Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2535: 2535 Emperor's War 2

Looking at the hard struggles of Jianwen Emperor, Zhu Xi’s heart is very proud, this is the real anti-kill.

"You are not my opponent in the world, here you are not." Zhu Xi smiled. "I don't want to take your life. As long as you go to me with me, I will let you go, how?"

"You don't want to kill me." Jianwendi looked at him, and his mouth suddenly opened with a sinister smile. "But I want to kill you."

Zhu Xi was shocked. In the next second, Jian Wendi suddenly evoked an aura of aura, which was even more powerful than the golden dragon that Zhu Xi’s aura had. It looked fierce and the faucet rose high. Bent down and swooped down and ran into the golden dragon.

"Emperor's Heart... The fourth is! Impossible, how can you have this repair!" Zhu Xi called.

"For hundreds of years, I have been waiting for revenge all the time. Hatred is the power of hatred that urges me to practice, thieves, when you really don't know your conspiracy, the soldiers are not deceived, this sentence is for you!"

I will count on it... I thought I had done the ultimate, and it turned out that I was the one who really counted!

It is a pity that it is already late.

A loud bang, under the attack of the red dragon, his golden dragon was crushed by a sudden, and the dragon scales fluttered like a snow flake. Among the flying scales, Zhu Xi saw a red sword and stabbed himself.

There is no power to defend, and there is no time for this. Those subordinates were too far apart, and there was no time to come over... But Zhu Xi closed his eyes and stood tall, waiting for death to come.

The Son of Heaven, there must be the death of the Son of Heaven.

Allow, you are finally out of blue.

Zhu Xi is closing his eyes and waiting to die. Suddenly, a golden light descends from the sky and blocks in front of himself, bearing the strongest blow of the red dragon. After the blow, the dragon was still there, but Zhu Xi was pushed out by a powerful anti-shock force and fell into the distance.

Zhu Xi hurried to get up and shouted: "Protect the handsome!"

The soldiers who had been scared before suddenly came up and surrounded him.

From the crowd gap, Zhu Xi saw the fineness of flying and the rosary of a high-pitched rosary!

The heart suddenly swayed, and then look at the place where Yao Guangxiao stumbled before, and she did not see the figure.

At the crucial moment, I have blocked it for myself. It is Yao Guangxiao!

"National teacher!" Zhu Xi Yang Tian sent a sigh.

After the death of the national teacher, he did not go to reincarnation, but stayed in the Yin Shi Division, in order to wait for himself. After he died, he immediately sought errands for himself and then followed.

He is not only the most loyal courtier, he has been in the world for decades, and hundreds of years after his death, he has been following his side, helping himself to make suggestions, how many times he has helped himself to make a good fight, he is not a courtier, or his own mentor and friend... I did not expect to die for myself in the end.

"Kill, kill Zhu Yunwen!!!" Zhu Hao screamed and ordered, the three armed forces behind him acted together, and the Jianwen Emperor rushed over.

"For me to kill this thief!" Jianwen Emperor put away his anger, grabbed the wave of Boluozhu from the sky, all the way back, the soldiers of the Valley of the Wind immediately rushed up. A big battle is inevitable.

However, just at the moment when the two men were about to meet, suddenly a blue light passed through the middle of the two groups of people, and the air was swayed out of the air, and the last row of soldiers was bounced back.

"Give me a hand!!" A sigh of relief, appeared at the end of the battlefield, everyone turned and looked, is a woman wearing a hundred flower robes, face covered with veil (although Yang Gongyi has long no longer concealed his appearance, but two There are too many people in the military array. She is still embarrassed to show up. Otherwise, at least half of the people will stare at her. This is really not self-confidence. The body is suspended in the air and looks like a fairy.

"See the mother!" The soldiers of the Valley of the Wind naturally know her identity, and they bowed and bowed.

The blue light that split the two armies finally passed through the camp, and also stopped at the side of Yang Gongyi. After a long hair, behind the head, the face was like a crown jade, and two bright eyeballs sparkled with sapphire. The face is sharp and angular, and there is an indescribable and compelling breath on the body.

"See the Lord!" The soldiers of the Valley of the Winds worshiped again.

When Zhu Xi saw the wind, he took a sigh of relief and said with aloud: "The wind, what is today, is your lord?" Because the soul is weak, the voice is very trembling, a little dragging, even though he is already very Try to keep the sound steady.

The road did not answer.

Yang Gong said: "If it is the planning of the road, how can you stop you from fighting! General Zhu, you and Jianwen's private enmity, the Valley of the Wind will not participate. Today, both of you have death and injury, how has this matter been revealed?"

Zhu Xi waited for Jianwen Emperor and looked at the Taoist style. Although it was difficult to calm down, it was definitely impossible to kill Jianwen Emperor today. Biting his teeth, said: "Jianwen, since you have never forgotten the hatred of the past, this handsome man is not a person who complains with morality. Today, the old hate is not removed, and new enemies are added. I will kill you in Japan!"

Jianwen did not say anything, he did not like to argue for the benefit of his tongue. Although, he is even more unwilling than Zhu Xi: Zhu Xi died of Yao Guangxiao, and Fang Xiaoyu also sacrificed here, and he did not take advantage of it.

However, the road came, although he was nominally the Son of the Valley of the Wind, but as long as the road was present, the soldiers of these Valley of the Winds still listened to him. Moreover, the previous opportunity has been missed.

Damn Yao Guangxiao... Fortunately, he also killed him.

Jianwendi did not say anything and returned to his own drive.

"Before you and I agreed to lay down the city and divide the land. Now that you have occupied the whole city, how can you say this?"

Daofengdao: "This city is for you. Let's go."

After the wind was over, he flew in the direction of the Valley of the Wind with Yang Gongzhu. The army followed, leaving the awkward Zhu Xi and others.

"General, this thing..."

"That's it, don't report it, the wind is also a person with a sense of proportion." Zhu Xi sighed, let them go to the dead and wounded, clean up the relics.

I have died a few times from the human world to the present, the most important of which is Yao Guangxiao.

"The general of the obituary, the relic of the national division, the wave of the bead is gone, it must have been taken away by Jianwen."

Zhu Xi was shocked. This reminded me that I had seen the Jianzhu Emperor holding the string of beads in the hands. At that time, one mind was in other places, and I ignored this matter. Now I want to go too late.

But after all, it was the relic of Yao Guangxiao, so it fell on the hands of the enemy Jianwen Emperor. Of course he was unwilling, not to mention that it was a rare Buddhist instrument. It’s just that this matter has to be considered.

(About Fang Xiaoyu and Yao Guangxiao’s story, you can search for it yourself and see these two legendary historical figures)

(End of this chapter)

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