Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2574: 2575th monster 1

"Well, this is what you are holding." Ye Shaoyang took out a large mother's money and handed it to the four treasures. This money has been sacrificed by himself. As long as it does not exceed the 500-meter range, he can use it no matter where he is. Helium senses its existence.

The two separated and flew in different directions.

Ye Shaoyang flew not far, the air around him has been sticky to the extent of water flow: people flying in the air, as if in the water, the action is slowed several times, and the ghost illusion around it is coming The more the flies are lingering, and only if they receive the effect of the visceral viscosity, these guys not only do not slow down, but seem to be faster.

Ye Shaoyang had to stop and try to deal with these shadows.

As the movement slowed down, he had a mana, but because the speed of the shot slowed down, the distance between the battles and the shadows was gradually drawn in, and the scene became more and more dangerous.


Ye Shaoyang painted a refining gas with cinnabar. During the burning process, the viscous corpses around him rushed wildly, and they were burned by the fire. They felt a little relaxed, and Ye Shaoyang took the plunge and surrounded the shadows. Dispelling to ten meters away, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the spiritual power of the magical character is limited. When the burning is exhausted, the corpse of the surrounding area is squeezed, and the air becomes thicker. Ye Shaoyang can only reapply the technique and seek the time of breathing. The corpse is thicker and thicker, and the situation becomes Precarious.

I am so embarrassed here, and the four treasures are definitely not much better.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of this, using the suffocating ink to print on the palm of his hand, the big money that Unicom handed over to Sibao, and sensed the position, but... there was no feedback.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart suddenly tightened.

It is said that when the big money of the mother is activated, it will release the light. The four treasures are not blind. When you see the light, you know that you are looking for him. According to the normal logic, you will definitely use the suffocating gas to activate the copper coins and give yourself feedback.

But now... no feedback.

Then there is only one possibility: the four treasures have not taken care of this!

Ye Shaoyang did not hesitate to immediately turn the direction, use the hook to open the road in front, and fly in the direction of sensing.

Walking through the thick corpse, and dealing with those ghosts, Ye Shaoyang took a lot of effort and slowly approached, and from the long distance he saw the light from the big money of the casting mother.

Can you faintly see the four treasures sitting on the ground and sitting still on the ground, meditating?

But the strange thing is that the illusory ghosts around him no longer attack him, but ignore his existence, bypassing him directly and flying towards him.

A whip went down and shattered the last wave of ghosts in front of him. Ye Shaoyang rushed to the front of the four treasures. When he looked closely, his heart trembled:

The four treasures were wet and wrapped in a green mucus. They looked like a silkworm cocoon, sitting still.


Ye Shaoyang screamed and rushed to the front, squatting in front of the four treasures. Only then did he see the golden scorpion in his arms, releasing the soft light of the Buddha's light. The light came out of the scorpion, but the smaller the income, the more it gathered. The size of the soy bean is just right into his eyebrows.

He is all over the body, and there is no mucus in this little spot, but it is clear that the mucus around it seems to be life-like. It is spreading to the eyebrows. It is near the Buddha's light and melts immediately, but it quickly condenses. Continue to launch an offensive against Buddha Light.

Ye Shaoyang knew at a glance that this Buddha light is the magic weapon that Sibao used to protect his own god. It is also the last resort.

Where is this mucus coming from?

Why didn't he ask for help before he was in trouble, and was forced to such a desperate situation?

I didn't have too much time to think about it. Ye Shaoyang reached out and put a hand on Sibao's face. He found that these mucus were like resin. The sticky one was tightly attached to the skin of Sibao. It couldn't be wiped out. When it was decided, it took a magical symbol. Gently shake, ignited the blue flame, and bake the face of the four treasures.

Sure enough, these mucus encountered a fire, melted immediately, and ran away from his face like water.

Sibao's face is blue and green, and his eyes are swollen. Looking through the fire, it was not redness, but his earlobe on both sides. I don't know why it grew as long as Maitreya, covering his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang didn't know much about Buddhism, but he also guessed that it was a kind of spell from Bao, so he slammed his two ears down and called his name.

The four treasures did not respond.

Ye Shaoyang single-handedly printed, and took a hard shot on his Yintang. Sibao slammed his eyes and saw Ye Shaoyang, what he wanted to say. His eyes suddenly crossed his shoulder and looked behind him. He shouted: "Goat Run!"


Ye Shaoyang suddenly turned back, a black thing just hit the face, Ye Shaoyang reacted very fast, rolled on the spot, took advantage of the foot to hook the four treasures, want to knock him down, lest he was accidentally injured, he used this A rolling momentum, escaped the attack, just sat up, suddenly a black shadow in front of me, so fast?

Even though he was prepared, he was still caught off guard. In a hurry, Ye Shaoyang left his hand and printed a black-handed backhand. As a result, he was hit by a horrible force, and people directly flew out on the ground. After rolling for two laps, I removed the power and turned and looked at it. The shadow had already arrived behind the four treasures.

Because the pervasive corpse covered up, I couldn’t see the appearance of the shadow. I only felt that the figure was very short. Standing and sitting with the four treasures was almost high. The two eyes were red and green, and the head kept shaking gently. The strange sound of "Oh," in the mouth, is like laughing, the voice is sharp, and it is a bit like a baby.

This thing stood behind the four treasures, one hand stroking the head of the four treasures, a strange shout in the mouth, shaking his head, the shadows that were originally everywhere in the fog, all flew toward this thing, Converged in its body.

The thick suffocation, overflowing from his body, like a flame, Ye Shaoyang has a distance from it, still feels a strong burning... The feeling on the hand is somewhat wrong, Ye Shaoyang spread his left hand and looked at it all at once. Living:

The palm of the hand was drawn a big hole. It was the scar caused by the hard-topped short winter melon. It was not this that surprised Ye Shaoyang, but... it was black blood from the wound, and it smelled up. There is also a stinking monster.

I have a demon poison? Is this short winter melon opposite?

Ye Shaoyang stared blankly at his palm and couldn't believe it... Ordinary people were attacked by evil spirits. Poisoning is inevitable. The problem is... I am a congenital body. What can be poisoned in the world?

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