Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2602: 2603 old glass 2

Could it be that there is any power in the dark to guide yourself?

No matter what, it is a desperate situation, just try it.

The sound is not only unclear, but the mind is not restless, and the heart is not convinced that the **** is not working.

Among the gods, suddenly a light was emitted and projected into the knowledge of God. During the time, the pain has weakened a lot, and the spirit of Ye Shaoyang has been shaken.

I finally got up in one breath.

Ye Shaoyang saw hope, concentrated spirit and continued to recite the curse.

"What is this!" After seeing the aura, Hou Qing suddenly felt a soft power, resisting the invasion of the three corpse gods, and his heart was amazed.

This is not the power of the gods. What is this?

Just after the work of Houqing, the soft power has become stronger and stronger, and Houqing rushed to force, and the three corpse gods suddenly strengthened the offensive, exerting strong pressure on this force.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a whirlwind, this feeling is not pain, but... an indescribable sorrow, if you really want to describe it, it is like someone is constantly blowing into your stomach, but there is no place to discharge, with the belly Being caught more and more drums will burst sooner or later.

The pressure from the outside to the inside of the three corpse gods, and the inflated light of the body, the internal and external pressures, are constantly strengthening, and they can not hold each other for a while, which can bitter Ye Shaoyang.

Yuanshen, this is an invisible force, but at this moment, Ye Shaoyang seems to clearly feel the outline of the **** and the outer film.

It is the pressure on this layer of film that has brought pain to Ye Shaoyang, but for him, he also touched a life-saving straw in a desperate situation. Of course, he did not want to loosen it. Go on.

"What kind of spell is this, actually can stop my three corpse gods... However, your **** is not able to withstand the powerful power, as long as I continue to exert strength, your **** will burst."

If you are not mindful, you will forget both things and nature.

"Ye Shaoyang, you know, I never thought I would like a human woman, but cold jade... but it made me dream."

Ye Shaoyang heard the name of Lengyu, and involuntarily divided some attention to listen. The gods suddenly trembled, and the aura of the gods suddenly shrank and almost went out.

Hurry to converge on the mind, continue to chanting, and the glory is re-ignited.

He does not know whether this joint surgery can fight against the three corpse gods of Houqing, but the effect is not bad at present, the key is that there is no other way to use it, and can only continue to do so.

"Ye Shaoyang, you want to know, how did I get along with Lengyu for a while? You know, why did she marry me?" The matter of Fangcai, let Houqing see hope, think about it, use more sensitive The topic to attract his attention.

Do not listen or listen, Wang Ba Nian Jing... Ye Shaoyang tried not to think.

"Whether you believe it or not, we already have a skin kiss, not the kind you think, but there are not many... Ye Shaoyang, don't you believe it?"

Ye Shaoyang instead swears more seriously.

After Qing’s doubts, he soon wanted to understand: Ye Shaoyang did not believe it!

Do not believe, naturally there is no need to listen again.

After Qing thought about it, the words turned and said: "Do you know that Lengyu has a secret and never told you that because of this secret, she is willing to marry me..."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart trembled and tried not to listen.

No camp, longevity, decontamination, peace of mind...

The aura suddenly became weak, and after Qing’s heart was happy, a dark sigh, the three corpse gods broke out in an instant, and the spirits were forced to retreat. The blow of the gods, Ye Shaoyang’s god, appeared without protection. In front of me.

The image of the Yuanshen is the same as the deity. In the eyes of Hou Qing, Ye Shaoyang sat on the floor with his knees closed, his eyes closed and motionless.

"It's useless to make a mystery." Hou Qing slowly walked over, with a smile on his face, and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

When Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes, Hou Qing was shocked a little inside: Ye Shaoyang’s nephew was clear and calm, and he could not see a little panic.

"Are you really not afraid of death, or pretending to be calm?" After Qing Qing looked at him, "I have come to your gods, between the hands, can make you lose your spirits, you, not afraid?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and did not speak.

Anyway, let's end it all.

After Qing raised his hand, the index finger went to Ye Shaoyang's eyebrows.

"I will say goodbye to Leng Yu on your behalf..."

Under the touch of the finger, Ye Shaoyang's eyebrows immediately broke a long gap, and then the crack spread quickly and spread to the whole body.


The Yuanshen was completely shattered and turned into countless tiny fragments, emitting luster and falling.

The son of the day of the election, in the end is not dead in my hands... Wanqing, who is calm and calm, after killing Ye Shaoyang’s god, he couldn’t help but feel excited. There is an impulse to laugh and laugh.

Suddenly, Hou Qing felt a bit wrong, looking around, and his heart became more and more stunned: he clearly destroyed Ye Shaoyang’s god, and he said that the illusion he built with his gods should also collapse, but why is he still in his God knows?

Above the top of the head, suddenly there was a change of motion. Houqing hurriedly looked up, and a fire flew straight over. After Qing’s backhand blocked it, the fire hit him on his arm, and he shot countless sparks, and left and right fell behind Houqing, half empty. The mid-point split stopped and the Houqing group was surrounded.

how come!

After Qing was shocked, instinctively turned around and slammed into a group of Mars, screaming a glimmer of light, blocking him back, and then the aura was on the adjacent Mars, and then on these Mars. It spread quickly and produced a domino-like chain reaction.

After a while, a huge net was formed. Hou Qing is now in the middle of this net, looked around for a while, trying to pass through the mesh, and the result hit the aura, and was immediately bounced back.

"Impossible, how can there be such a spell in the world..." Hou Qing muttered to himself.

"This is not a spell." Ye Shaoyang's figure, coming from the void, with a cold smile on his face, slowly coming, passing through the middle of the net, the nearby aura disappeared immediately.

"You...how could you not die!" Houqing forced to keep calm and asked coldly.

"Because, I learned a mysterious spell." Ye Shaoyang reached out and grabbed a nearby Mars. Afterwards, Qing Qing came over, and Qing Qing escaped. After Qing Qing escaped, Ye Shaoyang did not care, waving his fingers, all The aura of the light moved and squeezed toward the back, and the Qing tried to resist, but was knocked back several times. Eventually, all the auras were pressed against Houqing, and he was wrapped like a scorpion.

(After the pain in the waist can not stand can not sit, write with a mobile phone ...)

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