Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2644: 2646 Invisible Zombies 2

In doing so, it is not for the purpose of harming the descendants, but this kind of Soul Soul, which can integrate the invading ghosts with the formation method, absorb the power of the ghosts, and constantly enhance the power of the formation.

Although it is said to protect the tomb owner, but this so-called soul squad is too sinister after all, the decent master is generally not doing, only to find evil masters...

In front of this ancient tomb, if it was really the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, it would be normal to use the Soul of the Soul. Moreover, it can’t be the general master who can be entrusted by the emperor. It is almost the level of the national division. of.

Ye Shaoyang and his party thought about each other for a while. Lao Guo took the lead and said: "I said that since there is such a strong lock-up array here, even the pony can be trapped, indicating that it is not the average person's handwriting. It may be the national school of the Qing Dynasty. Yes, things are a bit tricky."

Everyone has discussed it. I feel that it is useless to discuss these things. I still have to find a way to go down the tomb and probe the entire tomb. If there is any secret, I will naturally know.

"Guo brother, can you open this lock?" Ye Shaoyang moved this thought again.

Lao Guo walked to the iron gate and carefully checked the door lock for a while. He said: "It is better to have a cutting machine, etc., and you can try it with a chisel."

When I heard it, I immediately said, "I have a chisel in my car. The front end is the kind of diamond, I don't know if I can use it."

Lao Guo asked him to bring things to try.

The old autumn returned very quickly, not only with a chisel, but also with a screwdriver wrench. Lao Guo saw the chisel, and the front edge looked ok.

Lao Guo found a piece of granite nearby, inserted the chisel into the door seam, aligned the door lock, and let the four treasures forcefully.

A few of the men took turns, not to see that they were all masters of the means. It was really no skill to do this kind of work. A small door lock made it difficult for them to live.

The pony has been cheering for them on the side. It is actually a kind of schadenfreude. "The little leaves, you said, if I am alive, you will definitely give it to me." But unfortunately I am dead, haha, I am dead."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "I have been so awkward to hear this, I have never seen a person who is still dead and so happy."

"What happened to death? In this life, Laozi used to live. Have you died?"

Ye Shaoyang turned out to be speechless.

It took a lot of effort and finally broke the door lock. Several people were tired like a dog, spit their tongues, took a break, and then opened the door. Surprisingly, a thick stench was caught in the damp air, from this windowless The small house oozing out.


Ye Shaoyang was shocked and reached out to block everyone. Several people stood at the door and looked inside. It was dark and only faintly saw that the ground was full of water.

Lao Guo opened the flashlight that came with his mobile phone, and nodded three people.

Ye Shaoyang first went in.

Strong smell, smoked people can't open their eyes. This is not only the smell of the corpse corpse is very light, this is the real corpse smell.

Ye Shaoyang took over Guo’s cell phone and stepped on it while facing the closed concrete house. The room was empty, it might be leaking, there was a pool of water on the ground, and some deposited soil was only on the ground. There seems to be a figure in the corner of the wall.

Ye Shaoyang used the mobile phone to take photos of the past, is a person.


For the sake of safety, Ye Shaoyang turned a magical character into the past, and fell on this person. The person did not move, and the fire did not expand, indicating that this is a real dead body.

But where is the faint corpse here?

With the doubt, Ye Shaoyang walked over to the body.

The hair was unkempt and dry, and the person leaned against the wall halfway. The meat on the body had completely decomposed and broken down. There was only one cockroach left, and the clothes worn on the body were almost without any color, but still can be seen as a shirt and Jeans, clothes are riddled with holes, only the belt head is good end.

"It's a modern person." Lao Guo said with a nose.

Xiaomadao: "Crap, is it that the bodies in the tomb have climbed here?"

Ye Shaoyang observed the corpse, and suddenly the head of the corpse moved. Ye Shaoyang responded with a quick retreat. The result was a mouse crawling out of his mouth and looking at the aliens with a pair of green eyes. By.

The daring is to regard the body as its nest.

Ye Shaoyang took out a dry wormwood leaf, smashed two groups, stuffed it into his nostrils, and left the rest to the four treasures. He used the hook to hook the body's neck and pulled it to the side.

As a result, behind the corpse, there was a dense worm, the light was too dark, and there was no cockroaches or anything. Anyway, it was very disgusting.

Ye Shaoyang frowned and went back to the side, dragging the body with the hook, and flipping over, nothing. At this time, the voice of the four treasures came from behind: "Let's see."

Ye Shaoyang walked over, and Sibao was in front of a thing, using a mobile phone.

It is the shape of a well, but it is much larger than the average well. In the corner of the room, there is a manhole cover, iron, and tightly stitched on the well. There is no lock, but there are four inlaid on the cement floor. The rivets, which are attached to the manhole cover, are all welded together, and it is obvious that they have carefully crafted this thing.

"That's it, here's the graveyard, I just went in from here." The pony said on the side.

Ye Shaoyang knocked on the manhole cover with a hook and soul, and made a dull sound, indicating that the manhole cover was thick enough.

"Guo brother, can this be chiseled with a chisel?"

Lao Guo checked and smiled bitterly: "Can, the stone is worn by the water, and the twenty-eight chisel is coming. For a month, it will definitely be able to open."

Ye Shaoyang stood up and walked along the four corners of the room. He inspected the roof and the wall. He frowned and said, "In addition to the mouse hole, there is no entrance or exit here. Where is this body?" And this corpse is a modern man, obviously not in the tomb."

Everyone stunned, Wu Jiawei said: "That is after the house was built, the body was put in."

"Why put a corpse in?"

Everyone can't say it.

"Looking at the posture of this corpse is definitely not a normal death. I estimate that it may be that when the ancient tomb was blocked, something unusual happened, causing this person to die and die here, so stay here." Presumably.

"Why didn't you take the body away?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

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