Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2584: No. 2585 Imagination 2

Suddenly, a corpse floated, and the fairy shook his head in a vigilant manner, and saw the son-in-law, who was slowly coming.

impossible! She can't catch up with herself so fast!

In this regard, Shake the Fairy has absolute confidence.

Looking at the son-in-law, it was dull and close to translucent. It turned out to be just a glimpse of her, and 80% followed her: after God attached to the other person, he could follow thousands of miles without losing the target, but God thought There is no means of attack.

To figure this out, Shake the Fairy immediately to escape. She suspects that the son-in-law is tracking herself with God and providing the position for the Lord to catch up with the country.

"Shake the light, you have to leave, I will go to your coalition forces tomorrow to spread the truth about killing a dust master."

Shake the fairy like a seven-inch hit, the figure froze on the spot, suddenly turned back, yelled at her: "You shut up, a dust mage is you kill."

"The Master of the Dust Master is attached to the relic. If you support it for a hundred years, you may not be able to gather souls, but you will completely destroy him!"

Nvwa smiled and said: "Shake the light, I did not expect that you are so vicious, in order to survive, do not hesitate to sell comrades!"

"No, it's not like this!" Shake the fairy's heart crashing and crying. "I... I didn't think too much between rushes."

"That is your evil nature!"

Evil nature... Shake the fairy and think about it, really... is this the case?

"You teach Jinxian, educate all beings, and be above the top, and you can actually do this kind of thing that is not a disgrace, shake your head. In these years, you really grew up..."

"Stop! You are a zombie who is cast aside by everyone. Is there any qualification to teach me?"

"I? Yes, I am a zombie, everyone yells and screams, but I never disguise myself as a good person. We are a zombie and we will never make a job to make a living."

The girl looked at her and smiled coldly. "I am so badly out of the way, and you, the Tao is stunned... Where are you better than me? If you really regret it, then go to the world, how?"

Tell the world...

It will surely shock the entire empty world. At that time, Faming Temple will not let go of itself. The entire Buddhist temple will not let go of itself. Not only that, but it will hurt the entire interpretation and attack, and walk down the altar. No one can really deal with himself, and he will be infamous and become a spurned person...

It took him hundreds of years to open a sect in the airspace and become a god. Can you really let go of it?

Shaking the fairy lowered his head and engaged in a fierce struggle inside. When she looked up, her expression had returned to calm, as if she had changed a person, and she said coldly:

"No one will believe in you." Shake the fairy and said coldly, "No matter how **** you are, no one believes in you."

"Haha..." The son-in-law laughed wildly.

"The so-called teaching Jinxian, a generation of masters, this is also the case... very good, I like people like you."

Shaking the fairy looked at her coldly. "You don't want to drag me, so that you will come to kill me?"

"Second people like you, how can I be willing to kill you."

Nvwa smiled and walked up, with a wicked smile on her face, looking up and down her: "You can live in the secluded space for so long, because I don't want to kill you... you are right, I am It’s the infamous zombie king. You are a teacher of Jin Xian and a master. You can push everything to me. No matter how I explain it, it’s useless...”

Shaking the fairy looked at her, and the heart began to feel a little faint.

Sure enough, the following sentence of the son-in-law is: "But, as soon as the Master of the Dust himself, they always believe."

"What!" Shake the fairy's body and shake it, almost unable to stand.

"You lied, the Master of the Dust has broken!"

Nüwa looked at her calmly. "At the moment when the relics are broken, I have taken away his god. I will also show the magic of the gods. If you are gathering, I will release his god. Tell me about this experience in person, how do you see it?"

"You...you lied, the **** of the monk, has been destroyed, does not exist!!" Shake the fairy suddenly excited. "You think that thing is jealous of me, don't think I will be fooled!"

"If you don't believe it, go back." The woman is not at all concerned.

Shaking the fairy turned and walked away, the son-in-law with a smile, and did not mean to block.

Shaking the fairy only walked a dozen meters away, slowly stood still, and said no to the head: "What do you want."

The son-in-law had already waited for this sentence, and patted her hand toward her and said, "I don't want anything, just you."

Shaking the fairy turned and looked at her strangely. Suddenly remembered what she said to let her win as a daughter-in-law, she immediately said: "If I let those anecdotes, I would rather plead guilty!"

"No, if I want you to do things that are ruined, you are better off confessing in public..." The son-in-law said to go to the front and raised a hand and put it on her face.

Shaking the fairy trembled and tried to resist, but wanted to see what she was going to do, so she tried to hold back.

The son-in-law touched her face for a while, and squeezed her hand. Suddenly she took her to her arms and slowly lowered her head and put her mouth up.

Shaking the fairy turned his head and said coldly: "You might as well kill me!"

"Haha, are you afraid?"

The son-in-law seems to be very interesting, loosen her and grin. "You can rest assured that I have no plans to grind the mirror, just to test whether you are willing to cooperate ... now you can go."

"Go?" Shake the fairy to wonder if he was wrong.

"Yes, you can go. Because I haven't thought about what you need to do for a while, you can go back and continue to be your star, and if you think of something, you will find you..."

Shaking the fairy opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. After all, he still sighed. Things are useless now.

"Otherwise, are you reluctant to me?" The son-in-law also posted it.

Shaking the fairy suddenly shot and hit her. The son-in-law was originally a god, and she was immediately shattered, but she did not care at all. In the process of fragmentation, she still grinned. "My fairy, you are waiting for me..."

After the goddess of the goddess disappeared. Shaking the fairy stood alone in the wilderness, tears streaming down the cheeks silently. Now, in retrospect, I was not as good as the son-in-law, and died with a dust mage.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world. Even if she is teaching Jin Jin, she has not changed her ability in time and space. What happened has already happened. Even if she pleads guilty in public, it is already late... However, there may be another way. go……

Shaking the fairy has been planning for a long time in the heart, and determined what he should do, and then he flew to the direction of Yunshan.

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