Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2564: 2565 corpse king invincible 1

After the son-in-law took control of the situation, it seemed that they were not anxious to start with them. They said in a careless tone: "I know that you are all hidden nearby. Since it is going to be shot sooner or later, why not?"

In the grass a few hundred meters away, Xiaobai turned and asked everyone: "She found us?"

"Almost, show up." Xiaoqing finished, just about to show up, on the side of the cliff, suddenly appeared two figures, one is like a fairy-like girl, the other is a monk. These two people know each other, one is to explain the golden fairy, the star of the sea to shake the fairy, and the other is the Buddhist monk, the law of the law, the abbot of the law.

"The original is theirs, then we wait, let them consume, just look at the battle of their strong." Xiaoqing smirk.

Feng Wei said: "There are so many big squads in the air, how come they both, is there any intentional appearance?"

Xiaobai said: "It is estimated that there is no leisure, three canyons, each of the canyons have two or three big guards, and several are guarding the home, beware of the corpse really passed the Yunshan, attacking the hinterland Although it is not useful, there are also the western line, there are also several big guards to guard against the sneak attack. And the military sergeant did not say, please Lishan mother to go to the following to win the hook. After all, that is also a sly character."

Shaking the fairy and the dust mage flew over the cliff, and immediately fell in front of the disciples of the Lingshan 12 disciples. The dust mage hand chanting the beads, one hand formed an orchid print, crossed in front of the body, constantly chanting a spell, fingers licking each other After a rosary, the rosary emits a Buddha light, which falls into the formation and dispels the pale red corpse.

Shake the fairy to see the son-in-law, said: "You come alone?"

"Shake the light, you dare to come, you forgot to be caught by me that year, almost made a wife who won the hook." The son-in-law said provocatively.

There is still such a thing. Xiaobai and others face each other.

Xiaoqing clenched his fist: "Damn, actually dare to let the fairy light the zombie as a wife, mad at me!"

When I turned around, I found that all three people looked at him with strange eyes, and their faces were red. "You are stunned. I mean to shake the fairy, a fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks. No one in the world can match it."

Shake the fairy on the face of a red, the opposite side of the lips said: "So I am here today, oysters you, I don't want you to be a zombie as a wife, when a corpse is always good!"

The niece smiled and said: "The gimmick of the fangs is good for you today!"

The figure disappeared slowly, blended into the light red corpse, and began to rotate around the entire mountain. Every time it was rotated, the corpse expanded a circle, and the entire mountain was quickly enveloped in the corpse.

The Master of the Dust simply threw the rosary in the air, hovering over the heads of the people, constantly absorbing the corpse, and the color of the rosary was gradually faded from pure golden yellow, and it was dyed with a touch of red.

There is a dust mage who is tall, and the twelve disciples of Lingshan continue to maintain the formation, and they are also consuming the corpse.

"Oh, this is not the past, but now I am a fairy tale, but I want to tell you the difference!"

Shaking the fairy touched the emerald jade flute, crossed in front of him and began to play.

With the rhythm of her playing, the aura of the road flew out of the flute, shaped like a note, hovering over the top of the son-in-law, constantly descending, around the son-in-law, the circle became smaller and smaller, and seemed to want to stick to her. .

The niece smiled coldly, her hands swaying in the air, manipulating the pale red corpse, and fighting the spiritual power of the notes. Under the collision and confrontation between the two forces, the nearby heaven and earth aura continued to be absorbed, and the air became thin and thick. The nearest Lingshan 12 disciples felt that the action was getting more and more coming.

"Can't be so trapped! Change!" A disciple headed out and shouted, and the twelve moved together to change the battle from the defensive to the offensive, although the 12-Star Palace is a good defensive array. However, once the enemy is trapped in the battle, there is also the ability to attack and defend. At the moment, the swaying fairy and the son-in-law confront each other, and they work together to create a 12-star palace and encircle the son-in-law.

There is only one person in the son-in-law, and it is a little bit difficult to cope with the offensives of both sides. Master Dust saw this scene, his shoulders fluttered, his body flew up and flew to the top of the twelve disciples of Lingshan, releasing orange light.

The twelve disciples, who were forced to be greeted by the corpse, were surrounded by orange light, and immediately felt a kind of comfort like a spring breeze, one by one, and more aggressively attacked.

The magical illusion of Master Dust is a kind of instrument of blessing and reconciliation. Although it can not be used directly as an offensive, it can play a role in the soul of the mage under the cover, and can cast spells more concentrically.

Under the cooperation of Shake Fairy, Dust Master, and Lingshan Twelve Disciples, the son-in-law is even more strenuous, and the reddish corpse is constantly narrowing down under the pressure, and it can no longer pose any threat to everyone.

Seeing this situation, everyone is very excited, more daring to practice, want to completely trap her.

"Go to the canyon to pass the order, sleepy and win the hook, don't let him go, and beware of the corpse reinforcements, lead them to the gourd mouth, fight for the whole!"

One of his men immediately ran down the mountain.

"Let's go together!"

Several supervisors in front of Lin Sansheng saw the son-in-law and moved the idea of ​​helping.

Lin Sansheng said: "Wait, the female servant is going to lose, don't you feel weird?"

The deputy will laugh: "The handsome man is more worried, although the son-in-law is tyrannical, but we also have two strong players here, plus Lingshan's 12-star palace array, it is no accident to suppress her?"

"So, since the power gap is so big, why do female sons dare to come alone?"

A few people are a glimpse, the deputy will then say: "This, the subordinates think that the son-in-law is not in the air for a long time, and I have not been fighting for a long time, she does not know the strength of the two masters, but also thinks that everything is with In the same year, this was lost."

A supervisory army smiled and said: "The deputy Zhang said that the son-in-law is too confident. Moreover, if she has reached such a situation, if she really has a hand, there is no need to hide it. Why not let it out?"

Lin Sansheng listened to them saying that there was a new word heard in the mind: the confidence of the fans.

In the end, is the self-confidence of the female niece, leading to a stalemate, or is it the confidence of these people?

Several supervised troops have turned to face the son-in-law, each holding a device and starting to practice.

Under the concerted efforts of all, the son-in-law is even more difficult to support, and the corpse has been compressed to her body, leaving only a thin layer, still struggling to resist, it seems that the defeat has emerged.

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