Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2560: The 2561 blood sea corpse mountain 2

The water corpse turned toward him, and he kept thinking of the spell in his mouth, and ignored him.

With a bang, the seven-star Longquan sword smashed on the back of his head. As a result, the corpse was actually meat on the scalp. A sword went down, and the skin opened and the corpse sprayed out. It was consumed with the spirit of the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword. White steam.

Ye Shaoyang was the first to experience this strange thing. After a sigh of relief, he wanted to slash the sword and cut it again. The water corpse went underground. The whole person completely entered the **** sea, disappeared, and looked at several others. They have disappeared into the ground, but their voices are still in the ears.

Is this hiding?

This thought just came out, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a strong suction, as Yang Gongyi experienced before, directly sucked him into the middle of the law, but unlike Yang Gongyi, this time is not in the middle of the vortex Instead, he swayed down while spinning, but he couldn’t make any mana. A blood wave slammed over and saw that he was about to be hit. Suddenly a white light flew, wrapped him, and then pulled it hard, just right. I avoided the huge waves and was taken to the island.

Ye Shaoyang hugged the road and stood on the island. He took a breath and sighed: "What is this ghost method, so powerful!"

Suddenly remembered something, turned around and screamed at the crowd, shouting: "You must not come over, once you come in, you will be sucked!"

Yang Gong groaned: "Let you not come over. This method is very different, as long as it is sucked in, a little mana can't make it."

"The ground is covered." The wind spit out these four words.

"What do you mean?"

"Covering the earth with corpse gas, the world is isolated, can't do it."

The style of the road is very simple, but Ye Shaoyang knows at once: Any creature, whether it is a human being or an evil spirit, needs to have a precondition for casting a spell, that is, it must be attracted by the wind and the wind, meaning that when casting a spell, There can be no isolation from the sky and the ground. In a common sense, all spells and spells can only be effective if they come into contact with the heavens and the earth.

The wind and the wind are everywhere, and the caves, the oceans, and even the iron walls can't block the connection with the creatures. However, some special arrays can isolate the wind and the wind, so that the creatures can't cast spells or sorcerers. All the spells of the soul are based on this principle).

In extreme cases, the strong can break the power of the soul and the gods, forcibly break through or kill, the root cause is also the self-acting in the body, simulating a world, but because it is simulated, even if it is strong, with the real Heaven and earth can't be discussed, so you can get up to it and you can't maintain it for a long time.

Because Yang Gongyi or Ye Shaoyang, in the moment of being inhaled by the formation, because they were completely unprepared, they were isolated from the wind and the wind was blowing, and they did not have time to play in the body, they would be a mana. There is absolutely no way to play it out.

Ye Shaoyang originally thought of it, but some people can't believe it. This kind of corpse's array of law can actually isolate the wind and the wind from such a wide range!

Ye Shaoyang suddenly understood why the road must insist on using the three flowers to protect the land under his feet.

"I will send you out, go up the mountain to do things, don't delay!" said the wind quickly.

"This... what do you do?"

"We are holding these five corpse immortals." Yang Gongyu said, "It is up to you to save the cold jade."

After saying it, nodded to the wind.

The wind squatted and sat down, opened his mouth, spit out three different colors of the charm, and the three clear ghosts, fell on the top of Ye Shaoyang's head and the shoulders on both sides, and said: "Go!"

"You are careful!" Ye Shaoyang was running out of breath, leaping outwards, leaving the enchantment and smashing out from the zombie group. This did not know how many zombies and bodies were broken.

Just leaving the enchantment, the hurricane immediately blew it and pushed him down from the top down.

However, this time in advance, Ye Shaoyang took a breath and formed a psychic membrane around himself. He flew straight out under the hurricane. When the blood came to the beach, the two blood columns suddenly converge in the **** sea below. In the shape of the palm of your hand, grab it at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang's hands are pinched, and the backhand is a palm.

Originally these two hands were illusions or the spells controlled by the corpse kings. As a result, the palms went down and produced a strong anti-shock force. The **** sea below hit a gap, and the hands underneath. The blood on the water also faded, revealing two arms full of red dragonflies, and the masters of these two arms, the zombie that was covered with cockroaches, Ye Shaoyang forgot what he called, anyway, it looked very disgusting, with Similar.

"Hey..." He screamed and floated on the water. He looked at Ye Shaoyang with the eyes of two dead fishes. He said strangely: "You are a human master, how can you do this?"

Just before this, Ye Shaoyang was not injured, but the instinct he slammed was also leaked, and the body fell down. So he immediately extended his hands to catch him. Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword and inserted a sword on his palm. He stretched his hand and grabbed it. He wanted to bring the sword and drag it into the water.

However, the spirit of the Seven Star Longquan sword is too strong, even if he is a corpse, it is countered by the spiritual power, the palm is burned and squeaky, and has to let go.

"I don't want to talk to people who are full of acne. The young man is too tender." Ye Shaoyang used the seven-star Longquan sword in his palm and borrowed it.

The result just flew out, and it was a water column, but it was the water body, shaking his head, hands to catch Ye Shaoyang, and snorted and said: "If you enter the battle, don't want to go!"

"You said no!"

Ye Shaoyang slammed into the head of his head, only to listen to a bang, into the eyeballs, a green water sprayed out in the air, but in the air turned into a shape of a worm, like a scorpion, rushed toward the leaves Shaoyang.

What is this?

Ye Shaoyang smashed this thing with the palm of his hand. As a result, from the eyes of the water corpse, the liquid reptiles climbed out, and they flew their claws. Ye Shaoyang swept through the sword and smashed these things. The broken water drops were Also connected into a net, blocked in front.

"Tai Shang San Qing, strain without disease!" Ye Shaoyang chanting, Qixing Longquan sword forced to stir, trying to break the water waves, but the net formed by these green water is very strong, and the sword front is out of the old, the net only broke. A small hole, but the momentum of this sword was removed.


Ye Shaoyang feels that he is falling.

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