Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2553: 2554 Battle of the Airspace 2

"Well, I understand." In the face of so many people being entangled by her, Ye Shaoyang was a little awkward, coughing twice, turning to look for the corresponding person, said: "Xiaoqing white, and Fengqi couple , you... go to Yunshan to protect the military."

"What!" The four people almost cried together.

"According to him, this battle, he dragged the son-in-law and won the hook, although he always worked hard, but after all, faced with two corpse kings, I am worried that he is dangerous, you four to protect him !"

"I won't go!" Xiaoqing first yelled and stared at Ye Shaoyang. "The last time, I was very sad. I have already broken with him. I am no longer a brother. Let me protect him now, not playing. My face."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I broke with him, but even if it was a brother, we at least protect him for the last time in times of crisis. I promise you. This is the last time. If you are afraid of embarrassment, don't appear, ambush him. Nearby, if he is not in danger, you will not have to show up, and you will avoid it. If you are in danger, you don’t have to say it, I don’t believe you can watch him die!”

This is the case, Xiaoqing four have nothing to say.

Xiaoqing lowered his head and muttered: "But we want to go with you to save the donkey!"

The three followed and nodded.

Cui Ying vows: "You don't take me as an outsider in Shaoyang. I am at least half a member of the Ghost Alliance. I am willing to go together again!"

"Not half, is one!" Ye Shaoyang said seriously. "You are a man of Fengxiu. I have never regarded you as an outsider. It is just that everyone has different tasks. We went to Tianshan Mountain this time to attack. There are many people and nothing. Use, the military division is... at least once our brother, can not let him have a mistake."

Listen to him saying that four people had to accept the task. Xiao Bai raised his hand in a hurry.

"What do you think of your sister?"

"That... um, the wind is not coming?"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless and took a picture of the Yin Yang mirror in his belt. He said, "Here is it."

Xiaobai suddenly flashed the star's eyes, biting a finger and looking at Ye Shaoyang's waist and said: "The wind is big, since you are here, why don't you come out, people haven't seen you for a long time..."

After waiting for a moment, there was some depressing voice in the yin and yang mirror: "Let's finish goodbye."

Xiaobai immediately raised his mouth. "The wind is big, people want to see you and go again..."

"Cough!" The voice of everyone screamed.

"Little hoof, you are crazy!" Yang Gong's smile came from the Yin Yang mirror. "You should go first. If this is the case, you will go to the Valley of the Wind and live for a while. You can see the wind every day." ""

Xiaobai suddenly brightened his eyes, "Speaking count?"

"So many people listen, can I lie to you? I haven't eaten this jealous."

Everyone is laughing again.

Xiaobai blushed, said: "That, then, I will go first!" He hurried out after he finished.

The Fengqi couple also laughed and left together. Xiaoqing is shaking his head and sighing.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt that the yin and yang mirrors had a change, and then a figure flew out from the inside. I thought it was a style of the wind. I blurted out and said: "You are so afraid of her, she left when you left..." The result was not finished, only to see the figure. It is not the wind, nor the Yang Gong Temple, but the nephew who has been living in the Yin Yang mirror.

Seeing her, Ye Shaoyang only remembered that she was always in the yin and yang mirror.


Not waiting for Ye Shaoyang to open, he asked nervously: "I just heard you talking, is there any danger in my life?"

"Oh... not sure, but I also sent people to protect him, nothing will happen."

The nephew bit his lip and said, "I want to go to him."

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "I know that you are worried about him, but I still forget it. To be honest, it’s useless to go to... It’s useless to say that he is now commanding a thousand troops. If you go, you will only divide him. heart of."

"But he is dangerous."

"You can rest assured, I have found four people in the past, and I can definitely protect him. You believe me, definitely not okay!"

The nephew hesitated again and again, and it was also connected. He said, "When he comes back, I will see him again."

"When I went to look for him, why didn't you see him?" said Ye Shaoyang, suddenly thinking about it, in order to ensure the privacy of both sides, he used a rune to seal the Yinyang mirror, and the child is estimated to have always been inside. Practice, did not peep outside, so missed the last time to meet Lin Sansheng. Before the road was opened because of the wind and Yang Gong, this opened the yin and yang mirror.

He said: "I didn't want to see him before. I have been waiting for him to send me back. I just don't want him to be in danger... forget it, I will go in. But can you let the person inside get married? Not kissing..."

"Amount, okay." Ye Shaoyang just wanted to speak, the wind flew out, Yang Gongyi also followed, looked at the nephew, smiled and said: "I told you before, you can remember?"

The child said a million blessings, "Thank you for reminding my sister." Then he lowered his head and flew in.

Ye Shaoyang sealed the Yinyang mirror with a rune, and then asked Yang Gongwei: "What did you say to her?"

"What about the girl's family, why are you asking so much?" Yang Gong gave him a look.

Ye Shaoyang licked his mouth.

The road is cold and cold: "Are you enough?"

"Good, start now. Oh, yes, Lao Guo, what?"

"Come here!" Lao Guo took a box and walked out from behind. He rushed to Yang Shaoyang and nodded. "Get it."

"Good, start!"

Ye Shaoyang found Xiao Jiu in the crowd and looked at her in search.

Xiaoji came up and nodded to her. "I definitely want to go. Lengyu is my mother. Even if I am all about Qingqiu Mountain, I must save her."

Ye Shaoyang was very moved in his heart.

The group went down from the back hill of Qingqiu Mountain, entered the canyon, flew all the way to the lower reaches of the boundary river.

Behind them, in the Yunshan Canyon, dozens of miles away, there is an extremely fierce battle.

Countless corpses, madly rushing into the canyons of Yunshan, the front of the group, has been rushed outside the wooden fence outside the military camp.

The wooden fence is a total of seven floors, criss-crossed, and each wooden fence is bundled by three wooden stakes to form a strange shape. All the wooden fences are connected by gray ropes, and the knots are knotted at the lowest hanging parts, and a black iron sword is hung.

When the first group of corpses rushed to the front, the array of these wooden fences detected the corpse, the array was activated, the ropes swayed together, and the black iron swords hanging above were lit one by one. Gather the aura, leave the little sword, and fly toward the close-knit corpses.

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