate the snow agate ring with hernia. I still don’t receive feedback from the wind. I don’t feel relieved, so I will let the melon go to the ghost field again. Look for the wind in the Valley of the Wind, see what he is doing, then lie down and sleep for a while... This is not snooze, but maybe when to start the action, to maintain plenty of energy, more important than anything else .

Guagua went to the ghost field and went all the way to the Valley of the Wind. He was the most popular member of the Ghost Alliance, and the road was the most familiar. After two hours, he went to the Valley of the Wind.

The Valley of the Winds is no longer just a valley. Since its creation, the Tao has personally led the men to fight around. Today, there are dozens of cities and towns, hundreds of miles apart. Among the many forces, the grading standard of Class A and second class is given by the yin.

Among the seventy-two divisions of Nether, there is a division called the Inspectorate (the name is very similar to the human world), which is responsible for investigating and filing the entire ghost domain, especially those of the ghost domain, as long as they can be found, All are registered, and then divided into four columns according to the size and number of people, each of which has three levels.

In just half a year, the Valley of the Winds went from a little-known valley to the list, and then climbed step by step. Until today’s family business, the road has the greatest credit, but it is not him. One person's credit.

Today's Valley of the Wind, the real thing in the custom is Jianwen Emperor. He has been an emperor after all. In management, there is an advantage that almost no one can compare. Under his step-by-step efforts, the Valley of the Wind has been built. A small court, he sat in the church and ruled all the internal affairs.

At the beginning, the style of the road chose to help him gather souls again. Many people did not understand the practice of the wind. Now they know that the style of the road is to value his talent.

Jianwendi is proud of his character. He is not waiting for many people in his bones. He does not even deal with Ye Shaoyang (after all, there is a hatred of killing his wife), but he is very loyal to the Taoist style. This kind of loyalty is due to the re-creation of grace. On the one hand, it is out of a transaction.

With this transaction, the wind can safely hand over the entire valley of the wind to him without worrying about his rebellion or how. The content of this transaction is only known to both parties.

The earliest members of the Valley of the Wind: Yang Gongyi, Chen Lu, Xiao Ma, Yue Heng, and so on, have found their own aspects of excellence, each of their duties, get along very well. The only thing that is not harmonious is Yue Heng and the old turtle Xuanwu.

Xuanwu is the military division of the Valley of the Wind. This guy is scheming, has a trick, and has a lot of experience in the use of soldiers, but there is a problem: this old guy is more defensive for personality reasons, especially can bear. Generally, even if the two armies were pointed at the nose by the other party, they were not angry and angry. The motto he pursued was: Tolerance, and tolerance.

Because I can bear it, I have avoided the danger of rushing in and out of the army several times, but sometimes I endured it and delayed the fighter.

As a striker general, Yue Heng, whose character is the same as his merits, is a fire man, easy to worry, often watching his opponents retreat, Xuanwu is not allowed to send troops, and anxiously screaming, the two often make conflicts, report Where the wind is there, the road wind never lets him partner with Xuanwu. In fact, it is arranged by Jianwen Emperor, and it is also a pen of God:

These two people are anxious and can bear, but they can learn from each other's strengths, can attack and defend, just cooperate... However, this is also a balanced method of pushing the next. The Valley of the Wind is a high-level military division. Therefore, Lin Sansheng will be invited to help before the Taoist style. However, Lin Sansheng is thinking about catching ghost alliances. He does not want to stay in the ghost field for a long time. He has not found a more suitable military division.

Guagua just entered the site of the Valley of the Winds, and immediately there was a guard who came to interrogate. Guagua was very proud to report the name, and then immediately treated as a VIP. The notice went up and the general of the defending city came to see him personally. , sent a messenger, accompanied him to go to Baiyun City to find the wind.

The two went out of this pass, and they didn't go far. They saw the desert, the dust and smoke, and the black-pressed army rushed from afar.

"What is the situation, do you want to fight?" Guagua is very surprised.

"The second master does not know, today is the day of the royal family."

"The princes and escorts?" Guagua stunned, "Does the wind personally lead the team?"

"Not the Lord, it is Your Majesty."

Guagua frustrated to see him, "Which Majesty, Jianwen Emperor?"


"Oh, okay, who are you playing this time?"

"There is a false accusation, this time it is a sinister army, so the sergeant will lead the army to levy, and they will decide one male and female."

Guagua heard this, and was shocked. Although he didn't like to think much, but the big situation still knew, the current horror asked: "What is the sinister war against you?"

The messenger replied: "It doesn't seem to be the official of the next minute. Some things don't understand. If you want to know the second master, you will see the Lord. When you ask, you know that this is the way the army is going. Don't offend, I am still avoiding some of them quickly."

"The Son of Heaven, huh, huh." Guagua really did not regard Jianwen as a child, and said to the messenger: "Don't be afraid, I am waiting for Jianwen Emperor here. He can't treat me like this. You stay here. Nothing. ”

This messenger tried to persuade him not to listen, but he did not dare to go by himself. He had to wait with him with trepidation.

The leader of the army, riding the horses of the ghost field, the wind and the power of the general, in the blink of an eye to the mouth, the vanguard general took the lead, but saw a high and a short front in front of the mouth in front of the mouth, not frowning, away from Heyuan replied: "He has just blocked the army and has not retreated quickly!"

After talking about raising a hand directly, a bright light flew, Guagua pulled the messenger to hide, and suddenly did not hit a place, said with a fork: "If you don't say anything, you will start playing, too much, Jianwendi Where are you, I want to see Jianwen Emperor!"

General Pioneer’s eyes roared and just about to attack. On the side of his army’s main book, he hurriedly stopped. He whispered: “The general is slow, this kid dares to be an army. Maybe he’s coming, don’t be rash, and ask him, if it’s awkward It’s not too late to dispose of the military."

(Responding to two questions, the story about Mao Xiaofang, Wutong and others before 1 is not an eunuch, but is left in the Republic of China. In the future, it will be written separately from the perspective of Mao Xiaofang, so for the time being, 2 this book is not Ye Shaoyang. A person's story, therefore, many characters have to explain, there must be a drama, the war is imminent, so stay tuned. 3 have fun to search for "green", pay attention to me, often answer various questions above)

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