Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2630: 2631 screening 2

Xiao Jiudao: "I estimate that he will need at least a year and a half to complete refining."

Biqing also agrees with this point of view.

"A year and a half... At that time, what can he be strong?"

Xiao Jiu Shen said: "This is not known because there is no precedent."

“Will it become as powerful as the ministers of the year?” asked Sibao.

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at Xiaojiu and found that her face was dignified, and her heart was stunned. "Is it true?"

Xiao Jiudao: "I still have that precedent, I don't know."

After a moment of silence, he said: "If he has blood, he can have the strength of the minister... that trouble is big."

"How powerful is the minister..."

"I have never seen it. I have only heard of some. The strength of the minister is not comparable to that of the ancient animals. If you put it today, it will not be a problem."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and looked at her. "You are not his opponent?"

Xiaojiu smiled. "Shaoyang, you lifted me too much. In the current era of law, I can still be the number one character in space, but the minister, with us, is definitely not on one level. No one in the whole empty world is him. The opponent, he is with Donghuang Taiyi, Dongyue the Great, these are a magnitude opponent."

These two are all gods who have opened up the world. Xiaojiu can compare the ministers with them, and it is enough to prove the strength of the minister.

"That said, if the post-Qing Qing is really successful in smelting blood, it is not difficult to slash the entire airspace?"

Little nodded, "There is no way to resist."

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang took a picture on Lin Sansheng's shoulder and said: "The military division, you have trouble here."

"One and a half years, the time is enough." Lin Sansheng handcuffed his beard, Shen Shen said: "The original war, this war can not be maintained for so long, before that, success or failure has long been fixed, a year later Then, let's see it again. If I can squash the airspace, I will drive the corpse back to the zero world and fully arm it. Even if the court is resurrected, it is not without the power of a war."

Lin Sansheng rushed Ye Shaoyang to smile. "There is nothing in the air sector. I have not mentioned it. I will ask you, what plans are there?"

"I plan... I haven’t thought about it yet, I’ll tell you what I want.”

Ye Shaoyang certainly has his own plans. He wants to find the cold jade first, then go with her to the wild world, or somewhere else, hide and live together...

This plan, he does not want to say it in public, although it is the most intimate person, but it is inevitable to persuade him how, his own idea has been set, just wait for the real cold, and then officially say it to everyone, to It is also a raw rice cooked rice, and everyone can't say anything.

Lin Sansheng seems to know his thoughts, smiles intriguingly at him, and is not clear. "Then I will leave now. What are you doing, look for me at any time."

Lin Sansheng dropped a few jade characters, bid farewell to everyone, and then broke open the void and broke into the air.

Ye Shaoyang said after drinking a can of beer, said to Lao Guo: "How about the flat head?"

Lao Guo held a cigar in his hand and took a big sip. He pumped his eyes and made a red, then spit it out. He hated and said: "I will take good care of him, help him practice, and strive to re-cultivate him before I die. fine."

Ordinary creatures want to become fine, what is needed is the opportunity. If it is just a bitter repair, there is no chance, even if it is the easiest psychic fox, weasel, it will take at least several decades...

"Senior brother, this is not appropriate for me. It is just... I don't want you to use the quick method, otherwise it is not a good thing for him."

Lao Guodao: "I know, I plan to help him absorb Yujin pulp on February 2."

Ye Shaoyang and others are shocked.

Yujin pulp... I haven’t heard this word for a long time.

In the lunar calendar, every four years, there is a moon, the lunar month of the lunar month, the moonlight night, the moonlight will be several times brighter than usual, and on this night, a large amount of jade pulp will be released, this is the ordinary month. The upgraded version of China, which absorbs one night, can last for decades of cultivation... For the human beings, it is a great opportunity.

However, Yujin Pulp does not land indiscriminately. Only under some special terrains, Yujin Pulp can be transformed into nutrients that can be absorbed by living creatures.

Within a hundred miles, there is only one place in this place, and the scope is very small, but the most important thing is that there seems to be a random force in control of all this, so that every place where Yujin pulp appears Differently, for thousands of years, the magical industry has been searching for the law of the landing position of Yujin Pulp, but it is known that it is generally between the uninhabited mountains and the real law.

Don't say that humans don't know, even if they are demon, they don't know the rules. Some of them have just opened a smart demon. In the coming month of Yujin Pulp, they will use an instinct to find the possibility to drop Yujin. The position of the pulp, once found, is equivalent to less cultivation for decades, although the slightly demon, there are some instinctive sensitivities in this area, but often find the wrong place.

Therefore, in the final analysis, Yujin Pulp is a godsend for the soul, mainly by hitting the Universiade.

"Guo brother, do you know where to drop Yujin pulp?" Ye Shaoyang listened to Lao Guo's words and was very curious.

"do not know."

Four treasures turned their eyes together. "Then you say a wool!"

"Because I don't know, I have to find it, try it. Anyway, there is still more than a month." Lao Guo looked confident.

That night, Ye Shaoyang originally wanted to leave the hospital. As a result, under the soft and hard foam of Zhou Jingru and others, she still promised to stay in the hospital for another night, but they all drove home. Since you are fine, of course you don't want everyone to be here.

In his ward, Ye Shaoyang talked with Xiao Jiuchang once. In fact, he was not a long talker. He just snuggled together and talked a little.

As for the battle that just ended, for them, there is really nothing to say about their relationship, it is life and death, and they will not thank each other for saving themselves in times of danger.

Although, Ye Shaoyang’s heart is grateful to Xiao Jiu, and also with a touch of sly...

In the middle of the night, Xiao Jiu reluctantly bid farewell to the Qingqiu Mountain.

Ye Shaoyang was lying alone in the hospital bed (Guaguai went out to play for the sake of improper light bulbs, and drove others out to play), recalling the passage of this battle, four words: thrilling.

Fortunately, the war is over, and the outcome is not bad, and the cold jade has been rescued.

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