Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2590: The 2591 blood battle in the end 2

Their magical technique, called Jinjintianjie, is a spell uploaded by the cabinet ancestors. It is said that their ancestors and the three great celestial masters of the time were still in the world, and they used this method to trap a head in Guanjiangkou. The spell has been passed down into the poisonous scorpion of the demon, but it has been widely used today.

"Everyone, together with the implements, greeted the corpse, and there is no instrument to follow the three viewers. This is the only chance to kill the corpse. Even if there are more deaths and injuries, the corpse will not be allowed to go. Take off!"

Lishan's old mother shouted loudly, took the lead and held the dust, and made a magical flower sea against the win, trying to confuse the wisdom of winning the hook and destroying his will to resist.

"All the fallen soldiers today, the soul is not destroyed, he should wait for the emperor to return to the robbery, I will report to the emperor, and will be honored on the platform!"

Many of the soldiers had been somewhat reluctant, and they listened to Li’s mother, and they all cheered up and rushed toward the win...

"Fang Shentai, what is that?" Xiaobai looked around and said.

"The war between the ancient gods, you have not heard of it?" Lin Sansheng said.

All four frowned, and their faces were puzzled. In the battle of the gods, they have of course heard of it. They said that it was Wu Wang’s slashing, and Jiang Ziya led the singer Yang Yi to teach disciples, and the war with the Shang Wang, the last three teachings were involved, the gods and the war, the final three A total of the seal of the gods list ... live and dead have become God, even Shen Gongbao Shang Yu Wang have sealed God...

Although this legend has been widely spread, even the ordinary people of the country are relishing, and there are many related works of literature and art. However, in the magical world, it is not so recognized for the war of the gods. It is believed that there is war, and the magical world is at that time. It is also true that the war plays a decisive role, but there is absolutely no such thing as Fengshen. These are passed down, just a vivid and interesting legend.

"If you want to say it, don't sell it." Xiao Qing said coldly.

Lin Sansheng looked at the mouth of the gourd: a number of soldiers rushed up, various instruments emerged endlessly, greet the winning hook, and others gathered on the side of the three ropes, pulling the rope together.

The winning hook kept screaming and constantly trying to get out of control. The two sides fell into a stalemate at a time. This picture looks a lot like a group of people hunting, but this "prey" is much more powerful than the hunters.

"The war of the gods is known to everyone, but the battle of the gods in the world does not know the true and false. In the Qing Dynasty, there is indeed something similar. When the Qing Dynasty opened, the forces of the various parties seized the site. You also listened to this. At that time, Dongyue the Great built a Fengshentai in order to inspire people, so the dead and wounded Master, as long as they can find the name, are on the stage, the fines of these dead and wounded remain in the air, five hundred years After the reunion of the soul, you can rehabilitate before you live, and you don’t have to re-cultivate. This is one of them.

Second, all the creatures who boarded the Shentai can stay in the air forever, escape the control of the reincarnation and the yin, which is the biggest attraction for them. These are all I have heard in the airspace recently. These were all forgotten past events. I never thought that I would be mentioned again today. The Virgin knows how to buy people. ”

When the four people listened, they were amazed. Xiaobai asked: "Why did you get rid of the mystery of the womb?"

"Probably the power injected by Dongyue Emperor on the Fengshen stage. I guess."

"That...but these creatures are not already in the air, and the yin can't control them. What do you say behind them, what appeal can they have?"

Lin Sansheng smiled and said: "Most of the living beings come from the world. For the yin, it is just helpless. It does not mean that they have approved them. They also need a name. They can rest in the air and say everything. It will all become, who can guarantee that they will stay in the air forever? The last time the monarch did not change the rules, and the empty world is not allowed to leave the empty world."

The four people thought about it carefully. Besides, when the Qing Dynasty was just created, no one knew what it would be like in the future. It was able to get the promise of Dongyue the Great. At that time, everyone was eager to fight for his life.

"Where is that **** platform?" Xiaobai asked this question that everyone is most concerned about.

Lin Sansheng shrugged. "I said, this is a legend that has been forgotten. No one knows where the gods are."


"The Madonna said this to stabilize the hearts of the people and let them resent their lives." Lin Sansheng smiled slightly. "Even though no one knows where the gods are, but the Virgin is a disciple of Dongyue the Great, she said that everyone is believed." ”

"Does she know where the gods are?" Xiaoqing frowned.

Lin Sansheng said with a smile: "Most of it is a means, I don't think she really knows."

The four people were shocked, Xiao Baidao: "In the face of everyone, if it is impossible to honor, will not be afraid of committing public anger in the future?"

Lin Sansheng glanced at her and continued to look down at the battlefield and said: "According to her promise, all who can be on the platform are dead, dead... How to find her?"

Everyone is speechless.

Inside the gourd mouth, suddenly there was a scream, and the five people fixed their eyes to look down. It turned out that they won a few hooks and rushed to the front of the group. They wanted to rescue their companions. Broken, in front of this group of people spurt a thick corpse, waiting for the corpse to disperse, these few good-end guys are physically damaged, fine yet to spread, still keep the body The shape, then gradually spread out...

With a slap in the face, at least dozens of soldiers in the hands of the blade are madly hitting the back of the body. In the army, except for the special instruments, the rest are all uniform rifles and sabre, a remote A close-up, with a rune on it, has a damage bonus to the evil.

But now these long guns and sabers are used to win the hooks, the effect is very small, but these people did not give up, with the attitude of ants licking the elephant, going forward and rushing over, even if it does not cause any harm, at least it can contain some of it. Energetic, fight for time for several great masters.

The main attackers are the great masters of the Madonna, and their respective rumors.

Since the development of the war situation, there are no rules and rules. Everyone has what means to use it and greet him with a win.

Winning the hook is like a machine that devours life, using both hands and fingers, constantly swallowing the enemies around you, waiting for a new batch to come, still the same, and he has given him a chance to sweep a pile of soldiers with long claws. Liqian spirit, leaping, but Lishan old mother and so on have long been wary of this, the current strong spirit, together with the practice, pressed his life back, just fell in the deep pool, and immediately countless soldiers Come up...

(End of this chapter)

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